Chapter 6: Entities, Characters and Fonts
All, by codes
aacute, U000E1, =small a, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE] Aacute, U000C1, =capital A, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE] abreve, U00103, =small a, breve, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH BREVE] Abreve, U00102, =capital A, breve, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE] ac, U0290F, most positive, [RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW] acd, U0223F, ac current, [SINE WAVE] acE, U029DB, most positive, two lines below, [MOST POSITIVE, TWO LINES BELOW] acirc, U000E2, =small a, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Acirc, U000C2, =capital A, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX] acute, U000B4, =acute accent, [ACUTE ACCENT] acy, U00430, =small a, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A] Acy, U00410, =capital A, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A] aelig, U000E6, =small ae diphthong (ligature), [LATIN SMALL LETTER AE] AElig, U000C6, =capital AE diphthong (ligature), [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE] af, U02061, character showing function application in presentation tagging, [FUNCTION APPLICATION] afr, U1D51E, /frak a, lower case a, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL A] Afr, U1D504, /frak A, upper case a, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL A] agrave, U000E0, =small a, grave accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE] Agrave, U000C0, =capital A, grave accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE] aleph, U02135, /aleph aleph, Hebrew, [ALEF SYMBOL] alpha, U003B1, /alpha small alpha, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA] amacr, U00101, =small a, macron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH MACRON] Amacr, U00100, =capital A, macron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON] amalg, U02A3F, /amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct, [AMALGAMATION OR COPRODUCT] amp, U00026, =ampersand, [AMPERSAND] and, U02227, /wedge /land B: logical and, [LOGICAL AND] And, U02A53, dbl logical and, [DOUBLE LOGICAL AND] andand, U02A55, two logical and, [TWO INTERSECTING LOGICAL AND] andd, U02A5C, and, horizontal dash, [LOGICAL AND WITH HORIZONTAL DASH] andslope, U02A58, sloping large and, [SLOPING LARGE AND] andv, U02A5A, and with middle stem, [LOGICAL AND WITH MIDDLE STEM] ang, U02220, /angle - angle, [ANGLE] ange, U029A4, angle, equal, [ANGLE WITH UNDERBAR] angle, U02220, alias ISOAMSO ang, [ANGLE] angmsd, U02221, /measuredangle - angle-measured, [MEASURED ANGLE] angmsdaa, U029A8, angle-measured, arrow, up, right, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING UP AND TO THE RIGHT] angmsdab, U029A9, angle-measured, arrow, up, left, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING UP AND TO THE LEFT] angmsdac, U029AA, angle-measured, arrow, down, right, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING DOWN AND TO THE RIGHT] angmsdad, U029AB, angle-measured, arrow, down, left, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING DOWN AND TO THE LEFT] angmsdae, U029AC, angle-measured, arrow, right, up, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING RIGHT AND UP] angmsdaf, U029AD, angle-measured, arrow, left, up, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING LEFT AND UP] angmsdag, U029AE, angle-measured, arrow, right, down, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING RIGHT AND DOWN] angmsdah, U029AF, angle-measured, arrow, left, down, [MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING LEFT AND DOWN] angrt, U0221F, right (90 degree) angle, [RIGHT ANGLE] angrtvb, U0299D-0FE00, right angle-measured, [no unicode description] angrtvbd, U0299D, right angle-measured, dot, [MEASURED RIGHT ANGLE WITH DOT] angsph, U02222, /sphericalangle angle-spherical, [SPHERICAL ANGLE] angst, U0212B, Angstrom capital A, ring, [ANGSTROM SIGN] angzarr, U0237C, angle with down zig-zag arrow, [RIGHT ANGLE WITH DOWNWARDS ZIGZAG ARROW] aogon, U00105, =small a, ogonek, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH OGONEK] Aogon, U00104, =capital A, ogonek, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK] aopf, U1D552, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL A] Aopf, U1D538, /Bbb A, open face A, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL A] ap, U02248, /approx R: approximate, [ALMOST EQUAL TO] apacir, U02A6F, approximate, circumflex accent, [ALMOST EQUAL TO WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT] ape, U0224A, /approxeq R: approximate, equals, [ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO] apE, U0224A, approximately equal or equal to, [ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO] apid, U0224B, approximately identical to, [TRIPLE TILDE] apos, U00027, =apostrophe, [APOSTROPHE] ApplyFunction, U02061, character showing function application in presentation tagging, [FUNCTION APPLICATION] approx, U02248, alias ISOTECH ap, [ALMOST EQUAL TO] approxeq, U0224A, alias ISOAMSR ape, [ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO] aring, U000E5, =small a, ring, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE] Aring, U000C5, =capital A, ring, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE] ascr, U1D4B6, /scr a, script letter a, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL A] Ascr, U1D49C, /scr A, script letter A, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL A] Assign, U02254, assignment operator, alias ISOAMSR colone, [COLON EQUALS] ast, U0002A, /ast B: =asterisk, [ASTERISK] asymp, U0224D, /asymp R: asymptotically equal to, [EQUIVALENT TO] atilde, U000E3, =small a, tilde, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE] Atilde, U000C3, =capital A, tilde, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE] auml, U000E4, =small a, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS] Auml, U000C4, =capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS] awconint, U02233, contour integral, anti-clockwise, [ANTICLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL] awint, U02A11, anti clock-wise integration, [ANTICLOCKWISE INTEGRATION] backcong, U0224C, alias ISOAMSR bcong, [ALL EQUAL TO] backepsilon, U003F6, alias ISOAMSR bepsi, [GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL] backprime, U02035, alias ISOAMSO bprime, [REVERSED PRIME] backsim, U0223D, alias ISOAMSR bsim, [REVERSED TILDE] backsimeq, U022CD, alias ISOAMSR bsime, [REVERSED TILDE EQUALS] Backslash, U02216, alias ISOAMSB setmn, [SET MINUS] Barv, U02AE7, vert, dbl bar (over), [SHORT DOWN TACK WITH OVERBAR] barvee, U022BD, bar, vee, [NOR] barwed, U022BC, /barwedge B: logical and, bar above, [NAND] Barwed, U02306, /doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar above, [PERSPECTIVE] barwedge, U022BC, alias ISOAMSB barwed, [NAND] bbrk, U023B5, bottom square bracket, [BOTTOM SQUARE BRACKET] bcong, U0224C, /backcong R: reverse congruent, [ALL EQUAL TO] bcy, U00431, =small be, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE] Bcy, U00411, =capital BE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE] becaus, U02235, /because R: because, [BECAUSE] because, U02235, alias ISOTECH becaus, [BECAUSE] Because, U02235, alias ISOTECH becaus, [BECAUSE] bemptyv, U029B0, reversed circle, slash, [REVERSED EMPTY SET] bepsi, U003F6, /backepsilon R: such that, [GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL] bernou, U0212C, Bernoulli function (script capital B), [SCRIPT CAPITAL B] Bernoullis, U0212C, alias ISOTECH bernou, [SCRIPT CAPITAL B] beta, U003B2, /beta small beta, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA] beth, U02136, /beth - beth, Hebrew, [BET SYMBOL] between, U0226C, alias ISOAMSR twixt, [BETWEEN] bfr, U1D51F, /frak b, lower case b, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL B] Bfr, U1D505, /frak B, upper case b, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL B] bigcap, U022C2, alias ISOAMSB xcap, [N-ARY INTERSECTION] bigcirc, U025EF, alias ISOAMSB xcirc, [LARGE CIRCLE] bigcup, U022C3, alias ISOAMSB xcup, [N-ARY UNION] bigodot, U02299, alias ISOAMSB xodot, [CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR] bigoplus, U02295, alias ISOAMSB xoplus, [CIRCLED PLUS] bigotimes, U02297, alias ISOAMSB xotime, [CIRCLED TIMES] bigsqcup, U02294, alias ISOAMSB xsqcup, [SQUARE CUP] bigstar, U02605, ISOPUB starf, [BLACK STAR] bigtriangledown, U025BD, alias ISOAMSB xdtri, [WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE] bigtriangleup, U025B3, alias ISOAMSB xutri, [WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE] biguplus, U0228E, alias ISOAMSB xuplus, [MULTISET UNION] bigvee, U022C1, alias ISOAMSB xvee, [N-ARY LOGICAL OR] bigwedge, U022C0, alias ISOAMSB xwedge, [N-ARY LOGICAL AND] bkarow, U0290D, alias ISOAMSA rbarr, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW] blacklozenge, U029EB, alias ISOPUB lozf, [FILLED LOZENGE] blacksquare, U025AA, ISOTECH squarf, [BLACK SMALL SQUARE] blacktriangle, U025B4, alias ISOPUB utrif, [BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] blacktriangledown, U025BE, alias ISOPUB dtrif, [BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] blacktriangleleft, U025C2, alias ISOPUB ltrif, [BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] blacktriangleright, U025B8, alias ISOPUB rtrif, [BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] blank, U02423, =significant blank symbol, [OPEN BOX] blk12, U02592, =50% shaded block, [MEDIUM SHADE] blk14, U02591, =25% shaded block, [LIGHT SHADE] blk34, U02593, =75% shaded block, [DARK SHADE] block, U02588, =full block, [FULL BLOCK] bne, U0003D-020E5, reverse not equal, [REVERSE NOT EQUAL] bnequiv, U02261-020E5, reverse not equivalent, [REVERSE NOT EQUIVALENT] bnot, U02310, reverse not, [REVERSED NOT SIGN] bNot, U02AED, reverse not with two horizontal strokes, [REVERSED DOUBLE STROKE NOT SIGN] bopf, U1D553, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL B] Bopf, U1D539, /Bbb B, open face B, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL B] bot, U022A5, alias ISOTECH bottom, [UP TACK] bottom, U022A5, /bot bottom, [UP TACK] bowtie, U022C8, /bowtie R:, [BOWTIE] boxbox, U029C9, two joined squares, [TWO JOINED SQUARES] boxdl, U02510, lower left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT] boxdL, U02555, lower left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE] boxDl, U02556, lower left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE] boxDL, U02557, lower left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT] boxdr, U0250C, lower right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT] boxdR, U02552, lower right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE] boxDr, U02553, lower right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE] boxDR, U02554, lower right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT] boxh, U02500, horizontal line, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL] boxH, U02550, horizontal line, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL] boxhd, U0252C, lower left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL] boxhD, U02565, lower left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE] boxHd, U02564, lower left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE] boxHD, U02566, lower left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL] boxhu, U02534, upper left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL] boxhU, U02568, upper left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE] boxHu, U02567, upper left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE] boxHU, U02569, upper left and right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL] boxminus, U0229F, alias ISOAMSB minusb, [SQUARED MINUS] boxplus, U0229E, alias ISOAMSB plusb, [SQUARED PLUS] boxtimes, U022A0, alias ISOAMSB timesb, [SQUARED TIMES] boxul, U02518, upper left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT] boxuL, U0255B, upper left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE] boxUl, U0255C, upper left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE] boxUL, U0255D, upper left quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT] boxur, U02514, upper right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT] boxuR, U02558, upper right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE] boxUr, U02559, upper right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE] boxUR, U0255A, upper right quadrant, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT] boxv, U02502, vertical line, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL] boxV, U02551, vertical line, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL] boxvh, U0253C, all four quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL] boxvH, U0256A, all four quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE] boxVh, U0256B, all four quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE] boxVH, U0256C, all four quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL] boxvl, U02524, upper and lower left quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT] boxvL, U02561, upper and lower left quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE] boxVl, U02562, upper and lower left quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE] boxVL, U02563, upper and lower left quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT] boxvr, U0251C, upper and lower right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT] boxvR, U0255E, upper and lower right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE] boxVr, U0255F, upper and lower right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE] boxVR, U02560, upper and lower right quadrants, [BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT] bprime, U02035, /backprime - reverse prime, [REVERSED PRIME] breve, U002D8, =breve, [BREVE] Breve, U002D8, alias ISODIA breve, [BREVE] brvbar, U000A6, =broken (vertical) bar, [BROKEN BAR] bscr, U1D4B7, /scr b, script letter b, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL B] Bscr, U0212C, /scr B, script letter B, [SCRIPT CAPITAL B] bsemi, U0204F, reverse semi-colon, [REVERSED SEMICOLON] bsim, U0223D, /backsim R: reverse similar, [REVERSED TILDE] bsime, U022CD, /backsimeq R: reverse similar, eq, [REVERSED TILDE EQUALS] bsol, U0005C, /backslash =reverse solidus, [REVERSE SOLIDUS] bsolb, U029C5, reverse solidus in square, [SQUARED FALLING DIAGONAL SLASH] bsolhsub, U0005C-02282, reverse solidus, subset, [REVERSE SOLIDUS, SUBSET] bull, U02022, /bullet B: =round bullet, filled, [BULLET] bullet, U02022, alias ISOPUB bull, [BULLET] bump, U0224E, /Bumpeq R: bumpy equals, [GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO] bumpe, U0224F, /bumpeq R: bumpy equals, equals, [DIFFERENCE BETWEEN] bumpE, U02AAE, bump, equals, [EQUALS SIGN WITH BUMPY ABOVE] bumpeq, U0224F, alias ISOAMSR bumpe, [DIFFERENCE BETWEEN] Bumpeq, U0224E, alias ISOAMSR bump, [GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO] cacute, U00107, =small c, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH ACUTE] Cacute, U00106, =capital C, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE] cap, U02229, /cap B: intersection, [INTERSECTION] Cap, U022D2, /Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection, [DOUBLE INTERSECTION] capand, U02A44, intersection, and, [INTERSECTION WITH LOGICAL AND] capbrcup, U02A49, intersection, bar, union, [INTERSECTION ABOVE BAR ABOVE UNION] capcap, U02A4B, intersection, intersection, joined, [INTERSECTION BESIDE AND JOINED WITH INTERSECTION] capcup, U02A47, intersection above union, [INTERSECTION ABOVE UNION] capdot, U02A40, intersection, with dot, [INTERSECTION WITH DOT] CapitalDifferentialD, U02145, D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D] caps, U02229-0FE00, intersection, serifs, [INTERSECTION, SERIFS] caret, U02041, =caret (insertion mark), [CARET INSERTION POINT] caron, U002C7, =caron, [CARON] Cayleys, U0212D, the non-associative ring of octonions or Cayley numbers, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C] ccaps, U02A4D, closed intersection, serifs, [CLOSED INTERSECTION WITH SERIFS] ccaron, U0010D, =small c, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CARON] Ccaron, U0010C, =capital C, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON] ccedil, U000E7, =small c, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA] Ccedil, U000C7, =capital C, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA] ccirc, U00109, =small c, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Ccirc, U00108, =capital C, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Cconint, U02230, triple contour integral operator, [VOLUME INTEGRAL] ccups, U02A4C, closed union, serifs, [CLOSED UNION WITH SERIFS] ccupssm, U02A50, closed union, serifs, smash product, [CLOSED UNION WITH SERIFS AND SMASH PRODUCT] cdot, U0010B, =small c, dot above, [LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE] Cdot, U0010A, =capital C, dot above, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE] cedil, U000B8, =cedilla, [CEDILLA] Cedilla, U000B8, alias ISODIA cedil, [CEDILLA] cemptyv, U029B2, circle, slash, small circle above, [EMPTY SET WITH SMALL CIRCLE ABOVE] cent, U000A2, =cent sign, [CENT SIGN] centerdot, U000B7, alias ISONUM middot, [MIDDLE DOT] CenterDot, U000B7, alias ISONUM middot, [MIDDLE DOT] cfr, U1D520, /frak c, lower case c, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL C] Cfr, U0212D, /frak C, upper case c, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C] chcy, U00447, =small che, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE] CHcy, U00427, =capital CHE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE] check, U02713, /checkmark =tick, check mark, [CHECK MARK] checkmark, U02713, alias ISOPUB check, [CHECK MARK] chi, U003C7, /chi small chi, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI] cir, U025CB, /circ B: =circle, open, [WHITE CIRCLE] circ, U0005E, circumflex accent, [CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT] circeq, U02257, alias ISOAMSR cire, [RING EQUAL TO] circlearrowleft, U021BA, alias ISOAMSA olarr, [ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW] circlearrowright, U021BB, alias ISOAMSA orarr, [CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW] circledast, U0229B, alias ISOAMSB oast, [CIRCLED ASTERISK OPERATOR] circledcirc, U0229A, alias ISOAMSB ocir, [CIRCLED RING OPERATOR] circleddash, U0229D, alias ISOAMSB odash, [CIRCLED DASH] CircleDot, U02299, alias ISOAMSB odot, [CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR] circledR, U000AE, alias ISONUM reg, [REGISTERED SIGN] circledS, U024C8, alias ISOAMSO oS, [CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S] CircleMinus, U02296, alias ISOAMSB ominus, [CIRCLED MINUS] CirclePlus, U02295, alias ISOAMSB oplus, [CIRCLED PLUS] CircleTimes, U02297, alias ISOAMSB otimes, [CIRCLED TIMES] cire, U02257, /circeq R: circle, equals, [RING EQUAL TO] cirE, U029C3, circle, two horizontal stroked to the right, [CIRCLE WITH TWO HORIZONTAL STROKES TO THE RIGHT] cirfnint, U02A10, circulation function, [CIRCULATION FUNCTION] cirmid, U02AEF, circle, mid below, [VERTICAL LINE WITH CIRCLE ABOVE] cirscir, U029C2, circle, small circle to the right, [CIRCLE WITH SMALL CIRCLE TO THE RIGHT] ClockwiseContourIntegral, U02232, alias ISOTECH cwconint, [CLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL] CloseCurlyDoubleQuote, U0201D, alias ISONUM rdquo, [RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK] CloseCurlyQuote, U02019, alias ISONUM rsquo, [RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] clubs, U02663, /clubsuit =club suit symbol, [BLACK CLUB SUIT] clubsuit, U02663, ISOPUB clubs, [BLACK CLUB SUIT] colon, U0003A, /colon P:, [COLON] Colon, U02237, /Colon, two colons, [PROPORTION] colone, U02254, /coloneq R: colon, equals, [COLON EQUALS] Colone, U02A74, double colon, equals, [DOUBLE COLON EQUAL] coloneq, U02254, alias ISOAMSR colone, [COLON EQUALS] comma, U0002C, P: =comma, [COMMA] commat, U00040, =commercial at, [COMMERCIAL AT] comp, U02201, /complement - complement sign, [COMPLEMENT] compfn, U02218, /circ B: composite function (small circle), [RING OPERATOR] complement, U02201, alias ISOAMSO comp, [COMPLEMENT] complexes, U02102, the field of complex numbers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C] cong, U02245, /cong R: congruent with, [APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO] congdot, U02A6D, congruent, dot, [CONGRUENT WITH DOT ABOVE] Congruent, U02261, alias ISOTECH equiv, [IDENTICAL TO] conint, U0222E, /oint L: contour integral operator, [CONTOUR INTEGRAL] Conint, U0222F, double contour integral operator, [SURFACE INTEGRAL] ContourIntegral, U0222E, alias ISOTECH conint, [CONTOUR INTEGRAL] copf, U1D554, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL C] Copf, U02102, /Bbb C, open face C, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C] coprod, U02210, /coprod L: coproduct operator, [N-ARY COPRODUCT] Coproduct, U02210, alias ISOAMSB coprod, [N-ARY COPRODUCT] copy, U000A9, =copyright sign, [COPYRIGHT SIGN] copysr, U02117, =sound recording copyright sign, [SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT] CounterClockwiseContourIntegral, U02233, alias ISOTECH