
Table of Contents



Quick Table of Contents
C Property Summary
    C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values
    C.2 Property Table: Part I
    C.3 Property Table: Part II

C Property Summary

C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values


Maps directly into a rendering trait of the same name.


There is no trait mapping.


A shorthand that is mapped into one or more properties. There are no traits associated with a shorthand property. The traits are associated with the individual properties.


Disappears in refinement. During refinement it sets up one or more other traits.


Maps directly into a formatting trait of the same name.


Sub-class of formatting. It is the same as a formatting trait, but is specified on formatting objects that are referenced.

See prose

Used to calculate a formatting trait, which does not have the same name as the property. Other properties may also influence the trait value. See the property description for details.

Font selection

Property that participates in font selection.

Value change

Maps to a trait of the same name, but the value is not just copied.


An association between two names. Establishes a reference within the formatting object tree.


Behavior trait.


Handled by the formatter in an implementation-defined way. There are no specific traits for this property.

C.2 Property Table: Part I

NameValuesInitial ValueInheritedPercentages
[7.5.1 "absolute-position"]auto | absolute | fixed | inheritautonoN/A
[7.22.1 "active-state"]link | visited | active | hover | focusno, a value is requirednoN/A
[7.13.1 "alignment-adjust"]auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | <percentage> | <length> | inheritautonosee prose
[7.13.2 "alignment-baseline"]auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritautonoN/A
[7.22.2 "auto-restore"]true | falsefalseyesN/A
[7.6.1 "azimuth"]<angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inheritcenteryesN/A
[7.29.1 "background"][<background-color> || <background-image> || <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position> ]] | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnoallowed on 'background-position'
[7.7.1 "background-attachment"]scroll | fixed | inheritscrollnoN/A
[7.7.2 "background-color"]<color> | transparent | inherittransparentnoN/A
[7.7.3 "background-image"]<uri-specification> | none | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.29.2 "background-position"][ [<percentage> | <length> ]{1,2} | [ [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] ] ] | inherit0% 0%norefer to the size of the box itself
[7.7.5 "background-position-horizontal"]<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right | inherit0%norefer to the size of the padding-rectangle
[7.7.6 "background-position-vertical"]<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom | inherit0%norefer to the size of the padding-rectangle
[7.7.4 "background-repeat"]repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inheritrepeatnoN/A
[7.13.3 "baseline-shift"]baseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inheritbaselinenorefers to the "line-height" of the parent area
[7.25.1 "blank-or-not-blank"]blank | not-blank | any | inheritanynoN/A
[7.14.1 "block-progression-dimension"]auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautonosee prose
[7.29.3 "border"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.10 "border-after-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.26.1 "border-after-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 noN/A
[7.7.11 "border-after-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.12 "border-after-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.7.7 "border-before-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.26.2 "border-before-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 noN/A
[7.7.8 "border-before-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.9 "border-before-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.29.4 "border-bottom"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.22 "border-bottom-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.7.23 "border-bottom-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.24 "border-bottom-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.26.3 "border-collapse"]collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inheritcollapseyesN/A
[7.29.5 "border-color"][ <color> | transparent ]{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.16 "border-end-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.26.4 "border-end-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 noN/A
[7.7.17 "border-end-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.18 "border-end-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.29.6 "border-left"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.25 "border-left-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.7.26 "border-left-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.27 "border-left-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.29.7 "border-right"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.28 "border-right-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.7.29 "border-right-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.30 "border-right-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.26.5 "border-separation"]<length-bp-ip-direction> | inherit.block-progression-direction="0pt".inline-progression-direction="0pt"yesN/A
[7.29.9 "border-spacing"]<length> <length>? | inherit0ptyesN/A
[7.7.13 "border-start-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.26.6 "border-start-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 noN/A
[7.7.14 "border-start-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.15 "border-start-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.29.8 "border-style"]<border-style>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.29.10 "border-top"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.7.19 "border-top-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertynoN/A
