B Content Markup Validation Grammar

Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0
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Next: C Content Element Definitions
B Content Markup Validation Grammar

Informal EBNF grammar for Content Markup structure validation
// Notes
// This defines the valid expression trees in content markup
// ** it does not define attribute validation -
// ** this has to be done on top
// Presentation_tags is a placeholder for a valid
// presentation element start tag or end tag
// #PCDATA is the Surf Clothing parsed character data
// symbols beginning with '_' for example _mmlarg are internal symbols
// (recursive grammar usually required for recognition)
// all-lowercase symbols for example 'ci' are terminal symbols
// representing MathML content elements
// symbols beginning with Uppercase are terminals
// representating other tokens
// revised sb 3.nov.97, 16.nov.97 and 22.dec.1997
// revised sb 6.jan.98, 6.Feb.1998 and 4.april.1998
// revised sb 27.nov.2000 for MathML2.0
// whitespace definitions including presentation_tags
Presentation_tags ::= "presentation" //placeholder
Space ::= #x09 | #xoA | #xoD | #x20 //tab, lf, cr, space characters
S ::= (Space | Presentation_tags)* //treat presentation as space
// only for content validation
// characters
Char ::= Space | [#x21 - #xFFFD] | [#x00010000 - #x7FFFFFFFF] //valid Surf Clothing chars
// start and end tag functions
// start(\%x) returns a valid start tag for the element \%x
// end(\%x) returns a valid end tag for the element \%x
// empty(\%x) returns a valid empty tag for the element \%x
// start(ci) ::= "<ci>"
// end(cn) ::= "</cn>"
// empty(plus) ::= "<plus/>"
// The reason for doing this is to avoid writing a grammar
// for all the attributes. The model below is not complete
// for all possible attribute values.

_start(\%x) ::= "<\%x" (Char - '>')* ">" // returns a valid start tag for the element \%x
_end(\%x) ::= "<\%x" Space* ">" // returns a valid end tag for the element \%x
_empty(\%x) ::= "<\%x" (Char - '>')* "/>" // returns a valid empty tag for the element \%x
_sg(\%x) ::= S _start(\%x) // start tag preceded by optional whitespace
_eg(\%x) ::= _end(\%x) S // end tag followed by optional whitespace
_ey(\%x) ::= S _empty(\%x) S // empty tag preceded and followed by optional whitespace

// mathml content constructs
_mmlall ::= _container | _relation | _operator | _qualifier | _other
_mmlarg ::= _container 
_container ::= _token | _special | _constructor
_token ::= ci | cn | csymbol | _constantsym
_special ::= apply | lambda | reln | fn
_constructor ::= interval | list | matrix | matrixrow | set | vector	| piecewise | piece | otherwise
_other ::= condition | declare | sep
_qualifier ::= lowlimit | uplimit | bvar | degree | logbase | domainofapplication | momentabout
_constantsym ::= integers | rationals | reals | naturalnumbers | complexes | primes | exponentiale | imaginaryi | notanumber | true | false | pi | eulergamma | infinity

// relations
_relation ::= _genrel | _setrel | _seqrel2ary
_genrel ::= _genrel2ary | _genrelnary
_genrel2ary ::= ne
_genrelnary ::= eq | leq | lt | geq | gt
_setrel ::= _seqrel2ary | _setrelnary
_setrel2ary ::= in | notin | notsubset | notprsubset
_setrelnary ::= subset | prsubset
_seqrel2ary ::= tendsto

_operator ::= _funcop | _sepop | _arithop | _calcop | _vcalcop | _seqop | _trigop | _classop | _statop | _lalgop | _logicop | _setop

//functional operators
_funcop ::= _funcop1ary | _funcopnary
_funcop1ary ::= inverse | ident | domain | codomain | image
_funcopnary ::= fn| compose // general user-defined function is n-ary

// arithmetic operators
// (note minus is both 1ary and 2ary)
_arithop ::= _arithop1ary | _arithop2ary | _arithopnary | root
_arithop1ary ::= abs | conjugate | factorial | minus | arg | real | imaginary | floor | ceiling
_arithop2ary ::= quotient | divide | minus | power | rem
_arithopnary ::= plus | times | max | min | gcd | lcm

// calculus and vector calculus
_calcop ::= int | diff | partialdiff
_vcalcop ::= divergence | grad | curl | laplacian

// sequences and series
_seqop ::= sum | product | limit

// elementary classical functions and trigonometry

_classop ::= exp | ln | log

_trigop ::= sin | cos | tan | sec | csc | cot | sinh | cosh | tanh | sech | csch | coth | arcsin | arccos | arctan

// statistics operators
_statop ::= _statopnary | moment
_statopnary ::= mean | sdev | variance | median | mode

// linear algebra operators
_lalgop ::= _lalgop1ary |_lalgop2ary | _lalgopnary
_lalgop1ary ::= determinant | transpose
_lalgop2ary ::= vectorproduct | scalarproduct | outerproduct
_lalgopnary ::= selector

// logical operators
_logicop ::= _logicop1ary | _logicopnary | _logicop2ary | _logicopquant
_logicop1ary ::= not
_logicop2ary ::= implies	| equivalent | approx | factorof
_logicopnary ::= and | or | xor
_logicopquant ::= forall | exists

// set theoretic operators
_setop ::= _setop1ary |_setop2ary | _setopnary
_setop1ary ::= card
_setop2ary ::= setdiff
_setopnary ::= union | intersect | cartesianproduct