awconint, [ANTICLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL] cross, U02717, =ballot cross, [BALLOT X] Cross, U02A2F, cross or vector product, [VECTOR OR CROSS PRODUCT] cscr, U1D4B8, /scr c, script letter c, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL C] Cscr, U1D49E, /scr C, script letter C, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL C] csub, U02ACF, subset, closed, [CLOSED SUBSET] csube, U02AD1, subset, closed, equals, [CLOSED SUBSET OR EQUAL TO] csup, U02AD0, superset, closed, [CLOSED SUPERSET] csupe, U02AD2, superset, closed, equals, [CLOSED SUPERSET OR EQUAL TO] ctdot, U022EF, /cdots, three dots, centered, [MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS] cudarrl, U02938, left, curved, down arrow, [RIGHT-SIDE ARC CLOCKWISE ARROW] cudarrr, U02935, right, curved, down arrow, [ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING DOWNWARDS] cuepr, U022DE, /curlyeqprec R: curly eq, precedes, [EQUAL TO OR PRECEDES] cuesc, U022DF, /curlyeqsucc R: curly eq, succeeds, [EQUAL TO OR SUCCEEDS] cularr, U021B6, /curvearrowleft A: left curved arrow, [ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW] cularrp, U0293D, curved left arrow with plus, [TOP ARC ANTICLOCKWISE ARROW WITH PLUS] cup, U0222A, /cup B: union or logical sum, [UNION] Cup, U022D3, /Cup /doublecup B: dbl union, [DOUBLE UNION] cupbrcap, U02A48, union, bar, intersection, [UNION ABOVE BAR ABOVE INTERSECTION] cupcap, U02A46, union above intersection, [UNION ABOVE INTERSECTION] CupCap, U0224D, alias ISOAMSR asymp, [EQUIVALENT TO] cupcup, U02A4A, union, union, joined, [UNION BESIDE AND JOINED WITH UNION] cupdot, U0228D, union, with dot, [MULTISET MULTIPLICATION] cupor, U02A45, union, or, [UNION WITH LOGICAL OR] cups, U0222A-0FE00, union, serifs, [UNION, SERIFS] curarr, U021B7, /curvearrowright A: rt curved arrow, [CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW] curarrm, U0293C, curved right arrow with minus, [TOP ARC CLOCKWISE ARROW WITH MINUS] curlyeqprec, U022DE, alias ISOAMSR cuepr, [EQUAL TO OR PRECEDES] curlyeqsucc, U022DF, alias ISOAMSR cuesc, [EQUAL TO OR SUCCEEDS] curlyvee, U022CE, alias ISOAMSB cuvee, [CURLY LOGICAL OR] curlywedge, U022CF, alias ISOAMSB cuwed, [CURLY LOGICAL AND] curren, U000A4, =general currency sign, [CURRENCY SIGN] curvearrowleft, U021B6, alias ISOAMSA cularr, [ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW] curvearrowright, U021B7, alias ISOAMSA curarr, [CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW] cuvee, U022CE, /curlyvee B: curly logical or, [CURLY LOGICAL OR] cuwed, U022CF, /curlywedge B: curly logical and, [CURLY LOGICAL AND] cwconint, U02232, contour integral, clockwise, [CLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL] cwint, U02231, clockwise integral, [CLOCKWISE INTEGRAL] cylcty, U0232D, cylindricity, [CYLINDRICITY] dagger, U02020, /dagger B: =dagger, [DAGGER] dagger, U02020, /dagger B: dagger relation, [DAGGER] Dagger, U02021, /ddagger B: =double dagger, [DOUBLE DAGGER] Dagger, U02021, /ddagger B: double dagger relation, [DOUBLE DAGGER] daleth, U02138, /daleth - daleth, Hebrew, [DALET SYMBOL] darr, U02193, /downarrow A: =downward arrow, [DOWNWARDS ARROW] dArr, U021D3, /Downarrow A: down dbl arrow, [DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] Darr, U021A1, down two-headed arrow, [DOWNWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] dash, U02010, =hyphen (true graphic), [HYPHEN] dashv, U022A3, /dashv R: dash, vertical, [LEFT TACK] Dashv, U02AE4, dbl dash, vertical, [VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE LEFT TURNSTILE] dbkarow, U0290F, alias ISOAMSA rBarr, [RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW] dblac, U002DD, =double acute accent, [DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT] dcaron, U0010F, =small d, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH CARON] Dcaron, U0010E, =capital D, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON] dcy, U00434, =small de, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE] Dcy, U00414, =capital DE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE] dd, U02146, d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D] DD, U02145, D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D] ddagger, U02021, alias ISOPUB Dagger, [DOUBLE DAGGER] ddarr, U021CA, /downdownarrows A: two down arrows, [DOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] DDotrahd, U02911, right arrow with dotted stem, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH DOTTED STEM] ddotseq, U02A77, alias ISOAMSR eDDot, [EQUALS SIGN WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE AND TWO DOTS BELOW] deg, U000B0, =degree sign, [DEGREE SIGN] Del, U02207, alias ISOTECH nabla, [NABLA] delta, U003B4, /delta small delta, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA] Delta, U00394, /Delta capital Delta, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA] demptyv, U029B1, circle, slash, bar above, [EMPTY SET WITH OVERBAR] dfisht, U0297F, down fish tail, [DOWN FISH TAIL] dfr, U1D521, /frak d, lower case d, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL D] Dfr, U1D507, /frak D, upper case d, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL D] dHar, U02965, down harpoon-left, down harpoon-right, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] dharl, U021C3, /downharpoonleft A: dn harpoon-left, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] dharr, U021C2, /downharpoonright A: down harpoon-rt, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] DiacriticalAcute, U000B4, alias ISODIA acute, [ACUTE ACCENT] DiacriticalDot, U002D9, alias ISODIA dot, [DOT ABOVE] DiacriticalDoubleAcute, U002DD, alias ISODIA dblac, [DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT] DiacriticalGrave, U00060, alias ISODIA grave, [GRAVE ACCENT] DiacriticalTilde, U002DC, alias ISODIA tilde, [SMALL TILDE] diam, U022C4, /diamond B: open diamond, [DIAMOND OPERATOR] diamond, U022C4, alias ISOAMSB diam, [DIAMOND OPERATOR] Diamond, U022C4, alias ISOAMSB diam, [DIAMOND OPERATOR] diamondsuit, U02666, ISOPUB diams, [BLACK DIAMOND SUIT] diams, U02666, /diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol, [BLACK DIAMOND SUIT] die, U000A8, =dieresis, [DIAERESIS] DifferentialD, U02146, d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D] digamma, U003DC, alias ISOGRK3 gammad, [GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA] disin, U022F2, set membership, long horizontal stroke, [ELEMENT OF WITH LONG HORIZONTAL STROKE] div, U000F7, alias ISONUM divide, [DIVISION SIGN] divide, U000F7, /div B: =divide sign, [DIVISION SIGN] divideontimes, U022C7, alias ISOAMSB divonx, [DIVISION TIMES] divonx, U022C7, /divideontimes B: division on times, [DIVISION TIMES] djcy, U00452, =small dje, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE] DJcy, U00402, =capital DJE, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE] dlcorn, U0231E, /llcorner O: lower left corner, [BOTTOM LEFT CORNER] dlcrop, U0230D, downward left crop mark, [BOTTOM LEFT CROP] dollar, U00024, =dollar sign, [DOLLAR SIGN] dopf, U1D555, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL D] Dopf, U1D53B, /Bbb D, open face D, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL D] dot, U002D9, =dot above, [DOT ABOVE] Dot, U000A8, dieresis or umlaut mark, [DIAERESIS] DotDot, U020DC, four dots above, [COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE] doteq, U02250, alias ISOAMSR esdot, [APPROACHES THE LIMIT] doteqdot, U02251, alias ISOAMSR eDot, [GEOMETRICALLY EQUAL TO] DotEqual, U02250, alias ISOAMSR esdot, [APPROACHES THE LIMIT] dotminus, U02238, alias ISOAMSB minusd, [DOT MINUS] dotplus, U02214, alias ISOAMSB plusdo, [DOT PLUS] dotsquare, U022A1, alias ISOAMSB sdotb, [SQUARED DOT OPERATOR] doublebarwedge, U02306, alias ISOAMSB Barwed, [PERSPECTIVE] DoubleContourIntegral, U0222F, alias ISOTECH Conint, [SURFACE INTEGRAL] DoubleDot, U000A8, alias ISODIA die, [DIAERESIS] DoubleDownArrow, U021D3, alias ISOAMSA dArr, [DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleLeftArrow, U021D0, alias ISOTECH lArr, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleLeftRightArrow, U021D4, alias ISOAMSA hArr, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleLeftTee, U02AE4, alias for ⫤, [VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE LEFT TURNSTILE] DoubleLongLeftArrow, U021D0x, alias ISOAMSA xlArr, [LONG LEFT DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleLongLeftRightArrow, U021D4x, alias ISOAMSA xhArr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] DoubleLongRightArrow, U021D2x, alias ISOAMSA xrArr, [LONG RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] DoubleRightArrow, U021D2, alias ISOTECH rArr, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleRightTee, U022A8, alias ISOAMSR vDash, [TRUE] DoubleUpArrow, U021D1, alias ISOAMSA uArr, [UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleUpDownArrow, U021D5, alias ISOAMSA vArr, [UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW] DoubleVerticalBar, U02225, alias ISOTECH par, [PARALLEL TO] downarrow, U02193, alias ISONUM darr, [DOWNWARDS ARROW] Downarrow, U021D3, alias ISOAMSA dArr, [DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] DownArrow, U02193, alias ISONUM darr, [DOWNWARDS ARROW] DownArrowBar, U02913, down arrow to bar, [DOWNWARDS ARROW TO BAR] DownArrowUpArrow, U021F5, alias ISOAMSA duarr, [DOWNWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF UPWARDS ARROW] DownBreve, U00311, breve, inverted (non-spacing), [COMBINING INVERTED BREVE] downdownarrows, U021CA, alias ISOAMSA ddarr, [DOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] downharpoonleft, U021C3, alias ISOAMSA dharl, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] downharpoonright, U021C2, alias ISOAMSA dharr, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] DownLeftRightVector, U02950, left-down-right-down harpoon, [LEFT BARB DOWN RIGHT BARB DOWN HARPOON] DownLeftTeeVector, U0295E, left-down harpoon from bar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN FROM BAR] DownLeftVector, U021BD, alias ISOAMSA lhard, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] DownLeftVectorBar, U02956, left-down harpoon to bar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN TO BAR] DownRightTeeVector, U0295F, right-down harpoon from bar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN FROM BAR] DownRightVector, U021C1, alias ISOAMSA rhard, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] DownRightVectorBar, U02957, right-down harpoon to bar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN TO BAR] DownTee, U022A4, alias ISOTECH top, [DOWN TACK] DownTeeArrow, U021A7, alias for mapstodown, [DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] drbkarow, U02910, alias ISOAMSA RBarr, [RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW] drcorn, U0231F, /lrcorner C: lower right corner, [BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER] drcrop, U0230C, downward right crop mark, [BOTTOM RIGHT CROP] dscr, U1D4B9, /scr d, script letter d, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL D] Dscr, U1D49F, /scr D, script letter D, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL D] dscy, U00455, =small dse, Macedonian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE] DScy, U00405, =capital DSE, Macedonian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZE] dsol, U029F6, solidus, bar above, [SOLIDUS WITH OVERBAR] dstrok, U00111, =small d, stroke, [LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE] Dstrok, U00110, =capital D, stroke, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE] dtdot, U022F1, /ddots, three dots, descending, [DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS] dtri, U025BF, /triangledown =down triangle, open, [WHITE DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] dtrif, U025BE, /blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled, [BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] duarr, U021F5, down arrow, up arrow, [DOWNWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF UPWARDS ARROW] duhar, U0296F, down harp, up harp, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] dwangle, U029A6, large downward pointing angle, [OBLIQUE ANGLE OPENING UP] dzcy, U0045F, =small dze, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE] DZcy, U0040F, =capital dze, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE] dzigrarr, U021DD, right long zig-zag arrow, [RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW] eacute, U000E9, =small e, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE] Eacute, U000C9, =capital E, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE] easter, U0225B, equal, asterisk above, [STAR EQUALS] ecaron, U0011B, =small e, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CARON] Ecaron, U0011A, =capital E, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON] ecir, U02256, /eqcirc R: circle on equals sign, [RING IN EQUAL TO] ecirc, U000EA, =small e, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Ecirc, U000CA, =capital E, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX] ecolon, U02255, /eqcolon R: equals, colon, [EQUALS COLON] ecy, U0044D, =small e, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E] Ecy, U0042D, =capital E, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E] eDDot, U02A77, /ddotseq R: equal with four dots, [EQUALS SIGN WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE AND TWO DOTS BELOW] edot, U00117, =small e, dot above, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE] eDot, U02251, /doteqdot /Doteq R: eq, even dots, [GEOMETRICALLY EQUAL TO] Edot, U00116, =capital E, dot above, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE] ee, U02147, e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E] efDot, U02252, /fallingdotseq R: eq, falling dots, [APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF] efr, U1D522, /frak e, lower case e, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL E] Efr, U1D508, /frak E, upper case e, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL E] eg, U02A9A, equal-or-greater, [DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] egrave, U000E8, =small e, grave accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE] Egrave, U000C8, =capital E, grave accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE] egs, U022DD, /eqslantgtr R: equal-or-gtr, slanted, [EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] egsdot, U02A98, equal-or-greater, slanted, dot inside, [SLANTED EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN WITH DOT INSIDE] el, U02A99, equal-or-less, [DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] Element, U02208, alias ISOTECH isinv, [ELEMENT OF] ell, U02113, /ell - cursive small l, [SCRIPT SMALL L] els, U022DC, /eqslantless R: eq-or-less, slanted, [EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] elsdot, U02A97, equal-or-less, slanted, dot inside, [SLANTED EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN WITH DOT INSIDE] emacr, U00113, =small e, macron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH MACRON] Emacr, U00112, =capital E, macron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON] empty, U02205-0FE00, /emptyset - zero, slash, [no unicode description] emptyset, U02205-0FE00, alias ISOAMSO empty, [no unicode description] EmptySmallSquare, U025FDx, empty small square, [EMPTY SMALL SQUARE] emptyv, U02205, /varnothing - circle, slash, [EMPTY SET] EmptyVerySmallSquare, U025FD, empty small square, [WHITE MEDIUM SMALL SQUARE] emsp, U02003, =em space, [EM SPACE] emsp13, U02004, =1/3-em space, [THREE-PER-EM SPACE] emsp14, U02005, =1/4-em space, [FOUR-PER-EM SPACE] eng, U0014B, =small eng, Lapp, [LATIN SMALL LETTER ENG] ENG, U0014A, =capital ENG, Lapp, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ENG] ensp, U02002, =en space (1/2-em), [EN SPACE] eogon, U00119, =small e, ogonek, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH OGONEK] Eogon, U00118, =capital E, ogonek, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK] eopf, U1D556, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL E] Eopf, U1D53C, /Bbb E, open face E, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL E] epar, U022D5, parallel, equal; equal or parallel, [EQUAL AND PARALLEL TO] eparsl, U029E3, parallel, slanted, equal; homothetically congruent to, [EQUALS SIGN AND SLANTED PARALLEL] eplus, U02A71, equal, plus, [EQUALS SIGN ABOVE PLUS SIGN] epsi, U003B5, /straightepsilon, small epsilon, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON] epsiv, U0025B, /varepsilon, [LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E] eqcirc, U02256, alias ISOAMSR ecir, [RING IN EQUAL TO] eqcolon, U02255, alias ISOAMSR ecolon, [EQUALS COLON] eqsim, U02242, alias ISOAMSR esim, [MINUS TILDE] eqslantgtr, U022DD, alias ISOAMSR egs, [EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] eqslantless, U022DC, alias ISOAMSR els, [EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] Equal, U02A75, two consecutive equal signs, [TWO CONSECUTIVE EQUALS SIGNS] equals, U0003D, =equals sign R:, [EQUALS SIGN] EqualTilde, U02242, alias ISOAMSR esim, [MINUS TILDE] equest, U0225F, /questeq R: equal with questionmark, [QUESTIONED EQUAL TO] Equilibrium, U021CC, alias ISOAMSA rlhar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON] equiv, U02261, /equiv R: identical with, [IDENTICAL TO] equivDD, U02A78, equivalent, four dots above, [EQUIVALENT WITH FOUR DOTS ABOVE] eqvparsl, U029E5, equivalent, equal; congruent and parallel, [IDENTICAL TO AND SLANTED PARALLEL] erarr, U02971, equal, right arrow below, [EQUALS SIGN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW] erDot, U02253, /risingdotseq R: eq, rising dots, [IMAGE OF OR APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO] escr, U0212F, /scr e, script letter e, [SCRIPT SMALL E] Escr, U02130, /scr E, script letter E, [SCRIPT CAPITAL E] esdot, U02250, /doteq R: equals, single dot above, [APPROACHES THE LIMIT] esim, U02242, /esim R: equals, similar, [MINUS TILDE] Esim, U02A73, equal, similar, [EQUALS SIGN ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR] eta, U003B7, /eta small eta, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA] eth, U000F0, =small eth, Icelandic, [LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH] ETH, U000D0, =capital Eth, Icelandic, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH] euml, U000EB, =small e, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS] Euml, U000CB, =capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS] excl, U00021, =exclamation mark, [EXCLAMATION MARK] exist, U02203, /exists at least one exists, [THERE EXISTS] Exists, U02203, alias ISOTECH exist, [THERE EXISTS] expectation, U02130, expectation (operator), [SCRIPT CAPITAL E] exponentiale, U02147, base of the Napierian logarithms, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E] ExponentialE, U02147, e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E] fallingdotseq, U02252, alias ISOAMSR efDot, [APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF] fcy, U00444, =small ef, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF] Fcy, U00424, =capital EF, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF] female, U02640, =female symbol, [FEMALE SIGN] ffilig, U0FB03, small ffi ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI] fflig, U0FB00, small ff ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF] ffllig, U0FB04, small ffl ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL] ffr, U1D523, /frak f, lower case f, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL F] Ffr, U1D509, /frak F, upper case f, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL F] filig, U0FB01, small fi ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI] FilledSmallSquare, U025FEx, filled small square, [FILLED SMALL SQUARE] FilledVerySmallSquare, U025FE, filled very small square, [BLACK MEDIUM SMALL SQUARE] flat, U0266D, /flat =musical flat, [MUSIC FLAT SIGN] fllig, U0FB02, small fl ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL] fnof, U00192, function of (italic small f), [LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK] fopf, U1D557, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL F] Fopf, U1D53D, /Bbb F, open face F, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL F] forall, U02200, /forall for all, [FOR ALL] ForAll, U02200, alias ISOTECH forall, [FOR ALL] fork, U022D4, /pitchfork R: pitchfork, [PITCHFORK] forkv, U02AD9, fork, variant, [ELEMENT OF OPENING DOWNWARDS] Fouriertrf, U02131, Fourier transform, [SCRIPT CAPITAL F] fpartint, U02A0D, finite part integral, [FINITE PART INTEGRAL] frac12, U000BD, =fraction one-half, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF] frac13, U02153, =fraction one-third, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD] frac14, U000BC, =fraction one-quarter, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER] frac15, U02155, =fraction one-fifth, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH] frac16, U02159, =fraction one-sixth, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH] frac18, U0215B, =fraction one-eighth, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH] frac23, U02154, =fraction two-thirds, [VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS] frac25, U02156, =fraction