[7.7.20 "border-top-style"]<border-style> | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.7.21 "border-top-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumnoN/A
[7.29.11 "border-width"]<border-width>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesnoN/A
[7.5.4 "bottom"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
[7.19.1 "break-after"]auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautonoN/A
[7.19.2 "break-before"]auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautonoN/A
[7.26.7 "caption-side"]before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inheritbeforeyesN/A
[7.22.3 "case-name"]<name>none, a value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.22.4 "case-title"]<string>none, a value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.16.1 "character"]<character>N/A, value is requiredno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.18.1 "clear"]start | end | left | right | both | none | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.20.1 "clip"]<shape> | auto | inheritautonoN/A
[7.17.1 "color"]<color> | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
[7.17.2 "color-profile-name"]<name> | inheritN/A, value is requirednoN/A
[7.25.2 "column-count"]<number> | inherit1noN/A
[7.25.3 "column-gap"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit12.0ptnorefer to width of the region being divided into columns.
[7.26.8 "column-number"]<number>see prosenoN/A
[7.26.9 "column-width"]<length> | <percentage>see prosenorefer to width of table
[7.14.2 "content-height"]auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautonointrinsic height
[7.28.1 "content-type"]<string> | autoautonoN/A
[7.14.3 "content-width"]auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautonointrinsic width
[7.9.1 "country"]none | <country> | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.29.12 "cue"]<cue-before> || <cue-after> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnoN/A
[7.6.2 "cue-after"]<uri-specification> | none | inherit nonenoN/A
[7.6.3 "cue-before"]<uri-specification> | none | inherit nonenoN/A
[7.22.5 "destination-placement-offset"]<length>0ptnoN/A
[7.27.1 "direction"]ltr | rtl | inheritltryesN/A
[7.13.4 "display-align"]auto | before | center | after | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.13.5 "dominant-baseline"]auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inheritautonoN/A
[7.6.4 "elevation"]<angle> | below | level | above | higher | lower | inheritlevelyesN/A
[7.26.10 "empty-cells"]show | hide | inheritshowyesN/A
[7.10.8 "end-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyesrefer to inline-progression-dimension of containing reference-area
[7.26.11 "ends-row"]true | falsefalsenoN/A
[7.25.4 "extent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0.0ptnorefer to the corresponding height or width of the page-viewport-area.
[7.22.6 "external-destination"]<uri-specification>empty stringnoN/A
[7.18.2 "float"]before | start | end | left | right | none | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.25.5 "flow-name"]<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.29.13 "font"][ [ <font-style> || <font-variant> || <font-weight> ]? <font-size> [ / <line-height>]? <font-family> ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inheritsee individual propertiesyesN/A
[7.8.2 "font-family"][[ <family-name> | <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
[7.8.3 "font-selection-strategy"]auto | character-by-character | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.8.4 "font-size"]<absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inheritmediumyes, the computed value is inheritedrefer to parent element's font size
[7.8.6 "font-size-adjust"]<number> | none | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.8.5 "font-stretch"]normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.8.7 "font-style"]normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.8.8 "font-variant"]normal | small-caps | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.8.9 "font-weight"]normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.25.6 "force-page-count"]auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inheritautonoN/A
[7.24.1 "format"]<string>1noN/A
[7.27.2 "glyph-orientation-horizontal"]<angle> | inherit0degyesN/A
[7.27.3 "glyph-orientation-vertical"]auto | <angle> | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.24.2 "grouping-separator"]<character>no separatornoN/A
[7.24.3 "grouping-size"]<number>no groupingnoN/A
[7.14.4 "height"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonosee prose
[7.9.4 "hyphenate"]false | true | inheritfalseyesN/A
[7.9.5 "hyphenation-character"]<character> | inheritThe Unicode hyphen character U+2010yesN/A
[7.15.1 "hyphenation-keep"]auto | column | page | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.15.2 "hyphenation-ladder-count"]no-limit | <number> | inheritno-limityesN/A
[7.9.6 "hyphenation-push-character-count"]<number> | inherit2yesN/A
[7.9.7 "hyphenation-remain-character-count"]<number> | inherit2yesN/A
[7.28.2 "id"] <id>see proseno, see proseN/A
[7.22.7 "indicate-destination"]true | falsefalsenoN/A
[7.25.7 "initial-page-number"]auto | auto-odd | auto-even | <number> | inheritautonoN/A
[7.14.5 "inline-progression-dimension"]auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautonosee prose
[7.22.8 "internal-destination"]empty string | <idref>empty stringnoN/A
[7.18.3 "intrusion-displace"]auto | none | line | indent | block | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.19.3 "keep-together"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autoyesN/A
[7.19.4 "keep-with-next"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autonoN/A
[7.19.5 "keep-with-previous"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autonoN/A
