ISOLAT2 Characters and Glyphs

Chapter 6: Entities, Characters and Fonts
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Named MathML Characters, ordered by Name
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NameUnicodeGlyphUnicode NameDescriptionAliases
abreve00103U00103LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE=small a, breve 
Abreve00102U00102LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE=capital A, breve 
amacr00101U00101LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON=small a, macron 
Amacr00100U00100LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON=capital A, macron 
aogon00105U00105LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK=small a, ogonek 
Aogon00104U00104LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK=capital A, ogonek 
cacute00107U00107LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE=small c, acute accent 
Cacute00106U00106LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE=capital C, acute accent 
ccaron0010DU0010DLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON=small c, caron 
Ccaron0010CU0010CLATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON=capital C, caron 
ccirc00109U00109LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small c, circumflex accent 
Ccirc00108U00108LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital C, circumflex accent 
cdot0010BU0010BLATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE=small c, dot above 
Cdot0010AU0010ALATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE=capital C, dot above 
dcaron0010FU0010FLATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON=small d, caron 
Dcaron0010EU0010ELATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON=capital D, caron 
dstrok00111U00111LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE=small d, stroke 
Dstrok00110U00110LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE=capital D, stroke 
ecaron0011BU0011BLATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON=small e, caron 
Ecaron0011AU0011ALATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON=capital E, caron 
edot00117U00117LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE=small e, dot above 
Edot00116U00116LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE=capital E, dot above 
emacr00113U00113LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON=small e, macron 
Emacr00112U00112LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON=capital E, macron 
eng0014BU0014BLATIN SMALL LETTER ENG=small eng, Lapp 
eogon00119U00119LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK=small e, ogonek 
Eogon00118U00118LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK=capital E, ogonek 
gacute001F5U001F5LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH ACUTE=small g, acute accent 
gbreve0011FU0011FLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE=small g, breve 
Gbreve0011EU0011ELATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE=capital G, breve 
Gcedil00122U00122LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA=capital G, cedilla 
gcirc0011DU0011DLATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small g, circumflex accent 
Gcirc0011CU0011CLATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital G, circumflex accent 
gdot00121U00121LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE=small g, dot above 
Gdot00120U00120LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE=capital G, dot above 
hcirc00125U00125LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small h, circumflex accent 
Hcirc00124U00124LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital H, circumflex accent 
hstrok00127U00127LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE=small h, stroke 
Hstrok00126U00126LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE=capital H, stroke 
Idot00130U00130LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE=capital I, dot above 
ijlig00133U00133LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ=small ij ligature 
IJlig00132U00132LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ=capital IJ ligature 
imacr0012BU0012BLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON=small i, macron 
Imacr0012AU0012ALATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON=capital I, macron 
inodot00131U00131LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I=small i without dot 
iogon0012FU0012FLATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK=small i, ogonek 
Iogon0012EU0012ELATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK=capital I, ogonek 
itilde00129U00129LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE=small i, tilde 
Itilde00128U00128LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE=capital I, tilde 
jcirc00135U00135LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small j, circumflex accent 
Jcirc00134U00134LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital J, circumflex accent 
kcedil00137U00137LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA=small k, cedilla 
Kcedil00136U00136LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA=capital K, cedilla 
kgreen00138U00138LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA=small k, Greenlandic 
lacute0013AU0013ALATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE=small l, acute accent 
Lacute00139U00139LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE=capital L, acute accent 
lcaron0013EU0013ELATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON=small l, caron 
Lcaron0013DU0013DLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON=capital L, caron 
lcedil0013CU0013CLATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA=small l, cedilla 
Lcedil0013BU0013BLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA=capital L, cedilla 
lmidot00140U00140LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT=small l, middle dot 
Lmidot0013FU0013FLATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT=capital L, middle dot 
lstrok00142U00142LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE=small l, stroke 
Lstrok00141U00141LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE=capital L, stroke 
nacute00144U00144LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE=small n, acute accent 
Nacute00143U00143LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE=capital N, acute accent 
napos00149U00149LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE=small n, apostrophe 
ncaron00148U00148LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON=small n, caron 
Ncaron00147U00147LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON=capital N, caron 
ncedil00146U00146LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA=small n, cedilla 
Ncedil00145U00145LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA=capital N, cedilla 
odblac00151U00151LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE=small o, double acute accent 
Odblac00150U00150LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE=capital O, double acute accent 
oelig00153U00153LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE=small oe ligature 
OElig00152U00152LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE=capital OE ligature 
omacr0014DU0014DLATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON=small o, macron 
Omacr0014CU0014CLATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON=capital O, macron 
racute00155U00155LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE=small r, acute accent 
Racute00154U00154LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE=capital R, acute accent 
rcaron00159U00159LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON=small r, caron 
Rcaron00158U00158LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON=capital R, caron 
rcedil00157U00157LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA=small r, cedilla 
Rcedil00156U00156LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA=capital R, cedilla 
sacute0015BU0015BLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE=small s, acute accent 
Sacute0015AU0015ALATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE=capital S, acute accent 
scaron00161U00161LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON=small s, caron 
Scaron00160U00160LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON=capital S, caron 
scedil0015FU0015FLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA=small s, cedilla 
Scedil0015EU0015ELATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA=capital S, cedilla 
scirc0015DU0015DLATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small s, circumflex accent 
Scirc0015CU0015CLATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital S, circumflex accent 
tcaron00165U00165LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON=small t, caron 
Tcaron00164U00164LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON=capital T, caron 
tcedil00163U00163LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA=small t, cedilla 
Tcedil00162U00162LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA=capital T, cedilla 
tstrok00167U00167LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE=small t, stroke 
Tstrok00166U00166LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE=capital T, stroke 
ubreve0016DU0016DLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE=small u, breve 
Ubreve0016CU0016CLATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE=capital U, breve 
udblac00171U00171LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE=small u, double acute accent 
Udblac00170U00170LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE=capital U, double acute accent 
umacr0016BU0016BLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON=small u, macron 
Umacr0016AU0016ALATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON=capital U, macron 
uogon00173U00173LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK=small u, ogonek 
Uogon00172U00172LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK=capital U, ogonek 
uring0016FU0016FLATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE=small u, ring 
utilde00169U00169LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE=small u, tilde 
Utilde00168U00168LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE=capital U, tilde 
wcirc00175U00175LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small w, circumflex accent 
Wcirc00174U00174LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital W, circumflex accent 
ycirc00177U00177LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX=small y, circumflex accent 
Ycirc00176U00176LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX=capital Y, circumflex accent 
Yuml00178U00178LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS=capital Y, dieresis or umlaut mark 
zacute0017AU0017ALATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE=small z, acute accent 
Zacute00179U00179LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE=capital Z, acute accent 
zcaron0017EU0017ELATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON=small z, caron 
Zcaron0017DU0017DLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON=capital Z, caron 
zdot0017CU0017CLATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE=small z, dot above 
Zdot0017BU0017BLATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE=capital Z, dot above 