two-fifths, [VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS] frac34, U000BE, =fraction three-quarters, [VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS] frac35, U02157, =fraction three-fifths, [VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS] frac38, U0215C, =fraction three-eighths, [VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS] frac45, U02158, =fraction four-fifths, [VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS] frac56, U0215A, =fraction five-sixths, [VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS] frac58, U0215D, =fraction five-eighths, [VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS] frac78, U0215E, =fraction seven-eighths, [VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS] frown, U02322, /frown R: down curve, [FROWN] fscr, U1D4BB, /scr f, script letter f, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL F] Fscr, U02131, /scr F, script letter F, [SCRIPT CAPITAL F] gacute, U001F5, =small g, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH ACUTE] gamma, U003B3, /gamma small gamma, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA] Gamma, U00393, /Gamma capital Gamma, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA] gammad, U003DC, /digamma, [GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA] Gammad, U003DC, capital digamma, [GREEK LETTER DIGAMMA] gap, U02273, /gtrapprox R: greater, approximate, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] gbreve, U0011F, =small g, breve, [LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH BREVE] Gbreve, U0011E, =capital G, breve, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE] Gcedil, U00122, =capital G, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA] gcirc, U0011D, =small g, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Gcirc, U0011C, =capital G, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX] gcy, U00433, =small ghe, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE] Gcy, U00413, =capital GHE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE] gdot, U00121, =small g, dot above, [LATIN SMALL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE] Gdot, U00120, =capital G, dot above, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE] ge, U02265, /geq /ge R: greater-than-or-equal, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO] gE, U02267, /geqq R: greater, double equals, [GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] gel, U022DB, /gtreqless R: greater, equals, less, [GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] gEl, U022DB, /gtreqqless R: gt, dbl equals, less, [GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] geq, U02265, alias ISOTECH ge, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO] geqq, U02267, alias ISOAMSR gE, [GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] geqslant, U02A7E, alias ISOAMSR ges, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] ges, U02A7E, /geqslant R: gt-or-equal, slanted, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] gescc, U02AA9, greater than, closed by curve, equal, slanted, [GREATER-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL] gesdot, U02A80, greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT INSIDE] gesdoto, U02A82, greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE] gesdotol, U02A84, greater-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above left, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE LEFT] gesl, U022DB-0FE00, greater, equal, slanted, less, [GREATER, EQUAL, SLANTED, LESS] gesles, U02A94, greater, equal, slanted, less, equal, slanted, [GREATER-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL ABOVE LESS-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL] gfr, U1D524, /frak g, lower case g, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL G] Gfr, U1D50A, /frak G, upper case g, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL G] gg, U0226B, alias ISOAMSR Gt, [MUCH GREATER-THAN] Gg, U022D9, /ggg /Gg /gggtr R: triple gtr-than, [VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN] ggg, U022D9, alias ISOAMSR Gg, [VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN] gimel, U02137, /gimel - gimel, Hebrew, [GIMEL SYMBOL] gjcy, U00453, =small gje, Macedonian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE] GJcy, U00403, =capital GJE Macedonian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE] gl, U02277, /gtrless R: greater, less, [GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN] gla, U02AA5, greater, less, apart, [GREATER-THAN BESIDE LESS-THAN] glE, U02A92, greater, less, equal, [GREATER-THAN ABOVE LESS-THAN ABOVE DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL] glj, U02AA4, greater, less, overlapping, [GREATER-THAN OVERLAPPING LESS-THAN] gnap, U02A8A, /gnapprox N: greater, not approximate, [GREATER-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE] gnapprox, U02A8A, alias ISOAMSN gnap, [GREATER-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE] gne, U02269, /gneq N: greater, not equals, [GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] gnE, U02269, /gneqq N: greater, not dbl equals, [GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] gneq, U02269, alias ISOAMSN gne, [GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] gneqq, U02269, alias ISOAMSN gnE, [GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] gnsim, U022E7, /gnsim N: greater, not similar, [GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] gopf, U1D558, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL G] Gopf, U1D53E, /Bbb G, open face G, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL G] grave, U00060, =grave accent, [GRAVE ACCENT] GreaterEqual, U02265, alias ISOTECH ge, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO] GreaterEqualLess, U022DB, alias ISOAMSR gel, [GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] GreaterFullEqual, U02267, alias ISOAMSR gE, [GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] GreaterGreater, U02AA2, alias for GT, [DOUBLE NESTED GREATER-THAN] GreaterLess, U02277, alias ISOAMSR gl, [GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN] GreaterSlantEqual, U02A7E, alias ISOAMSR ges, [GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] GreaterTilde, U02273, alias ISOAMSR gsim, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] gscr, U0210A, /scr g, script letter g, [SCRIPT SMALL G] Gscr, U1D4A2, /scr G, script letter G, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL G] gsim, U02273, /gtrsim R: greater, similar, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] gsime, U02A8E, greater, similar, equal, [GREATER-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR OR EQUAL] gsiml, U02A90, greater, similar, less, [GREATER-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR ABOVE LESS-THAN] gt, U0003E, =greater-than sign R:, [GREATER-THAN SIGN] Gt, U0226B, /gg R: dbl greater-than sign, [MUCH GREATER-THAN] gtcc, U02AA7, greater than, closed by curve, [GREATER-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE] gtcir, U02A7A, greater than, circle inside, [GREATER-THAN WITH CIRCLE INSIDE] gtdot, U022D7, /gtrdot R: greater than, with dot, [GREATER-THAN WITH DOT] gtlPar, U02995, dbl left parenthesis, greater, [DOUBLE LEFT ARC GREATER-THAN BRACKET] gtquest, U02A7C, greater than, questionmark above, [GREATER-THAN WITH QUESTION MARK ABOVE] gtrapprox, U02273, alias ISOAMSR gap, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] gtrarr, U02978, greater than, right arrow, [GREATER-THAN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW] gtrdot, U022D7, alias ISOAMSR gtdot, [GREATER-THAN WITH DOT] gtreqless, U022DB, alias ISOAMSR gel, [GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] gtreqqless, U022DB, alias ISOAMSR gEl, [GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN] gtrless, U02277, alias ISOAMSR gl, [GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN] gtrsim, U02273, alias ISOAMSR gsim, [GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] gvertneqq, U02269-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN gvnE, [GT, VERT, NOT DOUBLE EQUALS] gvnE, U02269-0FE00, /gvertneqq N: gt, vert, not dbl eq, [GT, VERT, NOT DOUBLE EQUALS] Hacek, U002C7, alias ISODIA caron, [CARON] hairsp, U0200A, =hair space, [HAIR SPACE] half, U000BD, =fraction one-half, [VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF] hamilt, U0210B, Hamiltonian (script capital H), [SCRIPT CAPITAL H] hardcy, U0044A, =small hard sign, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HARD SIGN] HARDcy, U0042A, =capital HARD sign, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HARD SIGN] harr, U02194, /leftrightarrow A: l&r arrow, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW] hArr, U021D4, /Leftrightarrow A: l&r dbl arrow, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW] harrcir, U02948, left and right arrow with a circle, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW THROUGH SMALL CIRCLE] harrw, U021AD, /leftrightsquigarrow A: l&r arr-wavy, [LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW] Hat, U00302, circumflex accent (circ in ISODIA), [COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT] hbar, U0210Fx, alias ISOAMSO plank, [PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI] hcirc, U00125, =small h, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Hcirc, U00124, =capital H, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX] heartsuit, U02661, ISOPUB hearts, [WHITE HEART SUIT] hellip, U02026, =ellipsis (horizontal), [HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS] hercon, U022B9, hermitian conjugate matrix, [HERMITIAN CONJUGATE MATRIX] hfr, U1D525, /frak h, lower case h, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL H] Hfr, U0210C, /frak H, upper case h, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H] HilbertSpace, U0210B, Hilbert space, [SCRIPT CAPITAL H] hksearow, U02925, alias ISOAMSA searhk, [SOUTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOK] hkswarow, U02926, alias ISOAMSA swarhk, [SOUTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOK] hoarr, U021FF, horizontal open arrow, [LEFT RIGHT OPEN-HEADED ARROW] homtht, U0223B, homothetic, [HOMOTHETIC] hookleftarrow, U021A9, alias ISOAMSA larrhk, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK] hookrightarrow, U021AA, alias ISOAMSA rarrhk, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK] hopf, U1D559, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL H] Hopf, U0210D, /Bbb H, open face H, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H] horbar, U02015, =horizontal bar, [HORIZONTAL BAR] HorizontalLine, U02500, short horizontal line, [BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL] hscr, U1D4BD, /scr h, script letter h, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL H] Hscr, U0210B, /scr H, script letter H, [SCRIPT CAPITAL H] hslash, U0210F, alias ISOAMSO plankv, [PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI] hstrok, U00127, =small h, stroke, [LATIN SMALL LETTER H WITH STROKE] Hstrok, U00126, =capital H, stroke, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE] HumpDownHump, U0224E, alias ISOAMSR bump, [GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO] HumpEqual, U0224F, alias ISOAMSR bumpe, [DIFFERENCE BETWEEN] hybull, U02043, rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet), [HYPHEN BULLET] hyphen, U02010, =hyphen, [HYPHEN] iacute, U000ED, =small i, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE] Iacute, U000CD, =capital I, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE] ic, U0200B, short form of ⁣, [ZERO WIDTH SPACE] icirc, U000EE, =small i, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Icirc, U000CE, =capital I, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX] icy, U00438, =small i, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I] Icy, U00418, =capital I, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I] Idot, U00130, =capital I, dot above, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE] iecy, U00435, =small ie, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE] IEcy, U00415, =capital IE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE] iexcl, U000A1, =inverted exclamation mark, [INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK] iff, U021D4xx, /iff if and only if, [IF AND ONLY IF] ifr, U1D526, /frak i, lower case i, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL I] Ifr, U02111, /frak I, upper case i, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I] igrave, U000EC, =small i, grave accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE] Igrave, U000CC, =capital I, grave accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE] ii, U02148, i for use as a square root of -1, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I] iiiint, U02A0C, alias ISOTECH qint, [QUADRUPLE INTEGRAL OPERATOR] iiint, U0222D, alias ISOTECH tint, [TRIPLE INTEGRAL] iinfin, U029DC, infinity sign, incomplete, [INCOMPLETE INFINITY] iiota, U02129, inverted iota, [TURNED GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA] ijlig, U00133, =small ij ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE IJ] IJlig, U00132, =capital IJ ligature, [LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE IJ] Im, U02111, alias ISOAMSO image, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I] imacr, U0012B, =small i, macron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH MACRON] Imacr, U0012A, =capital I, macron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON] image, U02111, /Im - imaginary, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I] ImaginaryI, U02148, i for use as a square root of -1, [DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I] imagline, U02110, the geometric imaginary line, [SCRIPT CAPITAL I] imagpart, U02111, alias ISOAMSO image, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I] imath, U00131, /imath - small i, no dot, [LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I] imof, U022B7, image of, [IMAGE OF] imped, U1D543, impedance, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL L] Implies, U021D2, alias ISOTECH rArr, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] in, U02208, ISOTECH isin, [ELEMENT OF] incare, U02105, =in-care-of symbol, [CARE OF] infin, U0221E, /infty infinity, [INFINITY] inodot, U00131, =small i without dot, [LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I] int, U0222B, /int L: integral operator, [INTEGRAL] Int, U0222C, double integral operator, [DOUBLE INTEGRAL] intcal, U022BA, /intercal B: intercal, [INTERCALATE] integers, U02124, the ring of integers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z] Integral, U0222B, alias ISOTECH int, [INTEGRAL] intercal, U022BA, alias ISOAMSB intcal, [INTERCALATE] Intersection, U022C2, alias ISOAMSB xcap, [N-ARY INTERSECTION] intlarhk, U02A17, integral, left arrow with hook, [INTEGRAL WITH LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK] intprod, U02A3C, alias ISOAMSB iprod, [INTERIOR PRODUCT] InvisibleComma, U0200B, used as a separator, e.g., in indices, [ZERO WIDTH SPACE] InvisibleTimes, U02062, marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark, [INVISIBLE TIMES] iocy, U00451, =small io, Russian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO] IOcy, U00401, =capital IO, Russian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO] iogon, U0012F, =small i, ogonek, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH OGONEK] Iogon, U0012E, =capital I, ogonek, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK] iopf, U1D55A, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL I] Iopf, U1D540, /Bbb I, open face I, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL I] iota, U003B9, /iota small iota, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA] iprod, U02A3C, /intprod, [INTERIOR PRODUCT] iquest, U000BF, =inverted question mark, [INVERTED QUESTION MARK] iscr, U1D4BE, /scr i, script letter i, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL I] Iscr, U02110, /scr I, script letter I, [SCRIPT CAPITAL I] isin, U02208, /in R: set membership, [ELEMENT OF] isindot, U022F5, set membership, dot above, [ELEMENT OF WITH DOT ABOVE] isinE, U022F9, set membership, two horizontal strokes, [ELEMENT OF WITH TWO HORIZONTAL STROKES] isins, U022F4, set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke, [SMALL ELEMENT OF WITH VERTICAL BAR AT END OF HORIZONTAL STROKE] isinsv, U022F3, large set membership, vertical bar on horizontal stroke, [ELEMENT OF WITH VERTICAL BAR AT END OF HORIZONTAL STROKE] isinv, U02208, set membership, variant, [ELEMENT OF] it, U02062, marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark, [INVISIBLE TIMES] itilde, U00129, =small i, tilde, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH TILDE] Itilde, U00128, =capital I, tilde, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE] iukcy, U00456, =small i, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I] Iukcy, U00406, =capital I, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BYELORUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN I] iuml, U000EF, =small i, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS] Iuml, U000CF, =capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS] jcirc, U00135, =small j, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Jcirc, U00134, =capital J, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX] jcy, U00439, =small short i, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I] Jcy, U00419, =capital short I, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I] jfr, U1D527, /frak j, lower case j, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL J] Jfr, U1D50D, /frak J, upper case j, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL J] jmath, U0006A-0FE00, /jmath - small j, no dot, [SMALL J, NO DOT] jopf, U1D55B, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL J] Jopf, U1D541, /Bbb J, open face J, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL J] jscr, U1D4BF, /scr j, script letter j, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL J] Jscr, U1D4A5, /scr J, script letter J, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL J] jsercy, U00458, =small je, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE] Jsercy, U00408, =capital JE, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE] jukcy, U00454, =small je, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE] Jukcy, U00404, =capital JE, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER UKRAINIAN IE] kappa, U003BA, /kappa small kappa, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA] kappav, U003F0, /varkappa, [GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL] kcedil, U00137, =small k, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA] Kcedil, U00136, =capital K, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA] kcy, U0043A, =small ka, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA] Kcy, U0041A, =capital KA, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA] kfr, U1D528, /frak k, lower case k, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL K] Kfr, U1D50E, /frak K, upper case k, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL K] kgreen, U00138, =small k, Greenlandic, [LATIN SMALL LETTER KRA] khcy, U00445, =small ha, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA] KHcy, U00425, =capital HA, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA] kjcy, U0045C, =small kje Macedonian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE] KJcy, U0040C, =capital KJE, Macedonian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE] kopf, U1D55C, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL K] Kopf, U1D542, /Bbb K, open face K, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL K] kscr, U1D4C0, /scr k, script letter k, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL K] Kscr, U1D4A6, /scr K, script letter K, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL K] lAarr, U021DA, /Lleftarrow A: left triple arrow, [LEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW] lacute, U0013A, =small l, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH ACUTE] Lacute, U00139, =capital L, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE] laemptyv, U029B4, circle, slash, left arrow above, [EMPTY SET WITH LEFT ARROW ABOVE] lagran, U02112, Lagrangian (script capital L), [SCRIPT CAPITAL L] lambda, U003BB, /lambda small lambda, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA] Lambda, U0039B, /Lambda capital Lambda, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA] lang, U02329, /langle O: left angle bracket, [LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] Lang, U0300A, left angle bracket, double, [LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET] langd, U02991, left angle, dot, [LEFT ANGLE BRACKET WITH DOT] langle, U02329, alias ISOTECH lang, [LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] lap, U02272, /lessapprox R: less, approximate, [LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] Laplacetrf, U02112, Laplace transform, [SCRIPT CAPITAL L] laquo, U000AB, =angle quotation mark, left, [LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK] larr, U02190, /leftarrow /gets A: =leftward arrow, [LEFTWARDS