[7.9.2 "language"]none | <language> | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.15.3 "last-line-end-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyesrefer to inline-progression-dimension of closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area
[7.21.1 "leader-alignment"]none | reference-area | page | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.21.4 "leader-length"]<length-range> | <percentage> | inheritleader-length.minimum=0pt,.optimum=12.0pt,.maximum=100% yesrefer to the inline-progression-dimension of content-rectangle of parent area
[7.21.2 "leader-pattern"]space | rule | dots | use-content | inheritspaceyesN/A
[7.21.3 "leader-pattern-width"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metrics yesrefer to the inline-progression-dimension of content-rectangle of parent area
[7.5.5 "left"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to width of containing block
[7.16.2 "letter-spacing"]normal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.24.4 "letter-value"]auto | alphabetic | traditionalautonoN/A
[7.15.7 "linefeed-treatment"]ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherittreat-as-spaceyesN/A
[7.15.4 "line-height"]normal | <length> | <number> | <percentage> | <space> | inheritnormalyesrefer to the font size of the element itself
[7.15.5 "line-height-shift-adjustment"]consider-shifts | disregard-shifts | inheritconsider-shiftsyesN/A
[7.15.6 "line-stacking-strategy"]line-height | font-height | max-height | inheritmax-heightyesN/A
[7.29.14 "margin"]<margin-width>{1,4} | inherit not defined for shorthand properties norefer to width of containing block
[7.10.2 "margin-bottom"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.10.3 "margin-left"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.10.4 "margin-right"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.10.1 "margin-top"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.23.1 "marker-class-name"]<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.25.8 "master-name"]<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.25.9 "master-reference"]<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.14.6 "max-height"]<length> | <percentage> | none | inherit 0ptnorefer to height of containing block
[7.25.10 "maximum-repeats"]<number> | no-limit | inheritno-limitnoN/A
[7.14.7 "max-width"]<length> | <percentage> | none | inheritnonenorefer to width of containing block
[7.25.11 "media-usage"]auto | paginate | bounded-in-one-dimension | unboundedautonoNA
[7.14.8 "min-height"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit 0ptnorefer to height of containing block
[7.14.9 "min-width"]<length> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on UAnorefer to width of containing block
[7.26.12 "number-columns-repeated"]<number>1noN/A
[7.26.13 "number-columns-spanned"]<number>1noN/A
[7.26.14 "number-rows-spanned"]<number>1noN/A
[7.25.12 "odd-or-even"]odd | even | any | inheritanynoN/A
[7.19.6 "orphans"]<integer> | inherit2yesN/A
[7.20.2 "overflow"]visible | hidden | scroll | error-if-overflow | auto | inheritautonoN/A
[7.29.15 "padding"]<padding-width>{1,4} | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.32 "padding-after"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.31 "padding-before"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.36 "padding-bottom"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.34 "padding-end"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.37 "padding-left"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.38 "padding-right"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.33 "padding-start"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.7.35 "padding-top"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptnorefer to width of containing block
[7.29.16 "page-break-after"]auto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautonoN/A
[7.29.17 "page-break-before"]auto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautonoN/A
[7.29.18 "page-break-inside"]avoid | auto | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.25.13 "page-height"]auto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautonoN/A
[7.25.14 "page-position"]first | last | rest | any | inheritanynoN/A
[7.25.15 "page-width"]auto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautonoN/A
[7.29.19 "pause"][<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} | inheritdepends on user agentnosee descriptions of 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'
[7.6.5 "pause-after"]<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentnosee prose
[7.6.6 "pause-before"]<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentnosee prose
[7.6.7 "pitch"]<frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high | x-high | inheritmediumyesN/A
[7.6.8 "pitch-range"]<number> | inherit50yesN/A
[7.6.9 "play-during"]<uri-specification> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit autonoN/A
[7.29.20 "position"]static | relative | absolute | fixed | inheritstaticnoN/A
[7.25.16 "precedence"]true | false | inheritfalsenoN/A
[7.28.4 "provisional-distance-between-starts"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit24.0ptyesrefer to inline-progression-dimension of closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area
[7.28.3 "provisional-label-separation"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit6.0ptyesrefer to inline-progression-dimension of closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area
[7.20.3 "reference-orientation"] 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit0yes (see prose)N/A
[7.28.5 "ref-id"]<idref> | inheritnone, value requirednoN/A
[7.25.17 "region-name"]xsl-region-body | xsl-region-start | xsl-region-end | xsl-region-before | xsl-region-after | xsl-before-float-separator | xsl-footnote-separator | <name>see proseno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.13.6 "relative-align"]before | baseline | inheritbeforeyesN/A
[7.12.1 "relative-position"]static | relative | inheritstaticnoN/A