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On a more subjective scale, I prefer button overlays to cutouts. With the latter design, cases leave holes around the volume buttons, the Sleep/Wake button, and usually the Ring/Silent switch. I find the Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton iPhone’s buttons harder to press through such tiny gaps; I prefer a “surface-level” hardware button that doesn’t require squeezing the tip of my finger into a small space.

On the average smartphone, sharing music or a video with friends is a frustrating experience. A tiny speaker will tame even the most ferocious track. But the new HTC cover case captures up to 20 photos and a 3-second video—a picture that’s alive.

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I’ve looked at many battery cases or the iPhone5 external battery All of them plug into your iPhone’s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone’s built-in battery. The best earning money online should be easy to toggle on and off, simple to charge, and capable of providing a good indication of how much battery life remains in the case. Oh, and of course, they should provide a lot of extra juice.

On a more subjective scale, I prefer button overlays to cutouts. With the latter design, cases leave holes around the volume buttons, the Sleep/Wake button, and usually the Ring/Silent switch. I find the Sandals from hawaii iPhone’s buttons harder to press through such tiny gaps; I prefer a “surface-level” hardware button that doesn’t require squeezing the tip of my finger into a small space.

Get the new htc extended battery case captures up to 20 photos and a 3-second video—a picture that’s alive. On the average smartphone, sharing music or a video with friends is a frustrating experience. Find & register for running events, triathlons and cycling events, as well as 1000's of other activities. Your source for race results for thousands of running events

Billabong Hurley Volcom ’s built-in battery. The best earning money online should be easy to toggle on and off, simple to charge, and capable of providing a good indication of how much battery life remains in the case. Oh, and of course, they should provide a lot of extra juice.

On a more subjective scale, I prefer button overlays to cutouts. With the latter design, cases leave holes around the volume buttons, the Sleep/Wake button, and usually the Ring/Silent switch. I find the Sandals from hawaii iPhone’s buttons harder to press through such tiny gaps; I prefer a “surface-level” hardware button that doesn’t require squeezing the tip of my finger into a small space.

Get the new htc extended battery case captures up to 20 photos and a 3-second video—a picture that’s alive. On the average smartphone, sharing music or a video with friends is a frustrating experience. Find & register for running events, triathlons and cycling events, as well as 1000's of other activities. Your source for race results for thousands of running events

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