ARROW] lArr, U021D0, /Leftarrow A: is implied by, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] Larr, U0219E, /twoheadleftarrow A:, [LEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] larrb, U021E4, leftwards arrow to bar, [LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR] larrbfs, U0291F, left arrow-bar, filled square, [LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR TO FILLED DIAMOND] larrfs, U0291D, left arrow, filled square, [LEFTWARDS ARROW TO FILLED DIAMOND] larrhk, U021A9, /hookleftarrow A: left arrow-hooked, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK] larrlp, U021AB, /looparrowleft A: left arrow-looped, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP] larrpl, U02939, left arrow, plus, [LEFT-SIDE ARC ANTICLOCKWISE ARROW] larrsim, U02973, left arrow, similar, [LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR] larrtl, U021A2, /leftarrowtail A: left arrow-tailed, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL] lat, U02AAB, larger than, [LARGER THAN] latail, U02919, left arrow-tail, [LEFTWARDS ARROW-TAIL] lAtail, U0291B, left double arrow-tail, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW-TAIL] late, U02AAD, larger than or equal, [LARGER THAN OR EQUAL TO] lates, U02AAD-0FE00, larger than or equal, slanted, [LARGER THAN OR EQUAL, SLANTED] lbarr, U0290C, left broken arrow, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW] lBarr, U0290E, left doubly broken arrow, [LEFTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW] lbbrk, U03014, left broken bracket, [LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET] lbrace, U0007B, alias ISONUM lcub, [LEFT CURLY BRACKET] lbrack, U0005B, alias ISONUM lsqb, [LEFT SQUARE BRACKET] lbrke, U0298B, left bracket, equal, [LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH UNDERBAR] lbrksld, U0298F, left bracket, solidus bottom corner, [LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN BOTTOM CORNER] lbrkslu, U0298D, left bracket, solidus top corner, [LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN TOP CORNER] lcaron, U0013E, =small l, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CARON] Lcaron, U0013D, =capital L, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON] lcedil, U0013C, =small l, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA] Lcedil, U0013B, =capital L, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA] lceil, U02308, /lceil O: left ceiling, [LEFT CEILING] lcub, U0007B, /lbrace O: =left curly bracket, [LEFT CURLY BRACKET] lcy, U0043B, =small el, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL] Lcy, U0041B, =capital EL, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL] ldca, U02936, left down curved arrow, [ARROW POINTING DOWNWARDS THEN CURVING LEFTWARDS] ldquo, U0201C, =double quotation mark, left, [LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK] ldquor, U0201E, =rising dbl quote, left (low), [DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK] ldrdhar, U02967, left harpoon-down over right harpoon-down, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN] ldrushar, U0294B, left-down-right-up harpoon, [LEFT BARB DOWN RIGHT BARB UP HARPOON] ldsh, U021B2, left down angled arrow, [DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS] le, U02264, /leq /le R: less-than-or-equal, [LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO] lE, U02266, /leqq R: less, double equals, [LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] LeftAngleBracket, U02329, alias ISOTECH lang, [LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] leftarrow, U02190, alias ISONUM larr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW] Leftarrow, U021D0, alias ISOTECH lArr, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] LeftArrow, U02190, alias ISONUM larr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW] LeftArrowBar, U021E4, alias for larrb, [LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR] LeftArrowRightArrow, U021C6, alias ISOAMSA lrarr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW] leftarrowtail, U021A2, alias ISOAMSA larrtl, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL] LeftCeiling, U02308, alias ISOAMSC lceil, [LEFT CEILING] LeftDoubleBracket, U0301A, left double bracket delimiter, [LEFT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET] LeftDownTeeVector, U02961, down-left harpoon from bar, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT FROM BAR] LeftDownVector, U021C3, alias ISOAMSA dharl, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] LeftDownVectorBar, U02959, down-left harpoon to bar, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT TO BAR] LeftFloor, U0230A, alias ISOAMSC lfloor, [LEFT FLOOR] leftharpoondown, U021BD, alias ISOAMSA lhard, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] leftharpoonup, U021BC, alias ISOAMSA lharu, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] leftleftarrows, U021C7, alias ISOAMSA llarr, [LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] leftrightarrow, U02194, alias ISOAMSA harr, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW] Leftrightarrow, U021D4, alias ISOAMSA hArr, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW] LeftRightArrow, U02194, alias ISOAMSA harr, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW] leftrightarrows, U021C6, alias ISOAMSA lrarr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW] leftrightharpoons, U021CB, alias ISOAMSA lrhar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON] leftrightsquigarrow, U021AD, alias ISOAMSA harrw, [LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW] LeftRightVector , U0294E, left-up-right-up harpoon, [LEFT BARB UP RIGHT BARB UP HARPOON] LeftTee, U022A3, alias ISOAMSR dashv, [LEFT TACK] LeftTeeArrow, U021A4, alias for mapstoleft, [LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] LeftTeeVector, U0295A, left-up harpoon from bar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP FROM BAR] leftthreetimes, U022CB, alias ISOAMSB lthree, [LEFT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] LeftTriangle, U022B2, alias ISOAMSR vltri, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] LeftTriangleBar, U029CF, not left triangle, vertical bar, [LEFT TRIANGLE BESIDE VERTICAL BAR] LeftTriangleEqual, U022B4, alias ISOAMSR ltrie, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] LeftUpDownVector, U02951, up-left-down-left harpoon, [UP BARB LEFT DOWN BARB LEFT HARPOON] LeftUpTeeVector, U02960, up-left harpoon from bar, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT FROM BAR] LeftUpVector, U021BF, alias ISOAMSA uharl, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] LeftUpVectorBar, U02958, up-left harpoon to bar, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT TO BAR] LeftVector, U021BC, alias ISOAMSA lharu, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] LeftVectorBar , U02952, left-up harpoon to bar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP TO BAR] leg, U022DA, /lesseqgtr R: less, eq, greater, [LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] lEg, U022DA, /lesseqqgtr R: less, dbl eq, greater, [LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] leq, U02264, alias ISOTECH le, [LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO] leqq, U02266, alias ISOAMSR lE, [LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] leqslant, U02A7D, alias ISOAMSR les, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] les, U02A7D, /leqslant R: less-than-or-eq, slant, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] lescc, U02AA8, less than, closed by curve, equal, slanted, [LESS-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL] lesdot, U02A7F, less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot inside, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT INSIDE] lesdoto, U02A81, less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE] lesdotor, U02A83, less-than-or-equal, slanted, dot above right, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE RIGHT] lesg, U022DA-0FE00, less, equal, slanted, greater, [LESS, EQUAL, SLANTED, GREATER] lesges, U02A93, less, equal, slanted, greater, equal, slanted, [LESS-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL ABOVE GREATER-THAN ABOVE SLANTED EQUAL] lessapprox, U02272, alias ISOAMSR lap, [LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] lessdot, U022D6, alias ISOAMSR ltdot, [LESS-THAN WITH DOT] lesseqgtr, U022DA, alias ISOAMSR leg, [LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] lesseqqgtr, U022DA, alias ISOAMSR lEg, [LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] LessEqualGreater, U022DA, alias ISOAMSR leg, [LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN] LessFullEqual, U02266, alias ISOAMSR lE, [LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO] LessGreater, U02276, alias ISOAMSR lg, [LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN] lessgtr, U02276, alias ISOAMSR lg, [LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN] LessLess, U02AA1, alias for Lt, [DOUBLE NESTED LESS-THAN] lesssim, U02272, alias ISOAMSR lsim, [LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] LessSlantEqual, U02A7D, alias ISOAMSR les, [LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO] LessTilde, U02272, alias ISOAMSR lsim, [LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] lfisht, U0297C, left fish tail, [LEFT FISH TAIL] lfloor, U0230A, /lfloor O: left floor, [LEFT FLOOR] lfr, U1D529, /frak l, lower case l, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL L] Lfr, U1D50F, /frak L, upper case l, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL L] lg, U02276, /lessgtr R: less, greater, [LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN] lgE, U02A91, less, greater, equal, [LESS-THAN ABOVE GREATER-THAN ABOVE DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL] lHar, U02962, left harpoon-up over left harpoon-down, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN] lhard, U021BD, /leftharpoondown A: l harpoon-down, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] lharu, U021BC, /leftharpoonup A: left harpoon-up, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] lharul, U0296A, left harpoon-up over long dash, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LONG DASH] lhblk, U02584, =lower half block, [LOWER HALF BLOCK] ljcy, U00459, =small lje, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE] LJcy, U00409, =capital LJE, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE] ll, U0226A, alias ISOAMSR Lt, [MUCH LESS-THAN] Ll, U022D8, /Ll /lll /llless R: triple less-than, [VERY MUCH LESS-THAN] llarr, U021C7, /leftleftarrows A: two left arrows, [LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] llcorner, U0231E, alias ISOAMSC dlcorn, [BOTTOM LEFT CORNER] Lleftarrow, U021DA, alias ISOAMSA lAarr, [LEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW] llhard, U0296B, left harpoon-down below long dash, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN BELOW LONG DASH] lltri, U025FA, lower left triangle, [LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE] lmidot, U00140, =small l, middle dot, [LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT] Lmidot, U0013F, =capital L, middle dot, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT] lmoust, U023B0, /lmoustache, [UPPER LEFT OR LOWER RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SECTION] lmoustache, U023B0, alias ISOAMSC lmoust, [UPPER LEFT OR LOWER RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SECTION] lnap, U02A89, /lnapprox N: less, not approximate, [LESS-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE] lnapprox, U02A89, alias ISOAMSN lnap, [LESS-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE] lne, U02268, /lneq N: less, not equals, [LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] lnE, U02268, /lneqq N: less, not double equals, [LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] lneq, U02268, alias ISOAMSN lne, [LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] lneqq, U02268, alias ISOAMSN lnE, [LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO] lnsim, U022E6, /lnsim N: less, not similar, [LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] loang, U03018, left open angular bracket, [LEFT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET] loarr, U021FD, left open arrow, [LEFTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROW] lobrk, U0301A, left open bracket, [LEFT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET] longleftarrow, U02190x, alias ISOAMSA xlarr, [LONG LEFT ARROW] Longleftarrow, U021D0x, alias ISOAMSA xlArr, [LONG LEFT DOUBLE ARROW] LongLeftArrow, U02190x, alias ISOAMSA xlarr, [LONG LEFT ARROW] longleftrightarrow, U02194x, alias ISOAMSA xharr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT ARR] Longleftrightarrow, U021D4x, alias ISOAMSA xhArr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] LongLeftRightArrow, U02194x, alias ISOAMSA xharr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT ARR] longmapsto, U021A6x, alias ISOAMSA xmap, [LONG MAPS TO, RIGHTWARD] longrightarrow, U02192x, alias ISOAMSA xrarr, [LONG RIGHT ARROW] Longrightarrow, U021D2x, alias ISOAMSA xrArr, [LONG RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] LongRightArrow, U02192x, alias ISOAMSA xrarr, [LONG RIGHT ARROW] looparrowleft, U021AB, alias ISOAMSA larrlp, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP] looparrowright, U021AC, alias ISOAMSA rarrlp, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP] lopar, U02985x, left open parenthesis, [LEFT OPEN PARENTHESIS] lopf, U1D55D, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL L] Lopf, U1D543, /Bbb L, open face L, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL L] loplus, U02A2D, plus sign in left half circle, [PLUS SIGN IN LEFT HALF CIRCLE] lotimes, U02A34, multiply sign in left half circle, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN LEFT HALF CIRCLE] lowast, U02217, low asterisk, [ASTERISK OPERATOR] lowbar, U0005F, =low line, [LOW LINE] LowerLeftArrow, U02199, alias ISOAMSA swarr, [SOUTH WEST ARROW] LowerRightArrow, U02198, alias ISOAMSA searr, [SOUTH EAST ARROW] loz, U025CA, /lozenge - lozenge or total mark, [LOZENGE] lozenge, U025CA, alias ISOPUB loz, [LOZENGE] lozf, U029EB, /blacklozenge - lozenge, filled, [FILLED LOZENGE] lpar, U00028, O: =left parenthesis, [LEFT PARENTHESIS] lparlt, U02993, O: left parenthesis, lt, [LEFT ARC LESS-THAN BRACKET] lrarr, U021C6, /leftrightarrows A: l arr over r arr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW] lrcorner, U0231F, alias ISOAMSC drcorn, [BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER] lrhar, U021CB, /leftrightharpoons A: l harp over r, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON] lrhard, U0296D, right harpoon-down below long dash, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN BELOW LONG DASH] lrtri, U022BF, lower right triangle, [RIGHT TRIANGLE] lscr, U02113, /scr l, script letter l, [SCRIPT SMALL L] Lscr, U02112, /scr L, script letter L, [SCRIPT CAPITAL L] lsh, U021B0, /Lsh A:, [UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS] Lsh, U021B0, alias ISOAMSA lsh, [UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS] lsim, U02272, /lesssim R: less, similar, [LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO] lsime, U02A8D, less, similar, equal, [LESS-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR OR EQUAL] lsimg, U02A8F, less, similar, greater, [LESS-THAN ABOVE SIMILAR ABOVE GREATER-THAN] lsqb, U0005B, /lbrack O: =left square bracket, [LEFT SQUARE BRACKET] lsquo, U02018, =single quotation mark, left, [LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] lsquor, U0201A, =rising single quote, left (low), [SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK] lstrok, U00142, =small l, stroke, [LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH STROKE] Lstrok, U00141, =capital L, stroke, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE] lt, U0003C, =less-than sign R:, [LESS-THAN SIGN] Lt, U0226A, /ll R: double less-than sign, [MUCH LESS-THAN] ltcc, U02AA6, less than, closed by curve, [LESS-THAN CLOSED BY CURVE] ltcir, U02A79, less than, circle inside, [LESS-THAN WITH CIRCLE INSIDE] ltdot, U022D6, /lessdot R: less than, with dot, [LESS-THAN WITH DOT] lthree, U022CB, /leftthreetimes B:, [LEFT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] ltimes, U022C9, /ltimes B: times sign, left closed, [LEFT NORMAL FACTOR SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] ltlarr, U02976, less than, left arrow, [LESS-THAN ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROW] ltquest, U02A7B, less than, questionmark above, [LESS-THAN WITH QUESTION MARK ABOVE] ltri, U025C3, /triangleleft B: l triangle, open, [WHITE LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] ltrie, U022B4, /trianglelefteq R: left triangle, eq, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] ltrif, U025C2, /blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled, [BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] ltrPar, U02996, dbl right parenthesis, less, [DOUBLE RIGHT ARC LESS-THAN BRACKET] lurdshar, U0294A, left-up-right-down harpoon, [LEFT BARB UP RIGHT BARB DOWN HARPOON] luruhar, U02966, left harpoon-up over right harpoon-up, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP] lvertneqq, U02268-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN lvnE, [LESS, VERT, NOT DOUBLE EQUALS] lvnE, U02268-0FE00, /lvertneqq N: less, vert, not dbl eq, [LESS, VERT, NOT DOUBLE EQUALS] macr, U000AF, =macron, [MACRON] male, U02642, =male symbol, [MALE SIGN] malt, U02720, /maltese =maltese cross, [MALTESE CROSS] maltese, U02720, alias ISOPUB malt, [MALTESE CROSS] map, U021A6, /mapsto A:, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] Map, U02905, twoheaded mapsto, [RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM BAR] mapsto, U021A6, alias ISOAMSA map, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] mapstodown, U021A7, downwards arrow from bar, [DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] mapstoleft, U021A4, leftwards arrow from bar, [LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] mapstoup, U021A5, upwards arrow from bar, [UPWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] marker, U025AE, =histogram marker, [BLACK VERTICAL RECTANGLE] mcomma, U02A29, minus, comma above, [MINUS SIGN WITH COMMA ABOVE] mcy, U0043C, =small em, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM] Mcy, U0041C, =capital EM, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM] mdash, U02014, =em dash, [EM DASH] mDDot, U0223A, minus with four dots, geometric properties, [GEOMETRIC PROPORTION] measuredangle, U02221, alias ISOAMSO angmsd, [MEASURED ANGLE] MediumSpace, U0205F, space of width 4/18 em, [MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE] Mellintrf, U02133, Mellin transform, [SCRIPT CAPITAL M] mfr, U1D52A, /frak m, lower case m, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL M] Mfr, U1D510, /frak M, upper case m, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL M] mho, U02127, /mho - conductance, [INVERTED OHM SIGN] micro, U000B5, =micro sign, [MICRO SIGN] mid, U02223, /mid R:, [DIVIDES] midast, U0002A, /ast B: asterisk, [ASTERISK] midcir, U02AF0, mid, circle below, [VERTICAL LINE WITH CIRCLE BELOW] middot, U000B7, /centerdot B: =middle dot, [MIDDLE DOT] minus, U02212, B: minus sign, [MINUS SIGN] minusb, U0229F, /boxminus B: minus sign in box, [SQUARED MINUS] minusd, U02238, /dotminus B: minus sign, dot above, [DOT MINUS] minusdu, U02A2A, minus sign, dot below, [MINUS SIGN WITH DOT BELOW] MinusPlus, U02213, alias ISOTECH mnplus, [MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN] mlcp, U02ADB, /mlcp, [TRANSVERSAL INTERSECTION] mldr, U02026, em leader, [HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS] mnplus, U02213, /mp B: minus-or-plus sign, [MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN] models, U022A7, /models R:, [MODELS] mopf, U1D55E, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL M] Mopf, U1D544, /Bbb M, open face M, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL M] mp, U02213, alias ISOTECH mnplus, [MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN] mscr, U1D4C2, /scr m, script letter m, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL M] Mscr, U02133, /scr M, script letter M, [SCRIPT CAPITAL M] mstpos, U0223E, most positive, [INVERTED LAZY S] mu, U003BC, /mu small mu, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER MU] multimap, U022B8, alias ISOAMSA mumap, [MULTIMAP] mumap, U022B8, /multimap A:, [MULTIMAP] nabla, U02207, /nabla del, Hamilton operator, [NABLA] nacute, U00144, =small n, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH ACUTE] Nacute, U00143, =capital N, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE] nang, U02220-00338, not, vert, angle, [NOT, VERT, ANGLE] nap, U02249, /napprox N: not approximate, [NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO] napE, U02A70-00338, not approximately equal or equal to, [NOT APPROXIMATELY EQUAL OR EQUAL TO] napid, U0224B-00338, not approximately identical to, [NOT APPROXIMATELY IDENTICAL TO] napos, U00149, =small n, apostrophe, [LATIN SMALL LETTER N PRECEDED BY APOSTROPHE] napprox, U02249, alias ISOAMSN