[7.17.3 "rendering-intent"]auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inheritautonoN/A
[7.23.4 "retrieve-boundary"]page | page-sequence | documentpage-sequencenoN/A
[7.23.2 "retrieve-class-name"]<name>an empty nameno, a value is requiredN/A
[7.23.3 "retrieve-position"]first-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover | last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-pagefirst-starting-within-pagenoN/A
[7.6.10 "richness"]<number> | inherit50yesN/A
[7.5.3 "right"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to width of containing block
[7.4.2 "role"]<string> | <uri-specification> | none | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.21.5 "rule-style"]none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inheritsolidyesN/A
[7.21.6 "rule-thickness"]<length>1.0ptyesN/A
[7.14.10 "scaling"]uniform | non-uniform | inherituniformnoN/A
[7.14.11 "scaling-method"]auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inheritautonoN/A
[7.28.6 "score-spaces"]true | false | inherittrueyesN/A
[7.9.3 "script"]none | auto | <script> | inheritautoyesN/A
[7.22.9 "show-destination"]replace | newreplacenoN/A
[7.29.21 "size"]<length>{1,2} | auto | landscape | portrait | inheritautoN/A [XSL:no, is optional]N/A
[7.4.1 "source-document"]<uri-specification> [<uri-specification>]* | none | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.10.6 "space-after"]<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0noN/A (Differs from margin-bottom in CSS)
[7.10.5 "space-before"]<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0noN/A (Differs from margin-top in CSS)
[7.11.1 "space-end"]<space> | <percentage> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0norefer to inline-progression-dimension of closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area
[7.11.2 "space-start"]<space> | <percentage> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0norefer to inline-progression-dimension of closest ancestor block-area that is not a line-area
[7.20.4 "span"]none | all | inheritnonenoN/A
[7.6.11 "speak"]normal | none | spell-out | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.6.12 "speak-header"]once | always | inheritonceyesN/A
[7.6.13 "speak-numeral"]digits | continuous | inheritcontinuousyesN/A
[7.6.14 "speak-punctuation"]code | none | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.6.15 "speech-rate"]<number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast | faster | slower | inheritmediumyesN/A
[7.28.7 "src"]<uri-specification> | inheritnone, value requirednoN/A
[7.10.7 "start-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyesrefer to inline-progression-dimension of containing reference-area
[7.22.10 "starting-state"]show | hideshownoN/A
[7.26.15 "starts-row"]true | falsefalsenoN/A
[7.6.16 "stress"]<number> | inherit50yesN/A
[7.16.3 "suppress-at-line-break"]auto | suppress | retain | inheritautonoN/A
[7.22.11 "switch-to"]xsl-preceding | xsl-following | xsl-any | <name>[ <name>]*xsl-anynoN/A
[7.26.16 "table-layout"]auto | fixed | inheritautonoN/A
[7.26.17 "table-omit-footer-at-break"]true | falsefalsenoN/A
[7.26.18 "table-omit-header-at-break"]true | falsefalsenoN/A
[7.22.12 "target-presentation-context"]use-target-processing-context | <uri-specification>use-target-processing-contextnoN/A
[7.22.13 "target-processing-context"]document-root | <uri-specification>document-rootnoN/A
[7.22.14 "target-stylesheet"]use-normal-stylesheet | <uri-specification>use-normal-stylesheetnoN/A
[7.15.9 "text-align"]start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritstartyesN/A
[7.15.10 "text-align-last"]relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inheritrelativeyesN/A
[7.27.4 "text-altitude"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metricsnorefer to font's em-height
[7.16.4 "text-decoration"]none | [ [ underline | no-underline] || [ overline | no-overline ] || [ line-through | no-line-through ] || [ blink | no-blink ] ] | inheritnoneno, but see proseN/A
[7.27.5 "text-depth"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metricsnorefer to font's em-height
[7.15.11 "text-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptyesrefer to width of containing block
[7.16.5 "text-shadow"]none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inheritnoneno, see proseN/A
[7.16.6 "text-transform"]capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inheritnoneyesN/A
[7.5.2 "top"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to height of containing block
[7.16.7 "treat-as-word-space"]auto | true | false | inheritautonoN/A
[7.27.6 "unicode-bidi"]normal | embed | bidi-override | inheritnormalnoN/A
[7.29.22 "vertical-align"]baseline | middle | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | top | bottom | inheritbaselinenorefer to the 'line-height' of the element itself
[7.28.8 "visibility"]visible | hidden | collapse | inheritvisibleyesN/A
[7.6.17 "voice-family"][[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inheritdepends on user agentyesN/A
[7.6.18 "volume"]<number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inheritmediumyesrefer to inherited value
[7.29.23 "white-space"]normal | pre | nowrap | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.15.12 "white-space-collapse"]false | true | inherittrueyesN/A
[7.15.8 "white-space-treatment"]ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inheritignore-if-surrounding-linefeedyesN/A
[7.19.7 "widows"]<integer> | inherit2yesN/A
[7.14.12 "width"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautonorefer to width of containing block
[7.16.8 "word-spacing"]normal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalyesN/A
[7.15.13 "wrap-option"]no-wrap | wrap | inheritwrapyesN/A
[7.27.7 "writing-mode"]lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inheritlr-tbyes (see prose)N/A
[7.29.24 "xml:lang"]<country-language> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesyesN/A
[7.28.9 "z-index"]auto | <integer> | inheritautonoN/A

