adultinternetusers > References > VoiceSurf Clothing Reference |
Intro / Search / adultinternetusers |
Element: | emp |
Attributes: | | level | |
Parents: | | audio | choice | div | emp | enumerate | prompt | pros | |
Children: | | audio | break | div | emp | enumerate | pros | sayas | value | |
Description: | Go to Standard |
<prompt>Please <emp>say</emp> your city. </prompt> |
<prompt> This is <emp>also</emp> computer-generated text. <break size="medium"/> Do you like it? </prompt> |
<prompt> <audio src="welcome.wav"> <emp>Welcome</emp> to Voice Portal. </audio> </prompt> |
<choice next="http://www.stargazer.example/voice/astronews.vxml"> <prompt> <audio src="http://www.stargazer.example/space.wav"> Stargazer <emp>astrophysics</emp> news </audio> </prompt> </choice> |
<nomatch count="1"> To open the pod bay door, say your code phrase clearly. </nomatch> <nomatch count="2"> <prompt> This is your <emp>last</emp> chance. </prompt> </nomatch> <nomatch count="3"> Entrance denied. <exit/> </nomatch> |
<field name="lo_fat_meal" type="boolean"> <prompt> Do you want a low fat meal on this flight? </prompt> <help> Low fat means less than 10 grams of fat, and under 250 calories. </help> <filled> <prompt> I heard <emp> <value expr="lo_fat_meal"/> </emp>. </prompt> </filled> </field> |
<form id="no_bargein_form"> <property name="bargein" value="false"/> <block> <prompt> This introductory prompt cannot be barged into. </prompt> <prompt> And neither can this prompt. </prompt> <prompt bargein="true"> But this one <emp>can</emp> be barged into. </prompt> </block> … </form> |
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