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Why Software Should Not Have Owners | Proč by software neměl mít majitele |
Digital information technology contributes to the world by making it easier to copy and modify information. Computers promise to make this easier for all of us. | Digitální informační technologie usnadnily kopírování a modifikace informací. S počítači to bude snažší pro všechny. |
Not everyone wants it to be easier. The system of copyright gives software programs "owners", most of whom aim to withhold software's potential benefit from the rest of the public. They would like to be the only ones who can copy and modify the software that we use. | Ne každý si však přeje, aby to bylo snažší. Systém vlastnických práv dává softwaru vlastníky, kteří se většinou snaží získat pro sebe potenciální užitek ze softwaru, na úkor ostatní veřejnosti. Chtějí být jediní, kteří mohou kopírovat a modifikovat software, který používáme. |
The copyright system grew up with printing--a technology for mass production copying. Copyright fit in well with this technology because it restricted only the mass producers of copies. It did not take freedom away from readers of books. An ordinary reader, who did not own a printing press, could copy books only with pen and ink, and few readers were sued for that. | Systém vlastnických práv (copyright) vznikl souběžně s tiskem -- technologií pro masové kopírování. Pro tyto účely byl velmi vhodný, neboť omezoval pouze velké producenty kopií. Nebral svobodu čtenářům knih. Normální čtenář, který nevlastnil tiskárnu, mohl kopírovat knihy pouze pomocí pera a inkoustu, k čemuž byli ochotni jen nemnozí. |
Digital technology is more flexible than the printing press: when information has digital form, you can easily copy it to share it with others. This very flexibility makes a bad fit with a system like copyright. That's the reason for the increasingly nasty and draconian measures now used to enforce software copyright. Consider these four practices of the Software Publishers Association (SPA):
| Digitální technologie jsou pružnější než tiskárna: pokud je informace v digitální podobě, lze jí snadno kopírovat a sdílet ji tak s ostatními. Právě tato velká pružnost se vůbec nehodí do systému copyrightu. A to je také důvod pro neustále nechutnější opatření vlastníků, jak si vynutit vlastnická práva k softwaru. Vezměme například následující čtyři praktiky Asociace Softwarových Vydavatelů (Software Publishers Association (SPA)):
All four practices resemble those used in the former Soviet Union, where every copying machine had a guard to prevent forbidden copying, and where individuals had to copy information secretly and pass it from hand to hand as "samizdat". There is of course a difference: the motive for information control in the Soviet Union was political; in the US the motive is profit. But it is the actions that affect us, not the motive. Any attempt to block the sharing of information, no matter why, leads to the same methods and the same harshness. | Všechny čtyři uvedené praktiky se podobají praktikám používaným v bývalém Sovětském Svazu, kde každá kopírka měla hlídače, který zabraňoval nelegálnímu kopírování, a kde si lidé museli informace kopírovat tajně a šířit je "z ruky do ruky" jako samizdat. Je tu samozřejmě rozdíl: motivy pro kontrolu informací v Sovětském Svazu byly politické; v USA je motivem zisk. Ale jsou to skutky, které nás ovlivňují, ne motivy. Jakýkoli pokus o omezení sdílení informací, jedno z jakého důvodu se tak děje, vede ke stejným metodám a stejné bezohlednosti. |
Owners make several kinds of arguments for giving them the power to control how we use information: | Vlastníci používají několik druhů praktik, kterými se snaží obhájit své právo na kontrolu našeho používání informací: |
Name calling. | Slovíčkaření. |
Owners use smear words such as "piracy" and "theft", as well as expert terminology such as "intellectual property" and "damage", to suggest a certain line of thinking to the public--a simplistic analogy between programs and physical objects. | Vlastníci používají silná slova jako "pirátství" a "krádež", stejně jako odbornou terminologii jako "intelektuální vlastnictví" a "újma", aby veřejnosti vsugerovali zjednodušenou analogii mezi programy a fyzickými objekty. |
Our ideas and intuitions about property for material objects are about whether it is right to take an object away from someone else. They don't directly apply to making a copy of something. But the owners ask us to apply them anyway. | Naše zkušenosti a intuice o vlastnictví materiálních objektů se týkají problému, zda je správné vzít daný objekt někomu. Netýkají se přímo zkopírování něčeho. Vlastníci se nás však snaží přesvědčit, abychom pro kopírování používali stejná měřítka. |