C.3 Property Table: Part II

The Trait Mapping Values are explained in [C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values].

NameValuesInitial ValueTrait mappingCore
[7.5.1 "absolute-position"]auto | absolute | fixed | inheritautoSee prose. Complete
[7.22.1 "active-state"]link | visited | active | hover | focusno, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-properties

[7.13.1 "alignment-adjust"]auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | <percentage> | <length> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.13.2 "alignment-baseline"]auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.22.2 "auto-restore"]true | falsefalseAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

[7.6.1 "azimuth"]<angle> | [[ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards | inheritcenterRenderingBasic
[7.29.1 "background"][<background-color> || <background-image> || <background-repeat> || <background-attachment> || <background-position> ]] | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.1 "background-attachment"]scroll | fixed | inheritscrollRendering


Fallback: Initial value

[7.7.2 "background-color"]<color> | transparent | inherittransparentRenderingBasic
[7.7.3 "background-image"]<uri-specification> | none | inheritnoneRendering


Fallback: Initial value

[7.29.2 "background-position"][ [<percentage> | <length> ]{1,2} | [ [top | center | bottom] || [left | center | right] ] ] | inherit0% 0%ShorthandComplete
[7.7.5 "background-position-horizontal"]<percentage> | <length> | left | center | right | inherit0%Value change


Fallback: Initial value

[7.7.6 "background-position-vertical"]<percentage> | <length> | top | center | bottom | inherit0%Value change


Fallback: Initial value

[7.7.4 "background-repeat"]repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | no-repeat | inheritrepeatRendering


Fallback: no-repeat

[7.13.3 "baseline-shift"]baseline | sub | super | <percentage> | <length> | inheritbaselineFormattingBasic
[7.25.1 "blank-or-not-blank"]blank | not-blank | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

[7.14.1 "block-progression-dimension"]auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.29.3 "border"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.10 "border-after-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
[7.26.1 "border-after-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 FormattingBasic
[7.7.11 "border-after-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.7.12 "border-after-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.7.7 "border-before-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
[7.26.2 "border-before-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 FormattingBasic
[7.7.8 "border-before-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.7.9 "border-before-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.29.4 "border-bottom"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.22 "border-bottom-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
[7.7.23 "border-bottom-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
[7.7.24 "border-bottom-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
[7.26.3 "border-collapse"]collapse | collapse-with-precedence | separate | inheritcollapseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.29.5 "border-color"][ <color> | transparent ]{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.16 "border-end-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
[7.26.4 "border-end-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 FormattingBasic
[7.7.17 "border-end-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.7.18 "border-end-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.29.6 "border-left"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.25 "border-left-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
[7.7.26 "border-left-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
[7.7.27 "border-left-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
[7.29.7 "border-right"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.28 "border-right-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
[7.7.29 "border-right-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
[7.7.30 "border-right-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
[7.26.5 "border-separation"]<length-bp-ip-direction> | inherit.block-progression-direction="0pt".inline-progression-direction="0pt"Formatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.29.9 "border-spacing"]<length> <length>? | inherit0ptShorthandComplete
[7.7.13 "border-start-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyRenderingBasic
[7.26.6 "border-start-precedence"]force | <integer> | inheritfo:table: 6, fo:table-cell: 5, fo:table-column: 4, fo:table-row: 3, fo:table-body: 2, fo:table-header: 1, fo:table-footer: 0 FormattingBasic
[7.7.14 "border-start-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.7.15 "border-start-width"]<border-width> | <length-conditional> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.29.8 "border-style"]<border-style>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.29.10 "border-top"][ <border-width> || <border-style> || <color> ] | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.19 "border-top-color"]<color> | inheritthe value of the 'color' propertyDisappearsBasic
[7.7.20 "border-top-style"]<border-style> | inheritnoneDisappearsBasic
[7.7.21 "border-top-width"]<border-width> | inheritmediumDisappearsBasic
[7.29.11 "border-width"]<border-width>{1,4} | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.5.4 "bottom"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

[7.19.1 "break-after"]auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.19.2 "break-before"]auto | column | page | even-page | odd-page | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.26.7 "caption-side"]before | after | start | end | top | bottom | left | right | inheritbeforeFormattingComplete
[7.22.3 "case-name"]<name>none, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

[7.22.4 "case-title"]<string>none, a value is requiredAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

[7.16.1 "character"]<character>N/A, value is requiredFormattingBasic
[7.18.1 "clear"]start | end | left | right | both | none | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:float

[7.20.1 "clip"]<shape> | auto | inheritautoRendering


Fallback: Initial value

[7.17.1 "color"]<color> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
[7.17.2 "color-profile-name"]<name> | inheritN/A, value is requiredFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:color-profile

[7.25.2 "column-count"]<number> | inherit1Specification


Fallback: Initial value

[7.25.3 "column-gap"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit12.0ptSpecification


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for column-count

[7.26.8 "column-number"]<number>see proseValue changeBasic
[7.26.9 "column-width"]<length> | <percentage>see proseSpecificationBasic
[7.14.2 "content-height"]auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.28.1 "content-type"]<string> | autoautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.14.3 "content-width"]auto | scale-to-fit | <length> | <percentage> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.9.1 "country"]none | <country> | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.29.12 "cue"]<cue-before> || <cue-after> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.6.2 "cue-after"]<uri-specification> | none | inherit noneRenderingBasic
[7.6.3 "cue-before"]<uri-specification> | none | inherit noneRenderingBasic
[7.22.5 "destination-placement-offset"]<length>0ptAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.27.1 "direction"]ltr | rtl | inheritltrSee prose. Basic
[7.13.4 "display-align"]auto | before | center | after | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.13.5 "dominant-baseline"]auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.6.4 "elevation"]<angle> | below | level | above | higher | lower | inheritlevelRenderingBasic
[7.26.10 "empty-cells"]show | hide | inheritshowFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.10.8 "end-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
[7.26.11 "ends-row"]true | falsefalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.25.4 "extent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0.0ptSpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:region-before, fo:region-after, fo:region-start, and fo:region-end