nap, [NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO] natur, U0266E, /natural - music natural, [MUSIC NATURAL SIGN] natural, U0266E, alias ISOPUB natur, [MUSIC NATURAL SIGN] naturals, U02115, the semi-ring of natural numbers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N] nbsp, U000A0, =no break (required) space, [NO-BREAK SPACE] nbump, U0224E-00338, not bumpy equals, [NOT BUMPY EQUALS] nbumpe, U0224F-00338, not bumpy single equals, [NOT BUMPY SINGLE EQUALS] ncap, U02A43, bar, intersection, [INTERSECTION WITH OVERBAR] ncaron, U00148, =small n, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CARON] Ncaron, U00147, =capital N, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON] ncedil, U00146, =small n, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA] Ncedil, U00145, =capital N, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA] ncong, U02247, /ncong N: not congruent with, [NEITHER APPROXIMATELY NOR ACTUALLY EQUAL TO] ncongdot, U02A6D-00338, not congruent, dot, [NOT CONGRUENT, DOT] ncup, U02A42, bar, union, [UNION WITH OVERBAR] ncy, U0043D, =small en, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN] Ncy, U0041D, =capital EN, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN] ndash, U02013, =en dash, [EN DASH] ne, U02260, /ne /neq R: not equal, [NOT EQUAL TO] nearhk, U02924, NE arrow-hooked, [NORTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOK] nearr, U02197, /nearrow A: NE pointing arrow, [NORTH EAST ARROW] neArr, U021D7, NE pointing dbl arrow, [NORTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW] nearrow, U02197, alias ISOAMSA nearr, [NORTH EAST ARROW] nedot, U02260-0FE00, not equal, dot, [NOT EQUAL, DOT] NegativeMediumSpace, U0205F-0FE00, space of width -4/18 em, [space of width -4/18 em] NegativeThickSpace, U02005-0FE00, space of width -5/18 em, [space of width -5/18 em] NegativeThinSpace, U02009-0FE00, space of width -3/18 em, [space of width -3/18 em] NegativeVeryThinSpace, U0200A-0FE00, space of width -1/18 em, [space of width -1/18 em] nequiv, U02262, /nequiv N: not identical with, [NOT IDENTICAL TO] nesear, U02928, /toea A: NE & SE arrows, [NORTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH EAST ARROW] nesim, U02242-00338, not equal or similar, [NOT EQUAL OR SIMILAR] NestedGreaterGreater, U0226B, alias ISOAMSR Gt, [MUCH GREATER-THAN] NestedLessLess, U0226A, alias ISOAMSR Lt, [MUCH LESS-THAN] NewLine, U0000A, force a line break; line feed, [LINE FEED] nexist, U02204, /nexists - negated exists, [THERE DOES NOT EXIST] nexists, U02204, alias ISOAMSO nexist, [THERE DOES NOT EXIST] nfr, U1D52B, /frak n, lower case n, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL N] Nfr, U1D511, /frak N, upper case n, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL N] nge, U02271-020E5, /ngeq N: not greater-than-or-equal, [NOT GREATER-THAN-OR-EQUAL] ngE, U02271, /ngeqq N: not greater, dbl equals, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] ngeq, U02271-020E5, alias ISOAMSN nge, [NOT GREATER-THAN-OR-EQUAL] ngeqq, U02271, alias ISOAMSN ngE, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] ngeqslant, U02271, alias ISOAMSN nges, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nges, U02271, /ngeqslant N: not gt-or-eq, slanted, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nGg, U022D9-00338, not triple greater than, [NOT TRIPLE GREATER THAN] ngsim, U02275, not greater, similar, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO] ngt, U0226F, /ngtr N: not greater-than, [NOT GREATER-THAN] nGt, U0226B-00338, not, vert, much greater than, [NOT, VERT, MUCH GREATER THAN] ngtr, U0226F, alias ISOAMSN ngt, [NOT GREATER-THAN] nGtv, U0226B-00338-0FE00, not much greater than, variant, [NOT MUCH GREATER THAN, VARIANT] nharr, U021AE, /nleftrightarrow A: not l&r arrow, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE] nhArr, U021CE, /nLeftrightarrow A: not l&r dbl arr, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nhpar, U02AF2, not, horizontal, parallel, [PARALLEL WITH HORIZONTAL STROKE] ni, U0220B, /ni /owns R: contains, [CONTAINS AS MEMBER] nis, U022FC, contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke, [SMALL CONTAINS WITH VERTICAL BAR AT END OF HORIZONTAL STROKE] nisd, U022FA, contains, long horizontal stroke, [CONTAINS WITH LONG HORIZONTAL STROKE] niv, U0220B, contains, variant, [CONTAINS AS MEMBER] njcy, U0045A, =small nje, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE] NJcy, U0040A, =capital NJE, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE] nlarr, U0219A, /nleftarrow A: not left arrow, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE] nlArr, U021CD, /nLeftarrow A: not implied by, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nldr, U02025, =double baseline dot (en leader), [TWO DOT LEADER] nle, U02270-020E5, /nleq N: not less-than-or-equal, [NOT LESS-THAN-OR-EQUAL] nlE, U02270, /nleqq N: not less, dbl equals, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nleftarrow, U0219A, alias ISOAMSA nlarr, [LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE] nLeftarrow, U021CD, alias ISOAMSA nlArr, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nleftrightarrow, U021AE, alias ISOAMSA nharr, [LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE] nLeftrightarrow, U021CE, alias ISOAMSA nhArr, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nleq, U02270-020E5, alias ISOAMSN nle, [NOT LESS-THAN-OR-EQUAL] nleqq, U02270, alias ISOAMSN nlE, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nleqslant, U02270, alias ISOAMSN nles, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nles, U02270, /nleqslant N: not less-or-eq, slant, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nless, U0226E, alias ISOAMSN nlt, [NOT LESS-THAN] nLl, U022D8-00338, not triple less than, [NOT TRIPLE LESS THAN] nlsim, U02274, not less, similar, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO] nlt, U0226E, /nless N: not less-than, [NOT LESS-THAN] nLt, U0226A-00338, not, vert, much less than, [NOT, VERT, MUCH LESS THAN] nltri, U022EA, /ntriangleleft N: not left triangle, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] nltrie, U022EC, /ntrianglelefteq N: not l tri, eq, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] nLtv, U0226A-00338-0FE00, not much less than, variant, [NOT MUCH LESS THAN, VARIANT] nmid, U02224, /nmid, [DOES NOT DIVIDE] NoBreak, U0FEFF, never break line here, [ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE] NonBreakingSpace, U000A0, alias ISONUM nbsp, [NO-BREAK SPACE] nopf, U1D55F, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL N] Nopf, U02115, /Bbb N, open face N, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N] not, U000AC, /neg /lnot =not sign, [NOT SIGN] Not, U02AEC, not with two horizontal strokes, [DOUBLE STROKE NOT SIGN] NotCongruent, U02262, alias ISOAMSN nequiv, [NOT IDENTICAL TO] NotCupCap, U0226D, alias for &nasymp;, [NOT EQUIVALENT TO] NotDoubleVerticalBar, U02226, alias ISOAMSN npar, [NOT PARALLEL TO] NotElement, U02209, alias ISOTECH notin, [NOT AN ELEMENT OF] NotEqual, U02260, alias ISOTECH ne, [NOT EQUAL TO] NotEqualTilde, U02242-00338, alias for ≂̸, [NOT EQUAL OR SIMILAR] NotExists, U02204, alias ISOAMSO nexist, [THERE DOES NOT EXIST] NotGreater, U0226F, alias ISOAMSN ngt, [NOT GREATER-THAN] NotGreaterEqual, U02271-020E5, alias ISOAMSN nge, [NOT GREATER-THAN-OR-EQUAL] NotGreaterFullEqual, U02270, alias ISOAMSN nlE, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] NotGreaterGreater, U0226B-00338-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN nGtv, [NOT MUCH GREATER THAN, VARIANT] NotGreaterLess, U02279, alias ISOAMSN ntvgl, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR LESS-THAN] NotGreaterSlantEqual, U02271, alias ISOAMSN nges, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] NotGreaterTilde, U02275, alias ISOAMSN ngsim, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO] NotHumpDownHump, U0224E-00338, alias for ≎̸, [NOT BUMPY EQUALS] NotHumpEqual, U0224F-00338, alias for ≏̸, [NOT BUMPY SINGLE EQUALS] notin, U02209, /notin N: negated set membership, [NOT AN ELEMENT OF] notindot, U022F6-0FE00, negated set membership, dot above, [NEGATED SET MEMBERSHIP, DOT ABOVE] notinva, U02209-00338, negated set membership, variant, [NEGATED SET MEMBERSHIP, VARIANT] notinvb, U022F7, negated set membership, variant, [SMALL ELEMENT OF WITH OVERBAR] notinvc, U022F6, negated set membership, variant, [ELEMENT OF WITH OVERBAR] NotLeftTriangle, U022EA, alias ISOAMSN nltri, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] NotLeftTriangleBar, U029CF-00338, not left triangle, vertical bar, [NOT LEFT TRIANGLE, VERTICAL BAR] NotLeftTriangleEqual, U022EC, alias ISOAMSN nltrie, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] NotLess, U0226E, alias ISOAMSN nlt, [NOT LESS-THAN] NotLessEqual, U02270-020E5, alias ISOAMSN nle, [NOT LESS-THAN-OR-EQUAL] NotLessGreater, U02278, alias ISOAMSN ntvlg, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR GREATER-THAN] NotLessLess, U0226A-00338-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN nLtv, [NOT MUCH LESS THAN, VARIANT] NotLessSlantEqual, U02270, alias ISOAMSN nles, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] NotLessTilde, U02274, alias ISOAMSN nlsim, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO] NotNestedGreaterGreater, U024A2-00338, not double greater-than sign, [NOT DOUBLE GREATER-THAN SIGN] NotNestedLessLess, U024A1-00338, not double less-than sign, [NOT DOUBLE LESS-THAN SIGN] notni, U0220C, negated contains, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER] notniva, U0220C, negated contains, variant, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER] notnivb, U022FE, contains, variant, [SMALL CONTAINS WITH OVERBAR] notnivc, U022FD, contains, variant, [CONTAINS WITH OVERBAR] NotPrecedes, U02280, alias ISOAMSN npr, [DOES NOT PRECEDE] NotPrecedesEqual, U02AAF-00338, alias ISOAMSN npre, [NOT PRECEDES, EQUALS] NotPrecedesSlantEqual, U022E0, alias ISOAMSN nprcue, [DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL] NotReverseElement, U0220C, alias ISOTECH notniva, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER] NotRightTriangle, U022EB, alias ISOAMSN nrtri, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] NotRightTriangleBar, U029D0-00338, not vertical bar, right triangle, [NOT VERTICAL BAR, RIGHT TRIANGLE] NotRightTriangleEqual, U022ED, alias ISOAMSN nrtrie, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL] NotSquareSubset, U0228F-00338, square not subset, [NOT, SQUARE SUBSET] NotSquareSubsetEqual, U022E2, alias ISOAMSN nsqsube, [NOT SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO] NotSquareSuperset, U02290-00338, negated set-like partial order operator, [NOT, SQUARE SUPERSET] NotSquareSupersetEqual, U022E3, alias ISOAMSN nsqsupe, [NOT SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO] NotSubset, U02284, alias ISOAMSN vnsub, [NOT A SUBSET OF] NotSubsetEqual, U02288, alias ISOAMSN nsube, [NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] NotSucceeds, U02281, alias ISOAMSN nsc, [DOES NOT SUCCEED] NotSucceedsEqual, U02AB0-00338, alias ISOAMSN nsce, [NOT SUCCEEDS, EQUALS] NotSucceedsSlantEqual, U022E1, alias ISOAMSN nsccue, [DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL] NotSucceedsTilde, U0227F-00338, not succeeds or similar, [NOT SUCCEEDS, SIMILAR] NotSuperset, U02285, alias ISOAMSN vnsup, [NOT A SUPERSET OF] NotSupersetEqual, U02289, alias ISOAMSN nsupe, [NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] NotTilde, U02241, alias ISOAMSN nsim, [NOT TILDE] NotTildeEqual, U02244, alias ISOAMSN nsime, [NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] NotTildeFullEqual, U02247, alias ISOAMSN ncong, [NEITHER APPROXIMATELY NOR ACTUALLY EQUAL TO] NotTildeTilde, U02249, alias ISOAMSN nap, [NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO] NotVerticalBar, U02224, alias ISOAMSN nmid, [DOES NOT DIVIDE] npar, U02226, /nparallel N: not parallel, [NOT PARALLEL TO] nparallel, U02226, alias ISOAMSN npar, [NOT PARALLEL TO] nparsl, U02225-0FE00-020E5, not parallel, slanted, [NOT PARALLEL, SLANTED] npart, U02202-00338, not partial differential, [NOT PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL] npolint, U02A14, line integration, not including the pole, [LINE INTEGRATION NOT INCLUDING THE POLE] npr, U02280, /nprec N: not precedes, [DOES NOT PRECEDE] nprcue, U022E0, not curly precedes, eq, [DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL] npre, U02AAF-00338, /npreceq N: not precedes, equals, [NOT PRECEDES, EQUALS] nprec, U02280, alias ISOAMSN npr, [DOES NOT PRECEDE] npreceq, U02AAF-00338, alias ISOAMSN npre, [NOT PRECEDES, EQUALS] nrarr, U0219B, /nrightarrow A: not right arrow, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE] nrArr, U021CF, /nRightarrow A: not implies, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nrarrc, U02933-00338, not right arrow-curved, [NOT RIGHT ARROW-CURVED] nrarrw, U0219D-00338, not right arrow-wavy, [NOT RIGHT ARROW-WAVY] nrightarrow, U0219B, alias ISOAMSA nrarr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE] nRightarrow, U021CF, alias ISOAMSA nrArr, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nrtri, U022EB, /ntriangleright N: not rt triangle, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] nrtrie, U022ED, /ntrianglerighteq N: not r tri, eq, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL] nsc, U02281, /nsucc N: not succeeds, [DOES NOT SUCCEED] nsccue, U022E1, not succeeds, curly eq, [DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL] nsce, U02AB0-00338, /nsucceq N: not succeeds, equals, [NOT SUCCEEDS, EQUALS] nscr, U1D4C3, /scr n, script letter n, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL N] Nscr, U1D4A9, /scr N, script letter N, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL N] nshortmid, U02224-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN nsmid, [NEGATED SHORT MID] nshortparallel, U02226-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN nspar, [NOT SHORT PARALLEL] nsim, U02241, /nsim N: not similar, [NOT TILDE] nsime, U02244, /nsimeq N: not similar, equals, [NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] nsimeq, U02244, alias ISOAMSN nsime, [NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] nsmid, U02224-0FE00, /nshortmid, [NEGATED SHORT MID] nspar, U02226-0FE00, /nshortparallel N: not short par, [NOT SHORT PARALLEL] nsqsube, U022E2, not, square subset, equals, [NOT SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO] nsqsupe, U022E3, not, square superset, equals, [NOT SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO] nsub, U02284, not subset, [NOT A SUBSET OF] nsube, U02288, /nsubseteq N: not subset, equals, [NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsubE, U02288, /nsubseteqq N: not subset, dbl eq, [NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsubset, U02284, alias ISOAMSN vnsub, [NOT A SUBSET OF] nsubseteq, U02288, alias ISOAMSN nsube, [NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsubseteqq, U02288, alias ISOAMSN nsubE, [NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsucc, U02281, alias ISOAMSN nsc, [DOES NOT SUCCEED] nsucceq, U02AB0-00338, alias ISOAMSN nsce, [NOT SUCCEEDS, EQUALS] nsup, U02285, not superset, [NOT A SUPERSET OF] nsupe, U02289, /nsupseteq N: not superset, equals, [NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsupE, U02289, /nsupseteqq N: not superset, dbl eq, [NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsupset, U02285, alias ISOAMSN vnsup, [NOT A SUPERSET OF] nsupseteq, U02289, alias ISOAMSN nsupe, [NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] nsupseteqq, U02289, alias ISOAMSN nsupE, [NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO] ntgl, U02279, not greater, less, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR LESS-THAN] ntilde, U000F1, =small n, tilde, [LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE] Ntilde, U000D1, =capital N, tilde, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE] ntlg, U02278, not less, greater, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR GREATER-THAN] ntriangleleft, U022EA, alias ISOAMSN nltri, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] ntrianglelefteq, U022EC, alias ISOAMSN nltrie, [NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] ntriangleright, U022EB, alias ISOAMSN nrtri, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] ntrianglerighteq, U022ED, alias ISOAMSN nrtrie, [DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL] nu, U003BD, /nu small nu, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER NU] num, U00023, =number sign, [NUMBER SIGN] numero, U02116, =numero sign, [NUMERO SIGN] numsp, U02007, =digit space (width of a number), [FIGURE SPACE] nvap, U02249-00338, not, vert, approximate, [NOT, VERT, APPROXIMATE] nvdash, U022AC, /nvdash N: not vertical, dash, [DOES NOT PROVE] nvDash, U022AD, /nvDash N: not vertical, dbl dash, [NOT TRUE] nVdash, U022AE, /nVdash N: not dbl vertical, dash, [DOES NOT FORCE] nVDash, U022AF, /nVDash N: not dbl vert, dbl dash, [NEGATED DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE] nvge, U02271, not, vert, greater-than-or-equal, [NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nvgt, U0226F, not, vert, greater-than, [NOT GREATER-THAN] nvHarr, U021CE, not, vert, left and right double arrow, [LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nvinfin, U029DE, not, vert, infinity, [INFINITY NEGATED WITH VERTICAL BAR] nvlArr, U021CD, not, vert, left double arrow, [LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nvle, U02270, not, vert, less-than-or-equal, [NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO] nvlt, U0226E, not, vert, less-than, [NOT LESS-THAN] nvltrie, U022EC-00338, not, vert, left triangle, equals, [NOT, VERT, LEFT TRIANGLE, EQUALS] nvrArr, U021CF, not, vert, right double arrow, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE] nvrtrie, U022ED-00338, not, vert, right triangle, equals, [NOT, VERT, RIGHT TRIANGLE, EQUALS] nvsim, U02241-00338, not, vert, similar, [NOT, VERT, SIMILAR] nwarhk, U02923, NW arrow-hooked, [NORTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOK] nwarr, U02196, /nwarrow A: NW pointing arrow, [NORTH WEST ARROW] nwArr, U021D6, NW pointing dbl arrow, [NORTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW] nwarrow, U02196, alias ISOAMSA nwarr, [NORTH WEST ARROW] nwnear, U02927, NW & NE arrows, [NORTH WEST ARROW AND NORTH EAST ARROW] oacute, U000F3, =small o, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE] Oacute, U000D3, =capital O, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE] oast, U0229B, /circledast B: asterisk in circle, [CIRCLED ASTERISK OPERATOR] ocir, U0229A, /circledcirc B: small circle in circle, [CIRCLED RING OPERATOR] ocirc, U000F4, =small o, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Ocirc, U000D4, =capital O, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX] ocy, U0043E, =small o, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O] Ocy, U0041E, =capital O, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O] odash, U0229D, /circleddash B: hyphen in circle, [CIRCLED DASH] odblac, U00151, =small o, double acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE] Odblac, U00150, =capital O, double acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE] odiv, U02A38, divide in circle, [CIRCLED DIVISION SIGN] odot, U02299, /odot B: middle dot in circle, [CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR] odsold, U029BC, dot, solidus, dot in circle, [CIRCLED ANTICLOCKWISE-ROTATED DIVISION SIGN] oelig, U00153, =small oe ligature, [LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE] OElig, U00152, =capital OE ligature, [LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE] ofcir, U029BF, filled circle in circle, [CIRCLED BULLET] ofr, U1D52C, /frak o, lower case o, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL O] Ofr, U1D512, /frak O, upper case o, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL O] ogon, U002DB, =ogonek, [OGONEK] ograve, U000F2, =small o, grave accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE] Ograve, U000D2, =capital O, grave accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE] ogt, U029C1, greater-than in circle, [CIRCLED GREATER-THAN] ohbar, U029B5, circle with horizontal bar, [CIRCLE WITH HORIZONTAL BAR] ohm, U02126, =ohm sign, [OHM SIGN] oint, U0222E, alias ISOTECH conint, [CONTOUR INTEGRAL] olarr, U021BA, /circlearrowleft A: l arr in circle, [ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW] olcir, U029BE, large circle in circle, [CIRCLED WHITE BULLET] olcross, U029BB, circle, cross, [CIRCLE WITH SUPERIMPOSED X] olt, U029C0, less-than in circle, [CIRCLED LESS-THAN] omacr, U0014D, =small o, macron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON] Omacr, U0014C, =capital O, macron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON] omega, U003C9, /omega small omega, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA] Omega, U003A9, /Omega capital Omega, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA] omid, U029B6, vertical bar in circle, [CIRCLED VERTICAL BAR] ominus, U02296, /ominus B: minus sign in circle, [CIRCLED MINUS] oopf, U1D560, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL O] Oopf, U1D546, /Bbb O, open face O, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL O] opar, U029B7, parallel in circle, [CIRCLED PARALLEL] OpenCurlyDoubleQuote, U0201C, alias ISONUM ldquo, [LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK] OpenCurlyQuote, U02018, alias ISONUM lsquo, [LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] operp, U029B9, perpendicular in circle, [CIRCLED PERPENDICULAR] oplus, U02295, /oplus B: plus sign in circle, [CIRCLED PLUS] or, U02228, /vee /lor B: logical or, [LOGICAL OR] Or, U02A54, dbl logical or, [DOUBLE LOGICAL OR] orarr, U021BB, /circlearrowright A: r arr in circle, [CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW] ord, U02A5D, or, horizontal dash, [LOGICAL OR WITH HORIZONTAL DASH] order, U02134, order of (script small o), [SCRIPT SMALL O] orderof, U02134, alias ISOTECH order, [SCRIPT SMALL O] ordf, U000AA, =ordinal indicator, feminine, [FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR] ordm, U000BA, =ordinal indicator, masculine, [MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR] origof, U022B6, original of, [ORIGINAL OF] oror, U02A56, two logical or, [TWO INTERSECTING LOGICAL OR] orslope, U02A57, sloping large or, [SLOPING LARGE OR] orv, U02A5B, or with middle stem, [LOGICAL OR WITH MIDDLE STEM] oS, U024C8, /circledS - capital S in circle, [CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S] oscr, U02134, /scr o, script letter o, [SCRIPT SMALL O] Oscr, U1D4AA, /scr O, script letter O, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL O] oslash, U000F8, latin small letter o with stroke, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE] Oslash, U000D8, =capital O, slash, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE] osol, U02298, /oslash B: solidus in circle, [CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH] otilde, U000F5, =small o, tilde, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE] Otilde, U000D5, =capital O, tilde, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE] otimes, U02297, /otimes B: multiply sign in circle, [CIRCLED TIMES] Otimes, U02A37, multiply sign in double circle, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN DOUBLE CIRCLE] otimesas, U02A36, multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent, [CIRCLED MULTIPLICATION SIGN WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT] ouml, U000F6, =small o, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS] Ouml, U000D6, =capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS] ovbar, U0233D, circle with vertical bar, [APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL CIRCLE STILE] OverBar, U000AF, over bar, [MACRON] OverBrace, U0FE37, over brace, [PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CURLY BRACKET] OverBracket, U023B4, over bracket, [TOP SQUARE BRACKET] OverParenthesis, U0FE35, over parenthesis, [PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT PARENTHESIS] par, U02225, /parallel R: parallel, [PARALLEL TO] para, U000B6, =pilcrow (paragraph sign), [PILCROW SIGN] parallel, U02225, alias ISOTECH par, [PARALLEL TO] parsim, U02AF3, parallel, similar, [PARALLEL WITH TILDE OPERATOR] parsl, U02225-0FE00x, parallel, slanted, [PARALLEL, SLANTED] part, U02202, /partial partial differential, [PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL] PartialD, U02202, alias ISOTECH part, [PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL] pcy, U0043F, =small pe, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE] Pcy, U0041F, =capital PE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE] percnt, U00025, =percent sign, [PERCENT SIGN] period, U0002E, =full stop, period, [FULL STOP] permil, U02030, per thousand, [PER MILLE SIGN] perp, U022A5, /perp R: perpendicular, [UP TACK] pertenk, U02031, per 10 thousand, [PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN] pfr, U1D52D, /frak p, lower case p, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL P] Pfr, U1D513, /frak P, upper case p, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL P] phi, U003C6, /straightphi - small phi, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI] Phi, U003A6, /Phi capital Phi, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI] phiv, U003D5, /varphi - curly or open phi, [GREEK PHI SYMBOL] phmmat, U02133, physics M-matrix (script capital M), [SCRIPT CAPITAL M] phone, U0260E, =telephone symbol, [BLACK TELEPHONE] pi, U003C0, /pi small pi, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER PI] Pi, U003A0, /Pi capital Pi, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI] pitchfork, U022D4, alias ISOAMSR fork, [PITCHFORK] piv, U003D6, /varpi, [GREEK PI SYMBOL] planckh, U0210E, the ring (skew field) of quaternions, [PLANCK CONSTANT] plank, U0210Fx, /hbar - Planck's over 2pi, [PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI] plankv, U0210F, /hslash - variant Planck's over 2pi, [PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI] plus, U0002B, =plus sign B:, [PLUS SIGN] plusacir, U02A23, plus, circumflex accent above, [PLUS SIGN WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ABOVE] plusb, U0229E, /boxplus B: plus sign in box, [SQUARED PLUS] pluscir, U02A22, plus, small circle above, [PLUS SIGN WITH SMALL CIRCLE ABOVE] plusdo, U02214, /dotplus B: plus sign, dot above, [DOT PLUS] plusdu, U02A25, plus sign, dot below, [PLUS SIGN WITH DOT BELOW] pluse, U02A72, plus, equals, [PLUS SIGN ABOVE EQUALS SIGN] PlusMinus, U000B1, alias ISONUM plusmn, [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] plusmn, U000B1, /pm B: =plus-or-minus sign, [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] plussim, U02A26, plus, similar below, [PLUS SIGN WITH TILDE BELOW] plustwo, U02A27, plus, two; Nim-addition, [PLUS SIGN WITH SUBSCRIPT TWO] pm, U000B1, alias ISONUM plusmn, [PLUS-MINUS SIGN] Poincareplane, U0210C, the Poincare upper half-plane, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H] pointint, U02A15, integral around a point operator, [INTEGRAL AROUND A POINT OPERATOR] popf, U1D561, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL P] Popf, U02119, /Bbb P, open face P, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P] pound, U000A3, =pound sign, [POUND SIGN] pr, U0227A, /prec R: precedes, [PRECEDES] Pr, U02ABB, dbl precedes, [DOUBLE PRECEDES] prap, U0227E, /precapprox R: precedes, approximate, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] prcue, U0227C, /preccurlyeq R: precedes, curly eq, [PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO] pre, U02AAF, /preceq R: precedes, equals, [PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN] prE, U02AAF, precedes, dbl equals, [PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN] prec, U0227A, alias ISOAMSR pr, [PRECEDES] precapprox, U0227E, alias ISOAMSR prap, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] preccurlyeq, U0227C, alias ISOAMSR prcue, [PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO] Precedes, U0227A, alias ISOAMSR pr, [PRECEDES] PrecedesEqual, U02AAF, alias ISOAMSR pre, [PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN] PrecedesSlantEqual, U0227C, alias ISOAMSR prcue, [PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO] PrecedesTilde, U0227E, alias ISOAMSR prsim, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] preceq, U02AAF, alias ISOAMSR pre, [PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN] precnapprox, U022E8, alias ISOAMSN prnap, [PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] precneqq, U02AB5, alias ISOAMSN prnE, [PRECEDES ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO] precnsim, U022E8, alias ISOAMSN prnsim, [PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] precsim, U0227E, alias ISOAMSR prsim, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] prime, U02032, /prime prime or minute, [PRIME] Prime, U02033, double prime or second, [DOUBLE PRIME] primes, U02119, the prime natural numbers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P] prnap, U022E8, /precnapprox N: precedes, not approx, [PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] prnE, U02AB5, /precneqq N: precedes, not dbl eq, [PRECEDES ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO] prnsim, U022E8, /precnsim N: precedes, not similar, [PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] prod, U0220F, /prod L: product operator, [N-ARY PRODUCT] Product, U0220F, alias for &prod, [N-ARY PRODUCT] profalar, U0232E, all-around profile, [ALL AROUND-PROFILE] profline, U02312, profile of a line, [ARC] profsurf, U02313, profile of a surface, [SEGMENT] prop, U0221D, /propto R: is proportional to, [PROPORTIONAL TO] Proportion, U02237, alias ISOAMSR Colon, [PROPORTION] Proportional, U0221D, alias ISOTECH prop, [PROPORTIONAL TO] propto, U0221D, alias ISOTECH prop, [PROPORTIONAL TO] prsim, U0227E, /precsim R: precedes, similar, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] prurel, U022B0, element precedes under relation, [PRECEDES UNDER RELATION] pscr, U1D4C5, /scr p, script letter p, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL P] Pscr, U1D4AB, /scr P, script letter P, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL P] psi, U003C8, /psi small psi, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI] Psi, U003A8, /Psi capital Psi, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI] puncsp, U02008, =punctuation space (width of comma), [PUNCTUATION SPACE] qfr, U1D52E, /frak q, lower case q, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL Q] Qfr, U1D514, /frak Q, upper case q, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL Q] qint, U02A0C, /iiiint quadruple integral operator, [QUADRUPLE INTEGRAL OPERATOR] qopf, U1D562, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL Q] Qopf, U0211A, /Bbb Q, open face Q, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q] qprime, U02057, quadruple prime, [QUADRUPLE PRIME] qscr, U1D4C6, /scr q, script letter q, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL Q] Qscr, U1D4AC, /scr Q, script letter Q, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL Q] quaternions, U0210D, the ring (skew field) of quaternions, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H] quatint, U02A16, quaternion integral operator, [QUATERNION INTEGRAL OPERATOR] quest, U0003F, =question mark, [QUESTION MARK] questeq, U0225F, alias ISOAMSR equest, [QUESTIONED EQUAL TO] quot, U00022, =quotation mark, [QUOTATION MARK] rAarr, U021DB, /Rrightarrow A: right triple arrow, [RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW] race, U029DA, reverse most positive, line below, [REVERSE MOST POSITIVE, LINE BELOW] racute, U00155, =small r, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH ACUTE] Racute, U00154, =capital R, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE] radic, U0221A, /surd radical, [SQUARE ROOT] raemptyv, U029B3, circle, slash, right arrow above, [EMPTY SET WITH RIGHT ARROW ABOVE] rang, U0232A, /rangle C: right angle bracket, [RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] Rang, U0300B, right angle bracket, double, [RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET] rangd, U02992, right angle, dot, [RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET WITH DOT] range, U029A5, reverse angle, equal, [REVERSED ANGLE WITH UNDERBAR] rangle, U0232A, alias ISOTECH rang, [RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] raquo, U000BB, =angle quotation mark, right, [RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK] rarr, U02192, /rightarrow /to A: =rightward arrow, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW] rArr, U021D2, /Rightarrow A: implies, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] Rarr, U021A0, /twoheadrightarrow A:, [RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] rarrap, U02975, approximate, right arrow above, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE ALMOST EQUAL TO] rarrb, U021E5, leftwards arrow to bar, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR] rarrbfs, U02920, right arrow-bar, filled square, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR TO FILLED DIAMOND] rarrc, U02933, right arrow-curved, [WAVE ARROW POINTING DIRECTLY TO THE RIGHT] rarrfs, U0291E, right arrow, filled square, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO FILLED DIAMOND] rarrhk, U021AA, /hookrightarrow A: rt arrow-hooked, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK] rarrlp, U021AC, /looparrowright A: rt arrow-looped, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP] rarrpl, U02945, right arrow, plus, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH PLUS BELOW] rarrsim, U02974, right arrow, similar, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR] rarrtl, U021A3, /rightarrowtail A: rt arrow-tailed, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL] Rarrtl, U02916, right two-headed arrow with tail, [RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL] rarrw, U021DD, /rightsquigarrow A: rt arrow-wavy, [RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW] ratail, U021A3, right arrow-tail, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL] rAtail, U0291C, right double arrow-tail, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW-TAIL] ratio, U02236, /ratio, [RATIO] rationals, U0211A, the field of rational numbers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q] rbarr, U0290D, /bkarow A: right broken arrow, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW] rBarr, U0290F, /dbkarow A: right doubly broken arrow, [RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW] RBarr, U02910, /drbkarow A: twoheaded right broken arrow, [RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW] rbbrk, U03015, right broken bracket, [RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET] rbrace, U0007D, alias ISONUM rcub, [RIGHT CURLY BRACKET] rbrack, U0005D, alias ISONUM rsqb, [RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET] rbrke, U0298C, right bracket, equal, [RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH UNDERBAR] rbrksld, U0298E, right bracket, solidus bottom corner, [RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN BOTTOM CORNER] rbrkslu, U02990, right bracket, solidus top corner, [RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN TOP CORNER] rcaron, U00159, =small r, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CARON] Rcaron, U00158, =capital R, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON] rcedil, U00157, =small r, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA] Rcedil, U00156, =capital R, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA] rceil, U02309, /rceil C: right ceiling, [RIGHT CEILING] rcub, U0007D, /rbrace C: =right curly bracket, [RIGHT CURLY BRACKET] rcy, U00440, =small er, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER] Rcy, U00420, =capital ER, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER] rdca, U02937, right down curved arrow, [ARROW POINTING DOWNWARDS THEN CURVING RIGHTWARDS] rdldhar, U02969, right harpoon-down over left harpoon-down, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN] rdquo, U0201D, =double quotation mark, right, [RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK] rdquor, U0201D, rising dbl quote, right (high), [RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK] rdsh, U021B3, right down angled arrow, [DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS] Re, U0211C, alias ISOAMSO real, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R] real, U0211C, /Re - real, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R] realine, U0211B, the geometric real line, [SCRIPT CAPITAL R] realpart, U0211C, alias ISOAMSO real, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R] reals, U0211D, the field of real numbers, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R] rect, U025AD, =rectangle, open, [WHITE RECTANGLE] reg, U000AE, /circledR =registered sign, [REGISTERED SIGN] ReverseElement, U0220B, alias ISOTECH niv, [CONTAINS AS MEMBER] ReverseEquilibrium, U021CB, alias ISOAMSA lrhar, [LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON] ReverseUpEquilibrium, U0296F, alias ISOAMSA duhar, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] rfisht, U0297D, right fish tail, [RIGHT FISH TAIL] rfloor, U0230B, /rfloor C: right floor, [RIGHT FLOOR] rfr, U1D52F, /frak r, lower case r, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL R] Rfr, U0211C, /frak R, upper case r, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R] rHar, U02964, right harpoon-up over right harpoon-down, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN] rhard, U021C1, /rightharpoondown A: rt harpoon-down, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] rharu, U021C0, /rightharpoonup A: rt harpoon-up, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] rharul, U0296C, right harpoon-up over long dash, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LONG DASH] rho, U003C1, /rho small rho, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO] rhov, U003F1, /varrho, [GREEK RHO SYMBOL] RightAngleBracket, U0232A, alias ISOTECH rang, [RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET] rightarrow, U02192, alias ISONUM rarr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW] Rightarrow, U021D2, alias ISOTECH rArr, [RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] RightArrow, U02192, alias ISONUM rarr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW] RightArrowBar, U021E5, alias for rarrb, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR] RightArrowLeftArrow, U021C4, alias ISOAMSA rlarr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW] rightarrowtail, U021A3, alias ISOAMSA rarrtl, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL] RightCeiling, U02309, alias ISOAMSC rceil, [RIGHT CEILING] RightDoubleBracket, U0301B, right double bracket delimiter, [RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET] RightDownTeeVector, U0295D, down-right harpoon from bar, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT FROM BAR] RightDownVector, U021C2, alias ISOAMSA dharr, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] RightDownVectorBar, U02955, down-right harpoon to bar, [DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT TO BAR] RightFloor, U0230B, alias ISOAMSC rfloor, [RIGHT FLOOR] rightharpoondown, U021C1, alias ISOAMSA rhard, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS] rightharpoonup, U021C0, alias ISOAMSA rharu, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] rightleftarrows, U021C4, alias ISOAMSA rlarr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW] rightleftharpoons, U021CC, alias ISOAMSA rlhar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON] rightrightarrows, U021C9, alias ISOAMSA rrarr, [RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] rightsquigarrow, U021DD, alias ISOAMSA rarrw, [RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW] RightTee, U022A2, alias ISOAMSR vdash, [RIGHT TACK] RightTeeArrow, U021A6, alias ISOAMSA map, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] RightTeeVector, U0295B, right-up harpoon from bar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP FROM BAR] rightthreetimes, U022CC, alias ISOAMSB rthree, [RIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] RightTriangle, U022B3, alias ISOAMSR vrtri, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] RightTriangleBar, U029D0, vertical bar, right triangle, [VERTICAL BAR BESIDE RIGHT TRIANGLE] RightTriangleEqual, U022B5, alias ISOAMSR rtrie, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO] RightUpDownVector, U0294F, up-right-down-right harpoon, [UP BARB RIGHT DOWN BARB RIGHT HARPOON] RightUpTeeVector, U0295C, up-right harpoon from bar, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT FROM BAR] RightUpVector, U021BE, alias ISOAMSA uharr, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] RightUpVectorBar, U02954, up-right harpoon to bar, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT TO BAR] RightVector, U021C0, alias ISOAMSA rharu, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS] RightVectorBar, U02953, up-right harpoon to bar, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP TO BAR] ring, U002DA, =ring, [RING ABOVE] risingdotseq, U02253, alias ISOAMSR erDot, [IMAGE OF OR APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO] rlarr, U021C4, /rightleftarrows A: r arr over l arr, [RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW] rlhar, U021CC, /rightleftharpoons A: r harp over l, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON] rmoust, U023B1, /rmoustache, [UPPER RIGHT OR LOWER LEFT CURLY BRACKET SECTION] rmoustache, U023B1, alias ISOAMSC rmoust, [UPPER RIGHT OR LOWER LEFT CURLY BRACKET SECTION] rnmid, U02AEE, reverse /nmid, [DOES NOT DIVIDE WITH REVERSED NEGATION SLASH] roang, U03019, right open angular bracket, [RIGHT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET] roarr, U021FE, right open arrow, [RIGHTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROW] robrk, U0301B, right open bracket, [RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET] ropar, U02986x, right open parenthesis, [RIGHT OPEN PARENTHESIS] ropf, U1D563, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL R] Ropf, U0211D, /Bbb R, open face R, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R] roplus, U02A2E, plus sign in right half circle, [PLUS SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLE] rotimes, U02A35, multiply sign in right half circle, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLE] RoundImplies, U02970, round implies, [RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH ROUNDED HEAD] rpar, U00029, C: =right parenthesis, [RIGHT PARENTHESIS] rpargt, U02994, C: right paren, gt, [RIGHT ARC GREATER-THAN BRACKET] rppolint, U02A12, line integration, rectangular path around pole, [LINE INTEGRATION WITH RECTANGULAR PATH AROUND POLE] rrarr, U021C9, /rightrightarrows A: two rt arrows, [RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] Rrightarrow, U021DB, alias ISOAMSA rAarr, [RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW] rscr, U1D4C7, /scr r, script letter r, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL R] Rscr, U0211B, /scr R, script letter R, [SCRIPT CAPITAL R] rsh, U021B1, /Rsh A:, [UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS] Rsh, U021B1, alias ISOAMSA rsh, [UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS] rsqb, U0005D, /rbrack C: =right square bracket, [RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET] rsquo, U02019, =single quotation mark, right, [RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] rsquor, U02019, rising single quote, right (high), [RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK] rthree, U022CC, /rightthreetimes B:, [RIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] rtimes, U022CA, /rtimes B: times sign, right closed, [RIGHT NORMAL FACTOR SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT] rtri, U025B9, /triangleright B: r triangle, open, [WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] rtrie, U022B5, /trianglerighteq R: right tri, eq, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO] rtrif, U025B8, /blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled, [BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] rtriltri, U029CE, right triangle above left triangle, [RIGHT TRIANGLE ABOVE LEFT TRIANGLE] RuleDelayed, U029F4, rule-delayed (colon right arrow), [RULE-DELAYED] ruluhar, U02968, right harpoon-up over left harpoon-up, [RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP] rx, U0211E, pharmaceutical prescription (Rx), [PRESCRIPTION TAKE] sacute, U0015B, =small s, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH ACUTE] Sacute, U0015A, =capital S, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE] sc, U0227B, /succ R: succeeds, [SUCCEEDS] Sc, U02ABC, dbl succeeds, [DOUBLE SUCCEEDS] scap, U0227F, /succapprox R: succeeds, approximate, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO] scaron, U00161, =small s, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON] Scaron, U00160, =capital S, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON] sccue, U0227D, /succcurlyeq R: succeeds, curly eq, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] sce, U0227D, /succeq R: succeeds, equals, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] scE, U0227E, succeeds, dbl equals, [PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO] scedil, U0015F, =small s, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA] Scedil, U0015E, =capital S, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA] scirc, U0015D, =small s, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Scirc, U0015C, =capital S, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX] scnap, U022E9, /succnapprox N: succeeds, not approx, [SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] scnE, U02AB6, /succneqq N: succeeds, not dbl eq, [SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO] scnsim, U022E9, /succnsim N: succeeds, not similar, [SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] scpolint, U02A13, line integration, semi-circular path around pole, [LINE INTEGRATION WITH SEMICIRCULAR PATH AROUND POLE] scsim, U0227F, /succsim R: succeeds, similar, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO] scy, U00441, =small es, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES] Scy, U00421, =capital ES, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES] sdot, U022C5, /cdot B: small middle dot, [DOT OPERATOR] sdotb, U022A1, /dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in box, [SQUARED DOT OPERATOR] sdote, U02A66, equal, dot below, [EQUALS SIGN WITH DOT BELOW] searhk, U02925, /hksearow A: SE arrow-hooken, [SOUTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOK] searr, U02198, /searrow A: SE pointing arrow, [SOUTH EAST ARROW] seArr, U021D8, SE pointing dbl arrow, [SOUTH EAST DOUBLE ARROW] searrow, U02198, alias ISOAMSA searr, [SOUTH EAST ARROW] sect, U000A7, =section sign, [SECTION SIGN] semi, U0003B, =semicolon P:, [SEMICOLON] seswar, U02929, /tosa A: SE & SW arrows, [SOUTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH WEST ARROW] setminus, U02216, alias ISOAMSB setmn, [SET MINUS] setmn, U02216, /setminus B: reverse solidus, [SET MINUS] sext, U02736, sextile (6-pointed star), [SIX POINTED BLACK STAR] sfr, U1D530, /frak s, lower case s, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL S] Sfr, U1D516, /frak S, upper case s, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL S] sharp, U0266F, /sharp =musical sharp, [MUSIC SHARP SIGN] shchcy, U00449, =small shcha, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA] SHCHcy, U00429, =capital SHCHA, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA] shcy, U00448, =small sha, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA] SHcy, U00428, =capital SHA, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA] ShortDownArrow, U02304-0FE00, short down arrow, [short down arrow] ShortLeftArrow, U02190-0FE00, alias ISOAMSA slarr, [SHORT LEFT ARROW] shortmid, U02223-0FE00, alias ISOAMSR smid, [/SHORTMID R:] shortparallel, U02225-0FE00, alias ISOAMSR spar, [SHORT PARALLEL] ShortRightArrow, U02192-0FE00, alias ISOAMSA srarr, [SHORT RIGHT ARROW] ShortUpArrow, U02303-0FE00, short up arrow, [short up arrow] shy, U000AD, =soft hyphen, [SOFT HYPHEN] sigma, U003C3, /sigma small sigma, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA] Sigma, U003A3, /Sigma capital Sigma, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA] sigmav, U003C2, /varsigma, [GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA] sim, U0223C, /sim R: similar, [TILDE OPERATOR] simdot, U02A6A, similar, dot, [TILDE OPERATOR WITH DOT ABOVE] sime, U02243, /simeq R: similar, equals, [ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] simeq, U02243, alias ISOTECH sime, [ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] simg, U02A9E, similar, greater, [SIMILAR OR GREATER-THAN] simgE, U02AA0, similar, greater, equal, [SIMILAR ABOVE GREATER-THAN ABOVE EQUALS SIGN] siml, U02A9D, similar, less, [SIMILAR OR LESS-THAN] simlE, U02A9F, similar, less, equal, [SIMILAR ABOVE LESS-THAN ABOVE EQUALS SIGN] simne, U02246, similar, not equals, [APPROXIMATELY BUT NOT ACTUALLY EQUAL TO] simplus, U02A24, plus, similar above, [PLUS SIGN WITH TILDE ABOVE] simrarr, U02972, similar, right arrow below, [TILDE OPERATOR ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW] slarr, U02190-0FE00, short left arrow, [SHORT LEFT ARROW] SmallCircle, U02218, alias ISOTECH compfn, [RING OPERATOR] smallsetminus, U02216x, alias ISOAMSB ssetmn, [SMALL SET MINUS (REVERSE SOLIDUS)] smashp, U02A33, smash product, [SMASH PRODUCT] smeparsl, U029E4, similar, parallel, slanted, equal, [EQUALS SIGN AND SLANTED PARALLEL WITH TILDE ABOVE] smid, U02223-0FE00, /shortmid R:, [/SHORTMID R:] smile, U02323, /smile R: up curve, [SMILE] smt, U02AAA, smaller than, [SMALLER THAN] smte, U02AAC, smaller than or equal, [SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO] smtes, U02AAC-0FE00, smaller than or equal, slanted, [SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL, SLANTED] softcy, U0044C, =small soft sign, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SOFT SIGN] SOFTcy, U0042C, =capital SOFT sign, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SOFT SIGN] sol, U0002F, =solidus, [SOLIDUS] solb, U029C4, solidus in square, [SQUARED RISING DIAGONAL SLASH] solbar, U0233F, solidus, bar through, [APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL SLASH BAR] sopf, U1D564, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL S] Sopf, U1D54A, /Bbb S, open face S, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL S] spades, U02660, /spadesuit =spades suit symbol, [BLACK SPADE SUIT] spadesuit, U02660, ISOPUB spades, [BLACK SPADE SUIT] spar, U02225-0FE00, /shortparallel R: short parallel, [SHORT PARALLEL] sqcap, U02293, /sqcap B: square intersection, [SQUARE CAP] sqcaps, U02293-0FE00, square intersection, serifs, [SQUARE INTERSECTION, SERIFS] sqcup, U02294, /sqcup B: square union, [SQUARE CUP] sqcups, U02294-0FE00, square union, serifs, [SQUARE UNION, SERIFS] Sqrt, U0221A, alias ISOTECH radic, [SQUARE ROOT] sqsub, U0228F, /sqsubset R: square subset, [SQUARE IMAGE OF] sqsube, U02291, /sqsubseteq R: square subset, equals, [SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO] sqsubset, U0228F, alias ISOAMSR sqsub, [SQUARE IMAGE OF] sqsubseteq, U02291, alias ISOAMSR sqsube, [SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO] sqsup, U02290, /sqsupset R: square superset, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF] sqsupe, U02292, /sqsupseteq R: square superset, eq, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO] sqsupset, U02290, alias ISOAMSR sqsup, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF] sqsupseteq, U02292, alias ISOAMSR sqsupe, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO] squ, U025A1, =square, open, [WHITE SQUARE] square, U025A1, /square, square, [WHITE SQUARE] Square, U025A1, alias for square, [WHITE SQUARE] SquareIntersection, U02293, alias ISOAMSB sqcap, [SQUARE CAP] SquareSubset, U0228F, alias ISOAMSR sqsub, [SQUARE IMAGE OF] SquareSubsetEqual, U02291, alias ISOAMSR sqsube, [SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO] SquareSuperset, U02290, alias ISOAMSR sqsup, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF] SquareSupersetEqual, U02292, alias ISOAMSR sqsupe, [SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO] SquareUnion, U02294, alias ISOAMSB sqcup, [SQUARE CUP] squarf, U025AA, /blacksquare, square, filled, [BLACK SMALL SQUARE] squf, U025AA, /blacksquare =sq bullet, filled, [BLACK SMALL SQUARE] srarr, U02192-0FE00, short right arrow, [SHORT RIGHT ARROW] sscr, U1D4C8, /scr s, script letter s, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL S] Sscr, U1D4AE, /scr S, script letter S, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL S] ssetmn, U02216x, /smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidus, [SMALL SET MINUS (REVERSE SOLIDUS)] sstarf, U022C6, /star B: small star, filled, [STAR OPERATOR] star, U022C6, =star, open, [STAR OPERATOR] Star, U022C6, alias ISOAMSB sstarf, [STAR OPERATOR] starf, U02605, /bigstar - star, filled, [BLACK STAR] straightepsilon, U003B5, alias ISOGRK3 epsi, [GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON] straightphi, U003C6, alias ISOGRK3 phi, [GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI] sub, U02282, /subset R: subset or is implied by, [SUBSET OF] Sub, U022D0, /Subset R: double subset, [DOUBLE SUBSET] subdot, U02ABD, subset, with dot, [SUBSET WITH DOT] sube, U02286, /subseteq R: subset, equals, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] subE, U02286, /subseteqq R: subset, dbl equals, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] subedot, U02AC3, subset, equals, dot, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE] submult, U02AC1, subset, multiply, [SUBSET WITH MULTIPLICATION SIGN BELOW] subne, U0228A, /subsetneq N: subset, not equals, [SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] subnE, U0228A, /subsetneqq N: subset, not dbl eq, [SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] subplus, U02ABF, subset, plus, [SUBSET WITH PLUS SIGN BELOW] subrarr, U02979, subset, right arrow, [SUBSET ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW] subset, U02282, alias ISOTECH sub, [SUBSET OF] Subset, U022D0, alias ISOAMSR Sub, [DOUBLE SUBSET] subseteq, U02286, alias ISOTECH sube, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] subseteqq, U02286, alias ISOAMSR subE, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] SubsetEqual, U02286, alias ISOTECH sube, [SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO] subsetneq, U0228A, alias ISOAMSN subne, [SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] subsetneqq, U0228A, alias ISOAMSN subnE, [SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] subsim, U02AC7, subset, similar, [SUBSET OF ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR] subsub, U02AD5, subset above subset, [SUBSET ABOVE SUBSET] subsup, U02AD3, subset above superset, [SUBSET ABOVE SUPERSET] succ, U0227B, alias ISOAMSR sc, [SUCCEEDS] succapprox, U0227F, alias ISOAMSR scap, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO] succcurlyeq, U0227D, alias ISOAMSR sccue, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] Succeeds, U0227B, alias ISOAMSR sc, [SUCCEEDS] SucceedsEqual, U0227D, alias ISOAMSR sce, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] SucceedsSlantEqual, U0227D, alias ISOAMSR sccue, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] SucceedsTilde, U0227F, alias ISOAMSR scsim, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO] succeq, U0227D, alias ISOAMSR sce, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO] succnapprox, U022E9, alias ISOAMSN scnap, [SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] succneqq, U02AB6, alias ISOAMSN scnE, [SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO] succnsim, U022E9, alias ISOAMSN scnsim, [SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO] succsim, U0227F, alias ISOAMSR scsim, [SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO] SuchThat, U0220B, ISOTECH ni, [CONTAINS AS MEMBER] sum, U02211, /sum L: summation operator, [N-ARY SUMMATION] Sum, U02211, alias ISOAMSB sum, [N-ARY SUMMATION] sung, U0266A, =music note (sung text sign), [EIGHTH NOTE] sup, U02283, /supset R: superset or implies, [SUPERSET OF] Sup, U022D1, /Supset R: dbl superset, [DOUBLE SUPERSET] sup1, U000B9, =superscript one, [SUPERSCRIPT ONE] sup2, U000B2, =superscript two, [SUPERSCRIPT TWO] sup3, U000B3, =superscript three, [SUPERSCRIPT THREE] supdot, U02ABE, superset, with dot, [SUPERSET WITH DOT] supdsub, U02AD8, superset, subset, dash joining them, [SUPERSET BESIDE AND JOINED BY DASH WITH SUBSET] supe, U02287, /supseteq R: superset, equals, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO] supE, U02287, /supseteqq R: superset, dbl equals, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO] supedot, U02AC4, superset, equals, dot, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE] Superset, U02283, alias ISOTECH sup, [SUPERSET OF] SupersetEqual, U02287, alias ISOTECH supe, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO] suphsol, U02283-0002F, superset, solidus, [SUPERSET, SOLIDUS] suphsub, U02AD7, superset, subset, [SUPERSET BESIDE SUBSET] suplarr, U0297B, superset, left arrow, [SUPERSET ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROW] supmult, U02AC2, superset, multiply, [SUPERSET WITH MULTIPLICATION SIGN BELOW] supne, U0228B, /supsetneq N: superset, not equals, [SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] supnE, U0228B, /supsetneqq N: superset, not dbl eq, [SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] supplus, U02AC0, superset, plus, [SUPERSET WITH PLUS SIGN BELOW] supset, U02283, alias ISOTECH sup, [SUPERSET OF] Supset, U022D1, alias ISOAMSR Sup, [DOUBLE SUPERSET] supseteq, U02287, alias ISOTECH supe, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO] supseteqq, U02287, alias ISOAMSR supE, [SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO] supsetneq, U0228B, alias ISOAMSN supne, [SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] supsetneqq, U0228B, alias ISOAMSN supnE, [SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO] supsim, U02AC8, superset, similar, [SUPERSET OF ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR] supsub, U02AD4, superset above subset, [SUPERSET ABOVE SUBSET] supsup, U02AD6, superset above superset, [SUPERSET ABOVE SUPERSET] swarhk, U02926, /hkswarow A: SW arrow-hooked, [SOUTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOK] swarr, U02199, /swarrow A: SW pointing arrow, [SOUTH WEST ARROW] swArr, U021D9, SW pointing dbl arrow, [SOUTH WEST DOUBLE ARROW] swarrow, U02199, alias ISOAMSA swarr, [SOUTH WEST ARROW] swnwar, U0292A, SW & NW arrows, [SOUTH WEST ARROW AND NORTH WEST ARROW] szlig, U000DF, =small sharp s, German (sz ligature), [LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S] Tab, U00009, tabulator stop; horizontal tabulation, [HORIZONTAL TABULATION] target, U02316, register mark or target, [POSITION INDICATOR] tau, U003C4, /tau small tau, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU] tbrk, U023B4, top square bracket, [TOP SQUARE BRACKET] tcaron, U00165, =small t, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CARON] Tcaron, U00164, =capital T, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON] tcedil, U00163, =small t, cedilla, [LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA] Tcedil, U00162, =capital T, cedilla, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA] tcy, U00442, =small te, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE] Tcy, U00422, =capital TE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE] tdot, U020DB, three dots above, [COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE] telrec, U02315, =telephone recorder symbol, [TELEPHONE RECORDER] tfr, U1D531, /frak t, lower case t, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL T] Tfr, U1D517, /frak T, upper case t, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL T] there4, U02234, /therefore R: therefore, [THEREFORE] therefore, U02234, alias ISOTECH there4, [THEREFORE] Therefore, U02234, alias ISOTECH there4, [THEREFORE] theta, U003B8, /theta straight theta, small theta, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA] Theta, U00398, /Theta capital Theta, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA] thetav, U003D1, /vartheta - curly or open theta, [GREEK THETA SYMBOL] thickapprox, U02248-0FE00, ISOAMSR thkap, [THICK APPROXIMATE] thicksim, U0223Cx, ISOAMSR thksim, [TILDE OPERATOR] ThickSpace, U02005x, space of width 5/18 em, [space of width 5/18 em] thinsp, U02009, =thin space (1/6-em), [THIN SPACE] ThinSpace, U02009, space of width 3/18 em alias ISOPUB thinsp, [THIN SPACE] thkap, U02248-0FE00, /thickapprox R: thick approximate, [THICK APPROXIMATE] thksim, U0223Cx, /thicksim R: thick similar, [TILDE OPERATOR] thorn, U000FE, =small thorn, Icelandic, [LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN] THORN, U000DE, =capital THORN, Icelandic, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN] tilde, U002DC, =tilde, [SMALL TILDE] Tilde, U0223C, alias ISOTECH sim, [TILDE OPERATOR] TildeEqual, U02243, alias ISOTECH sime, [ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO] TildeFullEqual, U02245, alias ISOTECH cong, [APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO] TildeTilde, U02248, alias ISOTECH ap, [ALMOST EQUAL TO] times, U000D7, /times B: =multiply sign, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN] timesb, U022A0, /boxtimes B: multiply sign in box, [SQUARED TIMES] timesbar, U02A31, multiply sign, bar below, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN WITH UNDERBAR] timesd, U02A30, times, dot, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN WITH DOT ABOVE] tint, U0222D, /iiint triple integral operator, [TRIPLE INTEGRAL] toea, U02928, alias ISOAMSA nesear, [NORTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH EAST ARROW] top, U022A4, /top top, [DOWN TACK] topbot, U02336, top and bottom, [APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL I-BEAM] topcir, U02AF1, top, circle below, [DOWN TACK WITH CIRCLE BELOW] topf, U1D565, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL T] Topf, U1D54B, /Bbb T, open face T, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL T] topfork, U02ADA, fork with top, [PITCHFORK WITH TEE TOP] tosa, U02929, alias ISOAMSA seswar, [SOUTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH WEST ARROW] tprime, U02034, triple prime, [TRIPLE PRIME] trade, U02122, =trade mark sign, [TRADE MARK SIGN] triangle, U025B5, alias ISOPUB utri, [WHITE UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] triangledown, U025BF, alias ISOPUB dtri, [WHITE DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] triangleleft, U025C3, alias ISOPUB ltri, [WHITE LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] trianglelefteq, U022B4, alias ISOAMSR ltrie, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO] triangleq, U0225C, alias ISOAMSR trie, [DELTA EQUAL TO] triangleright, U025B9, alias ISOPUB rtri, [WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] trianglerighteq, U022B5, alias ISOAMSR rtrie, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO] tridot, U025EC, dot in triangle, [WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH DOT] trie, U0225C, /triangleq R: triangle, equals, [DELTA EQUAL TO] triminus, U02A3A, minus in triangle, [MINUS SIGN IN