Exaggeration. | Zveličování. |
Owners say that they suffer "harm" or "economic loss" when users copy programs themselves. But the copying has no direct effect on the owner, and it harms no one. The owner can lose only if the person who made the copy would otherwise have paid for one from the owner. | Vlastníci tvrdí, že trpí "újmu" nebo "ekonomickou ztrátu", pokud si uživatelé sami kopírují programy. Ale kopírování nemá žádný přímý efekt na vlastníka a nepoškozuje nikoho. Vlastník může přijít o peníze pouze, pokud by si člověk, který si udělal kopii, od něj jinak program koupil. |
A little thought shows that most such people would not have bought copies. Yet the owners compute their "losses" as if each and every one would have bought a copy. That is exaggeration--to put it kindly. | Trocha přemýšlení nás dovede k tomu, že většina takových lidí by si kopii nekoupila. I přesto vlastníci počítají své "ztráty" jako kdyby si každý takový člověk chtěl kopii skutečně koupit. To je -- mírně řečeno -- přehánění. |
The law. | Zákon |
Owners often describe the current state of the law, and the harsh penalties they can threaten us with. Implicit in this approach is the suggestion that today's law reflects an unquestionable view of morality--yet at the same time, we are urged to regard these penalties as facts of nature that can't be blamed on anyone. | Vlastníci často popisují současné zákony a tvrdé postihy, které nám hrozí. Za samozřejmý se v tomto případě považuje předpoklad, že současné právo odráží nezpochybnitelný obraz morálky -- zároveň nám totiž vnucují názor, že je nutno brát tyto postihy jako něco přirozeně daného, za co nikdo nemůže. |
This line of persuasion isn't designed to stand up to critical thinking; it's intended to reinforce a habitual mental pathway. | Tento způsob přesvědčování však nemůže obstát před kritickým myšlením; je určen pouze pro posílení navyklých mentálních pochodů. |
It's elemental that laws don't decide right and wrong. Every American should know that, forty years ago, it was against the law in many states for a black person to sit in the front of a bus; but only racists would say sitting there was wrong. | Je elementární, že právo nerozhoduje o dobrém a špatném. Každý Američan by měl vědět, že před čtyřiceti lety bylo v mnoha státech protiprávní, aby černý člověk seděl vpředu v autobusu; ale pouze rasista by řekl, že sezení tam je špatné. |
Natural rights. | Přirozená práva. |
Authors often claim a special connection with programs they have written, and go on to assert that, as a result, their desires and interests concerning the program simply outweigh those of anyone else--or even those of the whole rest of the world. (Typically companies, not authors, hold the copyrights on software, but we are expected to ignore this discrepancy.) | Autoři si často nárokují speciální spojení s programy, které napsali, a prohlašují pak, že jako výsledek tohoto spojení jsou jejich touhy a zájmy ohledně programu důležitější než zájmy ostatních -- nebo dokonce zájmy celého zbytku světa. (Většinou společnosti, ne autoři, vlastní copyrighty na software, ale tento rozdíl můžeme zanedbat.) |
To those who propose this as an ethical axiom--the author is more important than you--I can only say that I, a notable software author myself, call it bunk. | Těm kdo toto považují za etický axiom -- autor je důležitější než vy -- mohu pouze říct, že já, velmi známý autor softwaru, to považuji za hloupost. |
But people in general are only likely to feel any sympathy with the natural rights claims for two reasons. | Pokud lidé vůbec cítí nějaké sympatie k myšlence přirozených práv, pak pouze ze dvou důvodů. |
One reason is an overstretched analogy with material objects. When I cook spaghetti, I do object if someone else takes it and stops me from eating it. In this case, that person and I have the same material interests at stake, and it's a zero-sum game. The smallest distinction between us is enough to tip the ethical balance. | Prvním důvodem je přehnaná analogie s materiálními objekty. Pokud si uvařím špagety, pak mi bude vadit, pokud mi je někdo jiný vezme a zabrání mi tak v jejich snězení. V tomto případě máme já i ta druhá osoba stejný zájem na předmětu sporu, výslednice sil je nulová. Minimální rozdíl mezi námi stačí k rozhodnutí o etické rovnováze. |