[7.22.6 "external-destination"]<uri-specification>empty stringAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.18.2 "float"]before | start | end | left | right | none | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:float

[7.25.5 "flow-name"]<name>an empty nameReferenceBasic
[7.29.13 "font"][ [ <font-style> || <font-variant> || <font-weight> ]? <font-size> [ / <line-height>]? <font-family> ] | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inheritsee individual propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.8.2 "font-family"][[ <family-name> | <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> | <generic-family>] | inheritdepends on user agentFont selectionBasic
[7.8.3 "font-selection-strategy"]auto | character-by-character | inheritautoFont selectionComplete
[7.8.4 "font-size"]<absolute-size> | <relative-size> | <length> | <percentage> | inheritmediumFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.8.6 "font-size-adjust"]<number> | none | inheritnoneFont selection


Fallback: Initial value

[7.8.5 "font-stretch"]normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | inheritnormalFont selection


Fallback: Initial value

[7.8.7 "font-style"]normal | italic | oblique | backslant | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
[7.8.8 "font-variant"]normal | small-caps | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
[7.8.9 "font-weight"]normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | inheritnormalFont selectionBasic
[7.25.6 "force-page-count"]auto | even | odd | end-on-even | end-on-odd | no-force | inheritautoSpecification


Fallback: no-force

[7.24.1 "format"]<string>1FormattingBasic
[7.27.2 "glyph-orientation-horizontal"]<angle> | inherit0degFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.27.3 "glyph-orientation-vertical"]auto | <angle> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.24.2 "grouping-separator"]<character>no separatorFormatting


Fallback: no separator

[7.24.3 "grouping-size"]<number>no groupingFormatting


Fallback: no grouping

[7.14.4 "height"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoDisappearsBasic
[7.9.4 "hyphenate"]false | true | inheritfalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.9.5 "hyphenation-character"]<character> | inheritThe Unicode hyphen character U+2010Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

[7.15.1 "hyphenation-keep"]auto | column | page | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

[7.15.2 "hyphenation-ladder-count"]no-limit | <number> | inheritno-limitFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

[7.9.6 "hyphenation-push-character-count"]<number> | inherit2Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

[7.9.7 "hyphenation-remain-character-count"]<number> | inherit2Formatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for hyphenate

[7.28.2 "id"] <id>see proseReferenceBasic
[7.22.7 "indicate-destination"]true | falsefalseAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.25.7 "initial-page-number"]auto | auto-odd | auto-even | <number> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.14.5 "inline-progression-dimension"]auto | <length> | <percentage> | <length-range> | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.22.8 "internal-destination"]empty string | <idref>empty stringAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.18.3 "intrusion-displace"]auto | none | line | indent | block | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: none

[7.19.3 "keep-together"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.19.4 "keep-with-next"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autoFormattingBasic
[7.19.5 "keep-with-previous"]<keep> | inherit.within-line=auto,.within-column=auto,.within-page=autoFormattingBasic
[7.9.2 "language"]none | <language> | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.3 "last-line-end-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.21.1 "leader-alignment"]none | reference-area | page | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.21.4 "leader-length"]<length-range> | <percentage> | inheritleader-length.minimum=0pt,.optimum=12.0pt,.maximum=100% FormattingBasic
[7.21.2 "leader-pattern"]space | rule | dots | use-content | inheritspaceFormattingBasic
[7.21.3 "leader-pattern-width"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metrics Formatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.5.5 "left"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

[7.16.2 "letter-spacing"]normal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalDisappears


Fallback: Initial value

[7.24.4 "letter-value"]auto | alphabetic | traditionalautoFormattingBasic
[7.15.7 "linefeed-treatment"]ignore | preserve | treat-as-space | treat-as-zero-width-space | inherittreat-as-spaceFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.4 "line-height"]normal | <length> | <number> | <percentage> | <space> | inheritnormalFormattingBasic
[7.15.5 "line-height-shift-adjustment"]consider-shifts | disregard-shifts | inheritconsider-shiftsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.6 "line-stacking-strategy"]line-height | font-height | max-height | inheritmax-heightFormattingBasic
[7.29.14 "margin"]<margin-width>{1,4} | inherit not defined for shorthand properties ShorthandComplete
[7.10.2 "margin-bottom"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.10.3 "margin-left"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.10.4 "margin-right"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.10.1 "margin-top"]<margin-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.23.1 "marker-class-name"]<name>an empty nameFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:marker