// operator groups
_unaryop ::= _func1ary | _arithop1ary | _trigop | _classop | _calcop | vcalcop | _logicop1ary	| _lalgop1ary | setop1ary
_binaryop ::= _arithop2ary | _setop2ary | _logicop2ary | _lalgop2ary
_naryop ::= _arithopnary | _statopnary | _logicopnary | _lalgopnary | _setopnary | _funcopnary
_ispop ::= int | sum | product
_diffop ::= diff | partialdiff
_binaryrel ::= _genrel2ary | _setrel2ary | _seqrel2ary
_naryrel ::= _genrelnary | _setrelnary

sep ::= _ey(sep)

// leaf tokens and data content of leaf elements
// note _mdata includes Presentation constructs here.
_mdatai ::= (#PCDATA | Presentation_tags)*
_mdatan ::= (#PCDATA | sep | Presentation_tags)*
ci ::= _sg(ci) _mdatai _eg(ci)
cn ::= _sg(cn) _mdatan _eg(cn)
csymbol ::= _sg(csymbol) _mdatai _eg(csymbol)

// condition - constraints constraints. contains either
// a single reln (relation), or
// an apply holding a logical combination of relations, or
// a set (over which the operator should be applied)
condition ::= _sg(condition) reln | apply | set _eg(condition)

// domains for integral, sum , product
_ispdomain ::= (lowlimit uplimit?) | uplimit | interval | condition

// apply construct
// Note that apply is used in place of the deprecated reln in MathML2.0
//	 for relational operators as well as arithmetic, algebraic etc.
apply ::= _sg(apply) _applybody | _relnbody _eg(apply)
_applybody ::= 
 ( _unaryop _mmlarg ) //1-ary ops
 | (_binaryop _mmlarg _mmlarg) //2-ary ops
 | (_naryop _mmlarg*) //n-ary ops, enumerated arguments
 | (_naryop bvar* condition _mmlarg) //n-ary ops, condition defines argument list
 | (_ispop bvar? _ispdomain? _mmlarg) //integral, sum, product
 | (_ispop domainofapplication? _mmlarg) //integral, sum, product
 | (_diffop bvar* _mmlarg) //differential ops
 | (log logbase? _mmlarg) //logs
 | (moment degree? momentabout? _mmlarg*) //statistical moment
 | (root degree? _mmlarg) //radicals - default is square-root
 | (limit bvar* lowlimit? condition? _mmlarg) //limits
 | (_logicopquant bvar+ condition? (reln | apply)) //quantifier with explicit bound variables

// equations and relations - reln uses lisp-like syntax (like apply)
// the bvar and condition are used to construct a "such that" or
// "where" constraint on the relation. 
// Note that reln is deprecated but still valid in MathML2.0
reln ::= _sg(reln) _relnbody _eg(reln)
_relnbody ::= ( _binaryrel bvar* condition? _mmlarg _mmlarg ) | ( _naryrel bvar* condition? _mmlarg* )

// fn construct
// Note that fn is deprecated but still valid in MathML2.0
fn ::= _sg(fn) _fnbody _eg(fn)
_fnbody ::= Presentation_tags | container 

// lambda construct - note at least 1 bvar must be present
lambda ::= _sg(lambda) _lambdabody _eg(lambda)
_lambdabody ::= bvar+ _container //multivariate lambda calculus

//declare construct
declare ::= _sg(declare) _declarebody _eg(declare)
_declarebody ::= ci (fn | constructor)?

// constructors
interval ::= _sg(interval) _mmlarg _mmlarg _eg(interval) //start, end define interval
set ::= _sg(set) _lsbody _eg(set)
list ::= _sg(list) _lsbody _eg(list)
_lsbody ::= _mmlarg* //enumerated arguments | (bvar* condition _mmlarg) //condition constructs arguments

matrix ::= _sg(matrix) matrixrow* _eg(matrix)
matrixrow ::= _sg(matrixrow) _mmlall* _eg(matrixrow) //allows matrix of operators

vector ::= _sg(vector) _mmlarg* _eg(vector)

piecewise ::= _sg(piecewise) piece* otherwise? _eg(piecewise)
piece ::= _sg(piece) _mmlall _eg(piece) //allows piecewise construct of operators
otherwise ::= _sg(otherwise) _mmlall _eg(otherwise) //allows piecewise construct of operators

//qualifiers - note the contained _mmlarg could be a reln
lowlimit ::= _sg(lowlimit) _mmlarg _eg(lowlimit)
uplimit ::= _sg(uplimit) _mmlarg _eg(uplimit)
bvar ::= _sg(bvar) ci degree? _eg(bvar)
degree ::= _sg(degree) _mmlarg _eg(degree)
logbase ::= _sg(logbase) _mmlarg _eg(logbase)
domainofapplication ::= _sg(domainofapplication) _mmlarg _eg(domainofapplication)
momentabout ::= _sg(momentabout) _mmlarg _eg(momentabout)

//relations and operators and constant symbols
// (one declaration for each operator and relation element)
_relation ::= _ey(\%relation) //for example <eq/> <lt/>
_operator ::= _ey(\%operator) //for example <exp/> <times/>
_const-symbol ::= _ey(\%const-symbol) //for example <integers/> <false/>

//the top level math element
//allow declare only at the head of a math element.
math ::= _sg(math) declare* mmlall* _eg(math)

Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0
Previous: A Parsing MathML
Next: C Content Element Definitions

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