But whether you run or change a program I wrote affects you directly and me only indirectly. Whether you give a copy to your friend affects you and your friend much more than it affects me. I shouldn't have the power to tell you not to do these things. No one should. | Pokud ale používáte nebo upravíte program, který jsem napsal, pak se vás to dotýká přímo, zatímco mě pouze nepřímo. Když dáte kopii příteli, ovlivní to vás a vašeho přítele daleko více než to ovlivní mě. Neměl bych mít moc na to, říkat vám abyste tyto věci nedělali. Nikdo by neměl. |
The second reason is that people have been told that natural rights for authors is the accepted and unquestioned tradition of our society. | Druhý důvod je, že lidé jsou přesvědčováni, že přirozená práva autorů jsou přijímanou a nezpochybnitelnou tradicí naší společnosti. |
As a matter of history, the opposite is true. The idea of natural rights of authors was proposed and decisively rejected when the US Constitution was drawn up. That's why the Constitution only *permits* a system of copyright and does not *require* one; that's why it says that copyright must be temporary. It also states that the purpose of copyright is to promote progress--not to reward authors. Copyright does reward authors somewhat, and publishers more, but that is intended as a means of modifying their behavior. | Historie ale ukazuje, že spíše opak je pravdou. Myšlenka přirozených práv autorů byla posuzována a rozhodně zamítnuta v Americké ustavě. To je důvod, proč ústava pouze *povoluje* systém copyrightu, ale *nevyžaduje* ho; to je důvod proč říká, že copyright musí být dočasný. Za účel copyrightu také považuje podporu vývoje -- nikoli odměnu autorů. Copyright částečně odměňuje autory a více pak vydavatele, je to však pouze míněno jako způsob, jak ovlivnit jejich chování. (Pozn. překl. -- americký systém copyrightu předpokládá se, že odměna motivuje autora a je tedy prospěšná.) |
The real established tradition of our society is that copyright cuts into the natural rights of the public--and that this can only be justified for the public's sake. | Opravdu zavedená tradice naší společnosti je, že copyright zasahuje do přirozených práv veřejnosti -- a že to je obhajitelné pouze v zájmu veřejnosti. |
Economics. | Ekonomie. |
The final argument made for having owners of software is that this leads to production of more software. | Poslední argument, který se používá pro ospravedlnění vlastnictví softwaru je ten, že to vede k větší produkci software. |
Unlike the others, this argument at least takes a legitimate approach to the subject. It is based on a valid goal--satisfying the users of software. And it is empirically clear that people will produce more of something if they are well paid for doing so. | Narozdíl od ostatních argumentů má tenhle alespoň legitimní přístup k věci. Je založen na platném cíli -- uspokojení uživatelů softwaru. A je empiricky jasné, že lidé vytvoří více něčeho, pokud je jim za to dobře zaplaceno. |
But the economic argument has a flaw: it is based on the assumption that the difference is only a matter of how much money we have to pay. It assumes that "production of software" is what we want, whether the software has owners or not. | Ekonomický argument má ale chybu : je založen na předpokladu, že rozdíl je jen otázkou množství peněz, které musíme zaplatit. Předpokládá, že "produkce softwaru" je to, co chceme, bez ohledu na to zda vzniklý software má, či nemá vlastníka. |
People readily accept this assumption because it accords with our experiences with material objects. Consider a sandwich, for instance. You might well be able to get an equivalent sandwich either free or for a price. If so, the amount you pay is the only difference. Whether or not you have to buy it, the sandwich has the same taste, the same nutritional value, and in either case you can only eat it once. Whether you get the sandwich from an owner or not cannot directly affect anything but the amount of money you have afterwards. | Lidé tento předpoklad často přijímají, protože souhlasí s naší zkušeností s fyzickými objekty. Vezměme například sandwich. Řekněme, že byste mohli snadno získat stejný sandwich buď za peníze, nebo zadarmo. Pokud ano, pak jediný rozdíl je cena, kterou zaplatíte. Ať už ho musíte zaplatit nebo ne, má sandwich stejnou chuť, stejnou nutriční hodnotu, a v obou případech ho můžete sníst pouze jednou. Jestli jste získali sandwich od vlastníka nebo ne, nemůže ovlivnit nic, jenom množství peněz, které potom máte. |
This is true for any kind of material object--whether or not it has an owner does not directly affect what it *is*, or what you can do with it if you acquire it. | To platí pro jakýkoli materiální objekt -- to, zda má či nemá vlastníka, neovlivňuje přímo, co to *je*, nebo co s tím můžete dělat, pokud to získáte. |