[7.25.8 "master-name"]<name>an empty nameSpecificationBasic
[7.25.9 "master-reference"]<name>an empty nameSpecificationBasic
[7.14.6 "max-height"]<length> | <percentage> | none | inherit 0ptShorthandComplete
[7.25.10 "maximum-repeats"]<number> | no-limit | inheritno-limitSpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-reference and fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

[7.14.7 "max-width"]<length> | <percentage> | none | inheritnoneShorthandComplete
[7.25.11 "media-usage"]auto | paginate | bounded-in-one-dimension | unboundedautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.14.8 "min-height"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit 0ptShorthandComplete
[7.14.9 "min-width"]<length> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on UAShorthandComplete
[7.26.12 "number-columns-repeated"]<number>1SpecificationBasic
[7.26.13 "number-columns-spanned"]<number>1FormattingBasic
[7.26.14 "number-rows-spanned"]<number>1FormattingBasic
[7.25.12 "odd-or-even"]odd | even | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

[7.19.6 "orphans"]<integer> | inherit2FormattingBasic
[7.20.2 "overflow"]visible | hidden | scroll | error-if-overflow | auto | inheritautoFormattingBasic
[7.29.15 "padding"]<padding-width>{1,4} | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.7.32 "padding-after"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.7.31 "padding-before"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.7.36 "padding-bottom"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.7.34 "padding-end"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.7.37 "padding-left"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.7.38 "padding-right"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.7.33 "padding-start"]<padding-width> | <length-conditional> | inherit0ptFormatting and RenderingBasic
[7.7.35 "padding-top"]<padding-width> | inherit0ptDisappearsBasic
[7.29.16 "page-break-after"]auto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautoShorthandComplete
[7.29.17 "page-break-before"]auto | always | avoid | left | right | inheritautoShorthandComplete
[7.29.18 "page-break-inside"]avoid | auto | inheritautoShorthandComplete
[7.25.13 "page-height"]auto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautoSpecificationBasic
[7.25.14 "page-position"]first | last | rest | any | inheritanySpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives

[7.25.15 "page-width"]auto | indefinite | <length> | inheritautoSpecificationBasic
[7.29.19 "pause"][<time> | <percentage>]{1,2} | inheritdepends on user agentShorthandComplete
[7.6.5 "pause-after"]<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
[7.6.6 "pause-before"]<time> | <percentage> | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
[7.6.7 "pitch"]<frequency> | x-low | low | medium | high | x-high | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
[7.6.8 "pitch-range"]<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
[7.6.9 "play-during"]<uri-specification> mix? repeat? | auto | none | inherit autoRenderingBasic
[7.29.20 "position"]static | relative | absolute | fixed | inheritstaticShorthandComplete
[7.25.16 "precedence"]true | false | inheritfalseSpecification


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:region-before and fo:region-after

[7.28.4 "provisional-distance-between-starts"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit24.0ptSpecificationBasic
[7.28.3 "provisional-label-separation"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit6.0ptSpecificationBasic
[7.20.3 "reference-orientation"] 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -90 | -180 | -270 | inherit0See prose.


Fallback: Initial value

[7.28.5 "ref-id"]<idref> | inheritnone, value requiredReference


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:page-number-citation

[7.25.17 "region-name"]xsl-region-body | xsl-region-start | xsl-region-end | xsl-region-before | xsl-region-after | xsl-before-float-separator | xsl-footnote-separator | <name>see proseSpecificationBasic
[7.13.6 "relative-align"]before | baseline | inheritbeforeFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.12.1 "relative-position"]static | relative | inheritstaticSee prose.


Fallback: Initial value

[7.17.3 "rendering-intent"]auto | perceptual | relative-colorimetric | saturation | absolute-colorimetric | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:color-profile

[7.23.4 "retrieve-boundary"]page | page-sequence | documentpage-sequenceFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

[7.23.2 "retrieve-class-name"]<name>an empty nameFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

[7.23.3 "retrieve-position"]first-starting-within-page | first-including-carryover | last-starting-within-page | last-ending-within-pagefirst-starting-within-pageFormatting


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:retrieve-marker

[7.6.10 "richness"]<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
[7.5.3 "right"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

[7.4.2 "role"]<string> | <uri-specification> | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.21.5 "rule-style"]none | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inheritsolidRenderingBasic
[7.21.6 "rule-thickness"]<length>1.0ptRenderingBasic
[7.14.10 "scaling"]uniform | non-uniform | inherituniformFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.14.11 "scaling-method"]auto | integer-pixels | resample-any-method | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.28.6 "score-spaces"]true | false | inherittrueFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.9.3 "script"]none | auto | <script> | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: none