TRIANGLE] TripleDot, U020DB, alias ISOTECH tdot, [COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE] triplus, U02A39, plus in triangle, [PLUS SIGN IN TRIANGLE] trisb, U029CD, triangle, serifs at bottom, [TRIANGLE WITH SERIFS AT BOTTOM] tritime, U02A3B, multiply in triangle, [MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN TRIANGLE] tscr, U1D4C9, /scr t, script letter t, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL T] Tscr, U1D4AF, /scr T, script letter T, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL T] tscy, U00446, =small tse, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE] TScy, U00426, =capital TSE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE] tshcy, U0045B, =small tshe, Serbian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSHE] TSHcy, U0040B, =capital TSHE, Serbian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSHE] tstrok, U00167, =small t, stroke, [LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH STROKE] Tstrok, U00166, =capital T, stroke, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE] twixt, U0226C, /between R: between, [BETWEEN] twoheadleftarrow, U0219E, alias ISOAMSA Larr, [LEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] twoheadrightarrow, U021A0, alias ISOAMSA Rarr, [RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] uacute, U000FA, =small u, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE] Uacute, U000DA, =capital U, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE] uarr, U02191, /uparrow A: =upward arrow, [UPWARDS ARROW] uArr, U021D1, /Uparrow A: up dbl arrow, [UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] Uarr, U0219F, up two-headed arrow, [UPWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW] Uarrocir, U02949, up two-headed arrow above circle, [UPWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM SMALL CIRCLE] ubrcy, U0045E, =small u, Byelorussian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT U] Ubrcy, U0040E, =capital U, Byelorussian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U] ubreve, U0016D, =small u, breve, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH BREVE] Ubreve, U0016C, =capital U, breve, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE] ucirc, U000FB, =small u, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Ucirc, U000DB, =capital U, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX] ucy, U00443, =small u, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U] Ucy, U00423, =capital U, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U] udarr, U021C5, up arrow, down arrow, [UPWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF DOWNWARDS ARROW] udblac, U00171, =small u, double acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE] Udblac, U00170, =capital U, double acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE] udhar, U0296E, up harp, down harp, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] ufisht, U0297E, up fish tail, [UP FISH TAIL] ufr, U1D532, /frak u, lower case u, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL U] Ufr, U1D518, /frak U, upper case u, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL U] ugrave, U000F9, =small u, grave accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE] Ugrave, U000D9, =capital U, grave accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE] uHar, U02963, up harpoon-left, up harpoon-right, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] uharl, U021BF, /upharpoonleft A: up harpoon-left, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] uharr, U021BE, /upharpoonright /restriction A: up harp-r, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] uhblk, U02580, =upper half block, [UPPER HALF BLOCK] ulcorn, U0231C, /ulcorner O: upper left corner, [TOP LEFT CORNER] ulcorner, U0231C, alias ISOAMSC ulcorn, [TOP LEFT CORNER] ulcrop, U0230F, upward left crop mark, [TOP LEFT CROP] ultri, U025F8, upper left triangle, [UPPER LEFT TRIANGLE] umacr, U0016B, =small u, macron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON] Umacr, U0016A, =capital U, macron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON] uml, U000A8, =umlaut mark, [DIAERESIS] UnderBar, U00332, combining low line, [COMBINING LOW LINE] UnderBrace, U0FE38, under brace, [PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET] UnderBracket, U023B5, under bracket, [BOTTOM SQUARE BRACKET] UnderParenthesis, U0FE36, under parenthesis, [PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT PARENTHESIS] Union, U022C3, alias ISOAMSB xcup, [N-ARY UNION] UnionPlus, U0228E, alias ISOAMSB uplus, [MULTISET UNION] uogon, U00173, =small u, ogonek, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH OGONEK] Uogon, U00172, =capital U, ogonek, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK] uopf, U1D566, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL U] Uopf, U1D54C, /Bbb U, open face U, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL U] uparrow, U02191, alias ISONUM uarr, [UPWARDS ARROW] Uparrow, U021D1, alias ISOAMSA uArr, [UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW] UpArrow, U02191, alias ISONUM uarr, [UPWARDS ARROW] UpArrowBar, U02912, up arrow to bar, [UPWARDS ARROW TO BAR] UpArrowDownArrow, U021C5, alias ISOAMSA udarr, [UPWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF DOWNWARDS ARROW] updownarrow, U02195, alias ISOAMSA varr, [UP DOWN ARROW] Updownarrow, U021D5, alias ISOAMSA vArr, [UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW] UpDownArrow, U02195, alias ISOAMSA varr, [UP DOWN ARROW] UpEquilibrium, U0296E, alias ISOAMSA udhar, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT] upharpoonleft, U021BF, alias ISOAMSA uharl, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS] upharpoonright, U021BE, alias ISOAMSA uharr, [UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS] uplus, U0228E, /uplus B: plus sign in union, [MULTISET UNION] UpperLeftArrow, U02196, alias ISOAMSA nwarr, [NORTH WEST ARROW] UpperRightArrow, U02197, alias ISOAMSA nearr, [NORTH EAST ARROW] upsi, U003C5, /upsilon small upsilon, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON] Upsi, U003D2, /Upsilon capital Upsilon, Greek, [GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL] upsilon, U003C5, alias ISOGRK3 upsi, [GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON] Upsilon, U003D2, alias ISOGRK3 Upsi, [GREEK UPSILON WITH HOOK SYMBOL] UpTee, U022A5, alias ISOTECH perp, [UP TACK] UpTeeArrow, U021A5, Alias mapstoup, [UPWARDS ARROW FROM BAR] upuparrows, U021C8, alias ISOAMSA uuarr, [UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] urcorn, U0231D, /urcorner C: upper right corner, [TOP RIGHT CORNER] urcorner, U0231D, alias ISOAMSC urcorn, [TOP RIGHT CORNER] urcrop, U0230E, upward right crop mark, [TOP RIGHT CROP] uring, U0016F, =small u, ring, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE] Uring, U0016E, =capital U, ring, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE] urtri, U025F9, upper right triangle, [UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE] uscr, U1D4CA, /scr u, script letter u, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL U] Uscr, U1D4B0, /scr U, script letter U, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL U] utdot, U022F0, three dots, ascending, [UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS] utilde, U00169, =small u, tilde, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH TILDE] Utilde, U00168, =capital U, tilde, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE] utri, U025B5, /triangle =up triangle, open, [WHITE UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] utrif, U025B4, /blacktriangle =up tri, filled, [BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE] uuarr, U021C8, /upuparrows A: two up arrows, [UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS] uuml, U000FC, =small u, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS] Uuml, U000DC, =capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS] uwangle, U029A7, large upward pointing angle, [OBLIQUE ANGLE OPENING DOWN] vangrt, U022BE, right angle, variant, [RIGHT ANGLE WITH ARC] varepsilon, U0025B, alias ISOGRK3 epsiv, [LATIN SMALL LETTER OPEN E] varkappa, U003F0, alias ISOGRK3 kappav, [GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL] varnothing, U02205, alias ISOAMSO emptyv, [EMPTY SET] varphi, U003D5, alias ISOGRK3 phiv, [GREEK PHI SYMBOL] varpi, U003D6, alias ISOGRK3 piv, [GREEK PI SYMBOL] varpropto, U0221D, alias ISOAMSR vprop, [PROPORTIONAL TO] varr, U02195, /updownarrow A: up&down arrow, [UP DOWN ARROW] vArr, U021D5, /Updownarrow A: up&down dbl arrow, [UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW] varrho, U003F1, alias ISOGRK3 rhov, [GREEK RHO SYMBOL] varsigma, U003C2, alias ISOGRK3 sigmav, [GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA] varsubsetneq, U0228A-0FE00x, alias ISOAMSN vsubne, [SUBSET, NOT EQUALS, VARIANT] varsubsetneqq, U0228A-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN vsubnE, [SUBSET NOT DOUBLE EQUALS, VARIANT] varsupsetneq, U0228B-0FE00, alias ISOAMSN vsupne, [SUPERSET, NOT EQUALS, VARIANT] varsupsetneqq, U0228B-0FE00x, alias ISOAMSN vsupnE, [SUPERSET NOT DOUBLE EQUALS, VARIANT] vartheta, U003D1, alias ISOGRK3 thetav, [GREEK THETA SYMBOL] vartriangleleft, U022B2, alias ISOAMSR vltri, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] vartriangleright, U022B3, alias ISOAMSR vrtri, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] vBar, U02AE8, vert, dbl bar (under), [SHORT UP TACK WITH UNDERBAR] Vbar, U02AEB, dbl vert, bar (under), [DOUBLE UP TACK] vBarv, U02AE9, dbl bar, vert over and under, [SHORT UP TACK ABOVE SHORT DOWN TACK] vcy, U00432, =small ve, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE] Vcy, U00412, =capital VE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE] vdash, U022A2, /vdash R: vertical, dash, [RIGHT TACK] vDash, U022A8, /vDash R: vertical, dbl dash, [TRUE] Vdash, U022A9, /Vdash R: dbl vertical, dash, [FORCES] VDash, U022AB, dbl vert, dbl dash, [DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE] Vdashl, U02AE6, vertical, dash (long), [LONG DASH FROM LEFT MEMBER OF DOUBLE VERTICAL] vee, U02228, alias ISOTECH or, [LOGICAL OR] Vee, U022C1, alias ISOAMSB xvee, [N-ARY LOGICAL OR] veebar, U022BB, /veebar B: logical or, bar below, [XOR] veeeq, U0225A, logical or, equals, [EQUIANGULAR TO] vellip, U022EE, vertical ellipsis, [VERTICAL ELLIPSIS] verbar, U0007C, /vert =vertical bar, [VERTICAL LINE] Verbar, U02016, /Vert dbl vertical bar, [DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE] vert, U0007C, alias ISONUM verbar, [VERTICAL LINE] Vert, U02016, alias ISOTECH Verbar, [DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE] VerticalBar, U02223, alias ISOAMSR mid, [DIVIDES] VerticalLine, U02758x, short vertical line, [short vertical line] VerticalSeparator, U02758xx, vertical separating operator, [vertical separating operator] VerticalTilde, U02240, alias ISOAMSB wreath, [WREATH PRODUCT] VeryThinSpace, U0200A, space of width 1/18 em alias ISOPUB hairsp, [HAIR SPACE] vfr, U1D533, /frak v, lower case v, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL V] Vfr, U1D519, /frak V, upper case v, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL V] vltri, U022B2, /vartriangleleft R: l tri, open, var, [NORMAL SUBGROUP OF] vnsub, U02284, /nsubset N: not subset, var, [NOT A SUBSET OF] vnsup, U02285, /nsupset N: not superset, var, [NOT A SUPERSET OF] vopf, U1D567, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL V] Vopf, U1D54D, /Bbb V, open face V, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL V] vprop, U0221D, /varpropto R: proportional, variant, [PROPORTIONAL TO] vrtri, U022B3, /vartriangleright R: r tri, open, var, [CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP] vscr, U1D4CB, /scr v, script letter v, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL V] Vscr, U1D4B1, /scr V, script letter V, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL V] vsubne, U0228A-0FE00x, /varsubsetneq N: subset, not eq, var, [SUBSET, NOT EQUALS, VARIANT] vsubnE, U0228A-0FE00, /varsubsetneqq N: subset not dbl eq, var, [SUBSET NOT DOUBLE EQUALS, VARIANT] vsupne, U0228B-0FE00, /varsupsetneq N: superset, not eq, var, [SUPERSET, NOT EQUALS, VARIANT] vsupnE, U0228B-0FE00x, /varsupsetneqq N: super not dbl eq, var, [SUPERSET NOT DOUBLE EQUALS, VARIANT] Vvdash, U022AA, /Vvdash R: triple vertical, dash, [TRIPLE VERTICAL BAR RIGHT TURNSTILE] vzigzag, U0299A, vertical zig-zag line, [VERTICAL ZIGZAG LINE] wcirc, U00175, =small w, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Wcirc, U00174, =capital W, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX] wedbar, U02A5F, wedge, bar below, [LOGICAL AND WITH UNDERBAR] wedge, U02227, alias ISOTECH and, [LOGICAL AND] Wedge, U022C0, alias ISOAMSB xwedge, [N-ARY LOGICAL AND] wedgeq, U02259, /wedgeq R: corresponds to (wedge, equals), [ESTIMATES] weierp, U02118, /wp - Weierstrass p, [SCRIPT CAPITAL P] wfr, U1D534, /frak w, lower case w, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL W] Wfr, U1D51A, /frak W, upper case w, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL W] wopf, U1D568, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL W] Wopf, U1D54E, /Bbb W, open face W, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL W] wp, U02118, alias ISOAMSO weierp, [SCRIPT CAPITAL P] wr, U02240, alias ISOAMSB wreath, [WREATH PRODUCT] wreath, U02240, /wr B: wreath product, [WREATH PRODUCT] wscr, U1D4CC, /scr w, script letter w, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL W] Wscr, U1D4B2, /scr W, script letter W, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL W] xcap, U022C2, /bigcap L: intersection operator, [N-ARY INTERSECTION] xcirc, U025EF, /bigcirc B: large circle, [LARGE CIRCLE] xcup, U022C3, /bigcup L: union operator, [N-ARY UNION] xdtri, U025BD, /bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, open, [WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE] xfr, U1D535, /frak x, lower case x, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL X] Xfr, U1D51B, /frak X, upper case x, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL X] xharr, U02194x, /longleftrightarrow A: long l&r arr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT ARR] xhArr, U021D4x, /Longleftrightarrow A: long l&r dbl arr, [LONG LEFT AND RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] xi, U003BE, /xi small xi, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER XI] Xi, U0039E, /Xi capital Xi, Greek, [GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI] xlarr, U02190x, /longleftarrow A: long left arrow, [LONG LEFT ARROW] xlArr, U021D0x, /Longleftarrow A: long l dbl arrow, [LONG LEFT DOUBLE ARROW] xmap, U021A6x, /longmapsto A:, [LONG MAPS TO, RIGHTWARD] xnis, U022FB, large contains, vertical bar on horizontal stroke, [CONTAINS WITH VERTICAL BAR AT END OF HORIZONTAL STROKE] xodot, U02299, /bigodot L: circle dot operator, [CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR] xopf, U1D569, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL X] Xopf, U1D54F, /Bbb X, open face X, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL X] xoplus, U02295, /bigoplus L: circle plus operator, [CIRCLED PLUS] xotime, U02297, /bigotimes L: circle times operator, [CIRCLED TIMES] xrarr, U02192x, /longrightarrow A: long right arrow, [LONG RIGHT ARROW] xrArr, U021D2x, /Longrightarrow A: long rt dbl arr, [LONG RIGHT DOUBLE ARR] xscr, U1D4CD, /scr x, script letter x, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL X] Xscr, U1D4B3, /scr X, script letter X, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL X] xsqcup, U02294, /bigsqcup L: square union operator, [SQUARE CUP] xuplus, U0228E, /biguplus L:, [MULTISET UNION] xutri, U025B3, /bigtriangleup B: big up tri, open, [WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE] xvee, U022C1, /bigvee L: logical and operator, [N-ARY LOGICAL OR] xwedge, U022C0, /bigwedge L: logical or operator, [N-ARY LOGICAL AND] yacute, U000FD, =small y, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE] Yacute, U000DD, =capital Y, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE] yacy, U0044F, =small ya, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA] YAcy, U0042F, =capital YA, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA] ycirc, U00177, =small y, circumflex accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX] Ycirc, U00176, =capital Y, circumflex accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX] ycy, U0044B, =small yeru, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU] Ycy, U0042B, =capital YERU, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU] yen, U000A5, /yen =yen sign, [YEN SIGN] yfr, U1D536, /frak y, lower case y, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL Y] Yfr, U1D51C, /frak Y, upper case y, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR CAPITAL Y] yicy, U00457, =small yi, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YI] YIcy, U00407, =capital YI, Ukrainian, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YI] yopf, U1D56A, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL Y] Yopf, U1D550, /Bbb Y, open face Y, [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Y] yscr, U1D4CE, /scr y, script letter y, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL Y] Yscr, U1D4B4, /scr Y, script letter Y, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL Y] yucy, U0044E, =small yu, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU] YUcy, U0042E, =capital YU, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU] yuml, U000FF, =small y, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS] Yuml, U00178, =capital Y, dieresis or umlaut mark, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS] zacute, U0017A, =small z, acute accent, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE] Zacute, U00179, =capital Z, acute accent, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE] zcaron, U0017E, =small z, caron, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON] Zcaron, U0017D, =capital Z, caron, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON] zcy, U00437, =small ze, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE] Zcy, U00417, =capital ZE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE] zdot, U0017C, =small z, dot above, [LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE] Zdot, U0017B, =capital Z, dot above, [LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE] zeetrf, U02128, zee transform, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z] ZeroWidthSpace, U0200B, zero width space, [ZERO WIDTH SPACE] zeta, U003B6, /zeta small zeta, Greek, [GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA] zfr, U1D537, /frak z, lower case z, [MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR SMALL Z] Zfr, U02128, /frak Z, upper case z, [BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z] zhcy, U00436, =small zhe, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE] ZHcy, U00416, =capital ZHE, Cyrillic, [CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE] zigrarr, U021DDx, right zig-zag arrow, [RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW] zopf, U1D56B, , [MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK SMALL Z] Zopf, U02124, /Bbb Z, open face Z, [DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z] zscr, U1D4CF, /scr z, script letter z, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL Z] Zscr, U1D4B5, /scr Z, script letter Z, [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL Z]
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Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:
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Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:
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RVCA Shorts
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RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets
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OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
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Take a moment to visit 1cecilia448 or see them on twitter at 1cecilia448 or view them on facebook at 1cecilia448.
This is the website that has all the latest for surf, skate and snow. You can also see it here:. You'll be glad you saw the surf apparel.Here are few links to some of the more popular Volcom surf clothing products:
Volcom Shirts
Volcom Tees
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Here are few links to some of the more popular Element apparel and clothing products:
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Element Tees
Element Shorts
Element Hats
Element Shoes
Element Boardshorts
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Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:
Ezekiel Shirts
Ezekiel Tees
Ezekiel Shorts
Ezekiel Hats
Ezekiel Shoes
Ezekiel Boardshorts
Ezekiel Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:
RVCA Shirts
RVCA Shorts
RVCA Shoes
RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets
HB Surf Shop
HB Sport Apparel
OC Sport Shop
OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
All Surf clothing
Take a moment to visit 1cecilia448 or see them on twitter at 1cecilia448 or view them on facebook at 1cecilia448.