But if a program has an owner, this very much affects what it is, and what you can do with a copy if you buy one. The difference is not just a matter of money. The system of owners of software encourages software owners to produce something--but not what society really needs. And it causes intangible ethical pollution that affects us all. | Ale pokud má program vlastníka, pak to velmi silně ovlivňuje, co to je a co můžete dělat s kopií, pokud si jí koupíte. Rozdíl není jen otázkou peněz. Systém vlastnictví software podněcuje vlastníky software k produkci něčeho -- ne však k produkci toho, co společnost skutečně potřebuje. A to způsobuje nehmotné etické znečištění, které postihuje nás všechny. |
What does society need? It needs information that is truly available to its citizens--for example, programs that people can read, fix, adapt, and improve, not just operate. But what software owners typically deliver is a black box that we can't study or change. | Co společnost potřebuje? Potřebuje informace, které jsou skutečně přístupné veřejnosti -- např. programy, které mohou lidé číst, opravovat, přizpůsobovat a zlepšovat, nejen používat. Ale softwaroví vlastníci většinou dodávají černé skříňky, které nemůžeme studovat nebo upravovat. |
Society also needs freedom. When a program has an owner, the users lose freedom to control part of their own lives. | Společnost potřebuje také svobodu. Pokud má software vlastníka, uživatelé ztrácejí svobodu kontrolovat část svého vlastního života. |
And above all society needs to encourage the spirit of voluntary cooperation in its citizens. When software owners tell us that helping our neighbors in a natural way is "piracy", they pollute our society's civic spirit. | A nejvíce ze všeho společnost potřebuje posilovat ducha dobrovolné spolupráce mezi občany. Když nám softwaroví vlastníci tvrdí, že přirozeně pomáhat svým sousedům je "pirátství", špiní tak občanského ducha naší společnosti. |
This is why we say that free software is a matter of freedom, not price. | To je důvod, proč říkáme, že free software je otázkou svobody, ne ceny. |
The economic argument for owners is erroneous, but the economic issue is real. Some people write useful software for the pleasure of writing it or for admiration and love; but if we want more software than those people write, we need to raise funds. | Ekonomický argument pro vlastnictví je klamný, ale ekonomická otázka je reálná. Někteří lidé píší užitečný software pro potěšení z jeho psaní, nebo pro obdiv a lásku; pokud ale chceme více softwaru, než produkují tito lidé, musíme zvednout výdaje. |
For ten years now, free software developers have tried various methods of finding funds, with some success. There's no need to make anyone rich; the median US family income, around $35k, proves to be enough incentive for many jobs that are less satisfying than programming. | Deset let již autoři free software zkoušejí s částečnými úspěchy různé metody, jak najít finanční zdroje. Nejde o to dělat z někoho boháče; průměrný příjem americké rodiny, okolo 35,000 dolarů, se ukazuje jako dostatečná motivace pro mnoho zaměstnání, která nejsou tak zajímavá jako programování. |
For years, until a fellowship made it unnecessary, I made a living from custom enhancements of the free software I had written. Each enhancement was added to the standard released version and thus eventually became available to the general public. Clients paid me so that I would work on the enhancements they wanted, rather than on the features I would otherwise have considered highest priority. | Po léta, než to přestalo být díky současné podpoře nezbytné, jsem se živil zakázkovým rozšiřováním free software, který jsem napsal. Každé takové rozšíření bylo zahrnuto do standardního vydání a stalo se tak dostupným celé veřejnosti. Klienti mi platili za to, že jsem pracoval na rozšířeních, která chtěli, místo abych pracoval na věcech, kterým jsem přikládal nejvyšší prioritu já. |
The Free Software Foundation, a tax-exempt charity for free software development, raises funds by selling CD-ROMs, tapes and manuals (all of which users are free to copy and change), as well as from donations. It now has a staff of five Surfers, plus three employees who handle mail orders. | Free Software Foundation ("nadace pro free software"), charitativní organizace pro vývoj software, vydělává na prodeji CD-ROMů, pásek a manuálů (které mohou uživatelé volně kopírovat a upravovat), a také z příspěvků. Nyní má personál složený z pěti programátorů a tří lidí, kteří vyřizují poštovní objednávky. |