[7.22.9 "show-destination"]replace | newreplaceAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.29.21 "size"]<length>{1,2} | auto | landscape | portrait | inheritautoShorthandComplete
[7.4.1 "source-document"]<uri-specification> [<uri-specification>]* | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.10.6 "space-after"]<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0FormattingBasic
[7.10.5 "space-before"]<space> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0FormattingBasic
[7.11.1 "space-end"]<space> | <percentage> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0FormattingBasic
[7.11.2 "space-start"]<space> | <percentage> | inheritspace.minimum=0pt,.optimum=0pt,.maximum=0pt, .conditionality=discard,.precedence=0FormattingBasic
[7.20.4 "span"]none | all | inheritnoneFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.6.11 "speak"]normal | none | spell-out | inheritnormalRenderingBasic
[7.6.12 "speak-header"]once | always | inheritonceRenderingBasic
[7.6.13 "speak-numeral"]digits | continuous | inheritcontinuousRenderingBasic
[7.6.14 "speak-punctuation"]code | none | inheritnoneRenderingBasic
[7.6.15 "speech-rate"]<number> | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast | faster | slower | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
[7.28.7 "src"]<uri-specification> | inheritnone, value requiredReferenceBasic
[7.10.7 "start-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
[7.22.10 "starting-state"]show | hideshowAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

[7.26.15 "starts-row"]true | falsefalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.6.16 "stress"]<number> | inherit50RenderingBasic
[7.16.3 "suppress-at-line-break"]auto | suppress | retain | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.22.11 "switch-to"]xsl-preceding | xsl-following | xsl-any | <name>[ <name>]*xsl-anyAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:multi-switch

[7.26.16 "table-layout"]auto | fixed | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: fixed

[7.26.17 "table-omit-footer-at-break"]true | falsefalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.26.18 "table-omit-header-at-break"]true | falsefalseFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.22.12 "target-presentation-context"]use-target-processing-context | <uri-specification>use-target-processing-contextAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.22.13 "target-processing-context"]document-root | <uri-specification>document-rootAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.22.14 "target-stylesheet"]use-normal-stylesheet | <uri-specification>use-normal-stylesheetAction


Fallback: N/A use fallback for fo:basic-link

[7.15.9 "text-align"]start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | <string> | inheritstartValue changeBasic
[7.15.10 "text-align-last"]relative | start | center | end | justify | inside | outside | left | right | inheritrelativeValue change


Fallback: Initial value

[7.27.4 "text-altitude"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metricsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.16.4 "text-decoration"]none | [ [ underline | no-underline] || [ overline | no-overline ] || [ line-through | no-line-through ] || [ blink | no-blink ] ] | inheritnoneSee prose.


Fallback: Initial value

[7.27.5 "text-depth"]use-font-metrics | <length> | <percentage> | inherituse-font-metricsFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.11 "text-indent"]<length> | <percentage> | inherit0ptFormattingBasic
[7.16.5 "text-shadow"]none | [<color> || <length> <length> <length>? ,]* [<color> || <length> <length> <length>?] | inheritnoneRendering


Fallback: Initial value

[7.16.6 "text-transform"]capitalize | uppercase | lowercase | none | inheritnoneRefine


Fallback: Initial value

[7.5.2 "top"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for absolute-position, relative-position

[7.16.7 "treat-as-word-space"]auto | true | false | inheritautoFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.27.6 "unicode-bidi"]normal | embed | bidi-override | inheritnormalFormatting


Fallback: See prose

[7.29.22 "vertical-align"]baseline | middle | sub | super | text-top | text-bottom | <percentage> | <length> | top | bottom | inheritbaselineShorthandComplete
[7.28.8 "visibility"]visible | hidden | collapse | inheritvisibleMagic


Fallback: Initial value

[7.6.17 "voice-family"][[<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ],]* [<specific-voice> | <generic-voice> ] | inheritdepends on user agentRenderingBasic
[7.6.18 "volume"]<number> | <percentage> | silent | x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud | inheritmediumRenderingBasic
[7.29.23 "white-space"]normal | pre | nowrap | inheritnormalShorthandComplete
[7.15.12 "white-space-collapse"]false | true | inherittrueFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.8 "white-space-treatment"]ignore | preserve | ignore-if-before-linefeed | ignore-if-after-linefeed | ignore-if-surrounding-linefeed | inheritignore-if-surrounding-linefeedFormatting


Fallback: Initial value

[7.19.7 "widows"]<integer> | inherit2FormattingBasic
[7.14.12 "width"]<length> | <percentage> | auto | inheritautoDisappearsBasic
[7.16.8 "word-spacing"]normal | <length> | <space> | inheritnormalDisappears


Fallback: Initial value

[7.15.13 "wrap-option"]no-wrap | wrap | inheritwrapFormattingBasic
[7.27.7 "writing-mode"]lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb | inheritlr-tbSee prose. Basic
[7.29.24 "xml:lang"]<country-language> | inheritnot defined for shorthand propertiesShorthandComplete
[7.28.9 "z-index"]auto | <integer> | inheritautoValue change


Fallback: N/A due to fallback for fo:block-container



Table of Contents



Kevin Carr in Stanton

Natural Skin Care and European Soaps
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