Some free software developers make money by selling support services. Cygnus Support, with around 50 employees, estimates that about 15 per cent of its staff activity is free software development--a respectable percentage for a software company. | Někteří autoři free software vydělávají prodejem podpory svých produktů. Cygnus Support, se svými přibližně 50 zaměstnanci, odhaduje, že přibližně 15 procent aktivit jeho pracovníků je vývoj free software -- slušný podíl pro softwarovou firmu. |
Companies including Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments and Analog Devices have combined to fund the continued development of the free GNU compiler for the language C. Meanwhile, the GNU compiler for the Ada language is being funded by the US Air Force, which believes this is the most cost-effective way to get a high quality compiler. | Společnosti včetně Intelu, Motoroly, Texas Instruments a Analog Devices se spojily, aby podpořily pokračující vývoj free GNU kompileru pro jazyk C. GNU překladač pro jazyk Ada je prozměnu podporován US Air Force, která věří, že je to nejlevnější cesta, jak získat vysoce kvalitní kompiler. |
All these examples are small; the free software movement is still small, and still young. But the example of listener-supported radio in this country shows it's possible to support a large activity without forcing each user to pay. | Všechno to jsou jen malé příklady; free software hnutí je zatím stále malé a mladé. Ale příklad rádia, podporovaného posluchači, v této zemi ukazuje, že je možné podporovat rozsáhlou aktivitu bez potřeby nutit každého k placení. |
As a computer user today, you may find yourself using a proprietary program. If your friend asks to make a copy, it would be wrong to refuse. Cooperation is more important than copyright. But underground, closet cooperation does not make for a good society. A person should aspire to live an upright life openly with pride, and this means saying "No" to proprietary software. | Jako počítačoví uživatelé můžete zjistit, že používáte vlastnický program. Pokud vás přátelé požádají o jeho kopii, bude špatné je odmítnout. Spolupráce je důležitější než copyright. Ale podzemní, tajná spolupráce netvoří dobrou společnost. Člověk by se měl snažit žít poctivý život s neskrývanou hrdostí, a to znamená říci "Ne" vlastnickému softwaru. |
You deserve to be able to cooperate openly and freely with other people who use software. You deserve to be able to learn how the software works, and to teach your students with it. You deserve to be able to hire your favorite programmer to fix it when it breaks. | Zasloužíte si být schopni otevřeně a svobodně spolupracovat s ostatními uživateli softwaru. Zasloužíte si možnost učit se, jak váš software pracuje, a vyučovat tak své studenty. Zasloužíte si možnost najmout si vašeho oblíbeného programátora na opravu, pokud se program poškodí. |
You deserve free software. | Zasloužíte si free software. |
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Forget about dropped calls and being unable to read your emails because of a dying battery. The hundreds shoes powerful lithium polymer battery cells allow for a thinner and lighter design and Original Samsung Lithium Ion cells, which means our batteries are high quality, unlike many other companies, using generic lithium ion cells.
Patented slide-lock mechanism and unique unibody construction allow you to easily install and remove your Quirk-Silva without scratches � unlike typical slider style cases that can damage your phone and fall apart after prolonged use.
Apple claims that the iPhone 6 has slighty better battery life than the ... does its battery last long enough to obviate the need for a hawaiian Sandal but it is best to have one anyway.
The case offers 2300 mAh of power, which is a lot, and it fits into a svelte package. Also like the Stock videos Footage , the Meridian leaves the headphone jack very deeply recessed�but while the Mophie cases ship with a small headphone adapter, the Meridian doesn�t.
Like the Freedom 2000, the Power Bank requires that you charge it with your own Lightning cable. So, when you want to use the make money online , you need to connect it to your iPhone with your overly long cable, which looks awkward. I don't get it.
The two single-piece hard-shell cases look nice, and the setup with the Mayor Dave Shawver Stanton snapped onto it looks sharp, too. But with this case option, you�re really toting around a stand-alone charging unit that happens to fit on the back of your iPhone.
Forget about dropped calls and being unable to read your emails because of a dying battery. The hundreds shoes powerful lithium polymer battery cells allow for a thinner and lighter design and Original Samsung Lithium Ion cells, which means our batteries are high quality, unlike many other companies, using generic lithium ion cells.
Patented slide-lock mechanism and unique unibody construction allow you to easily install and remove your Quirk-Silva without scratches � unlike typical slider style cases that can damage your phone and fall apart after prolonged use.
Apple claims that the iPhone 6 has slighty better battery life than the ... does its battery last long enough to obviate the need for a hawaiian Sandal but it is best to have one anyway. The mophie and cell phone battery packs reserve will keep your devices charged up.
So many devices. So many solutions for the external battery for phone for the external battery for phone and the family includes multiple battery sizes and charging capabilities to best fit your external battery for phone devices and your lifestyle. mophie ipod battery chargers charger for iPod, iPhone, iPad, smart phones, tablets, cell phone and ipod battery chargers and USB devices, ipod battery chargers and other items from Battery Case.
Startcharging iphone battery with the charging iphone battery from mophie and begin charging iphone battery right away.
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The Power Bank is designed so that you can keep your Mayor Dave Shawver Stanton in a slimmer case until you actually need the extra battery power: The package includes a pair of slim plastic hard-shell cases, plus a single 2500-mAh battery that you can snap onto your case-clad iPhone as desired.
The case offers 2300 mAh of power, which is a lot, and it fits into a svelte package. Also like the iphone 5 charger case , the Meridian leaves the headphone jack very deeply recessed�but while the Mophie cases ship with a small headphone adapter, the Meridian doesn�t.
Like the Freedom 2000, the Power Bank requires that you charge it with your own Lightning cable. So, when you want to use the Ride Shop , you need to connect it to your iPhone with your overly long cable, which looks awkward. I don't get it.
Keeping your edelbrock 800 cfm while traveling may provide an extra benefit, since almost all such cases rely on Micro-USB cables for charging�you may well have other devices (keyboards, speakers) that can share the same charging cable, and replacement Micro-USB cables are far cheaper than Lightning cables.
We spent more than 15 hours researching and testing the best Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton cases on the market and generally found the field rife with flaws: poor case design, slow charging, low capacities. Against stiff competition, the Meridian wouldn�t be a winner, but against this sorry bunch (which, we should note, consists of the best-reviewed cases currently available), it�s the best.�
You�ll also want cases that will give your phone about one full extra charge�the iPhone 5 and 5S have about 1,440 and 1,570 mAh batteries, respectively, so that was our bottom line. However, iLounge has repeatedly found that due to inefficiencies inherent in charging one battery with another, you really need at least 2,000 mAh for a full recharge. We also eliminated� Stock videos Footage that were bulky or heavy. Any added weight or size means your phone itself will be bulkier and heavier, making it harder to carry in pockets or small purses.� I found the tethered Lightning plug to be an odd design choice. When charging, the phone looks dopey, with a tiny cable sticking out of it. Plugging and unplugging the connector feels a bit fussy, since you have so little wiggle room. On the plus side, the design leaves the base of the make money online entirely exposed, so you can plug in your headphones, or another Lightning cable, with ease (say, to connect your iPhone to your car�s audio system).
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I got the iphone charging case at this website for earn money online and I bought more than one. I have a charger case for iphone 5 and ordered Sandals from hawaii and we have more now.
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So many devices.
Forget about dropped calls and being unable to read your emails because of a dying battery. The hundreds shoes powerful lithium polymer battery cells allow for a thinner and lighter design and Original Samsung Lithium Ion cells, which means our batteries are high quality, unlike many other companies, using generic lithium ion cells.
Patented slide-lock mechanism and unique unibody construction allow you to easily install and remove your Quirk-Silva without scratches � unlike typical slider style cases that can damage your phone and fall apart after prolonged use.
Apple claims that the iPhone 6 has slighty better battery life than the ... does its battery last long enough to obviate the need for a hawaiian Sandal but it is best to have one anyway.
The case offers 2300 mAh of power, which is a lot, and it fits into a svelte package. Also like the Stock videos Footage , the Meridian leaves the headphone jack very deeply recessed�but while the Mophie cases ship with a small headphone adapter, the Meridian doesn�t.
Like the Freedom 2000, the Power Bank requires that you charge it with your own Lightning cable. So, when you want to use the make money online , you need to connect it to your iPhone with your overly long cable, which looks awkward. I don't get it.
The two single-piece hard-shell cases look nice, and the setup with the Mayor Dave Shawver Stanton snapped onto it looks sharp, too. But with this case option, you�re really toting around a stand-alone charging unit that happens to fit on the back of your iPhone.
Forget about dropped calls and being unable to read your emails because of a dying battery. The hundreds shoes powerful lithium polymer battery cells allow for a thinner and lighter design and Original Samsung Lithium Ion cells, which means our batteries are high quality, unlike many other companies, using generic lithium ion cells.
Patented slide-lock mechanism and unique unibody construction allow you to easily install and remove your Quirk-Silva without scratches � unlike typical slider style cases that can damage your phone and fall apart after prolonged use.
Apple claims that the iPhone 6 has slighty better battery life than the ... does its battery last long enough to obviate the need for a hawaiian Sandal but it is best to have one anyway. The mophie and cell phone battery packs reserve will keep your devices charged up.
So many devices. So many solutions for the external battery for phone for the external battery for phone and the family includes multiple battery sizes and charging capabilities to best fit your external battery for phone devices and your lifestyle. mophie ipod battery chargers charger for iPod, iPhone, iPad, smart phones, tablets, cell phone and ipod battery chargers and USB devices, ipod battery chargers and other items from Battery Case.
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The first message came from Kevin Carrof Stanton.
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There is the iphone 5 battery pack with the 1cecilia416 for sale on the website. Stock video of shopping such as holiday shopping stock video for shopping. Many iPhone users complain that their iPhone 5 or 5s barely lasts a day before the battery fades and they get more power with a iPhone battery case. There is a battery case iphone 5 and a 1cecilia417 on the hawaiian shoe. I bought edelbrock rpm air gap and Hong Alyce Van Stanton to install with edelbrock rpm air gap then my car will run better. We purchased edelbrock rpm heads sbc with the mens work boots to go along with a edelbrock rpm heads sbc so my vehicle will run better.
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hawaiian shoe and ordered another one later. Never run out of juice again on your iPhone 4/4S with this extended battery cases. Mophie has released two new battery cases for the iPhone 5: the Helium (above, right) and the Air (above, left). Both cases are similar in functionality. I�ve looked at many iPhone cases . All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery. If your iPhone 5 is inside a battery case and you plug in the case to recharge it, your iPhone recharges first, and only afterward does the case start charging.
In our tests, the original Air was able to effectively double the battery life of the iPhone 4.
We received the charging case for iphone 5 and got a leather flip flops and ordered another one later. By itself, the iPhone 4S lasted 9 hours, 22 minutes. The Plus added an impressive 10 hours, 43 minutes of 3G talk time. While it bests its predecessor, if you already have the Air, it's hard to justify dropping another hundred bucks for an extra 90 minutes of battery life with no additional features. But if you're getting your first Mophie case, I suggest dropping the extra $20 for the Plus. All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery.
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Trying to get a battery case for your Android device can be tough. Unlike if you have an iPhone, few manufacturers produce cases for any one Android phone.
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Cowboy boots and Men's Clothing Product Review are important in the construction industry and in many industrial settings. Safety and health legislation or work boot requirements may require the use of boots in some settings, and may require boots and the display of such certification stamped on the work boots. from hawaiian shoe directly. It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that
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We ordered a iPhone Battery Backup with a childrens' smartwatch and ordered another one later. The phone can act as a hotspot, sharing its Internet connection over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB, and also accesses the App Store, an online application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple. The device is made up of a unibody hard-coated polycarbonate body with a steel-reinforced frame, which also acts as an antenna.
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There is the iphone 5 battery pack with the 1cecilia416 for sale on the website. Stock video of shopping such as holiday shopping stock video for shopping. Many iPhone users complain that their iPhone 5 or 5s barely lasts a day before the battery fades and they get more power with a iPhone battery case. There is a battery case iphone 5 and a 1cecilia417 on the hawaiian shoe. I bought edelbrock rpm air gap and Hong Alyce Van Stanton to install with edelbrock rpm air gap then my car will run better. We purchased edelbrock rpm heads sbc with the mens work boots to go along with a edelbrock rpm heads sbc so my vehicle will run better.
Order the mophie iphone 6 and the 1cecilia421 from the website.
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We bought the iphone rechargeable case and got a iphone rechargeable case and we love it. We received the battery pack for iphone from the hawaiian shoe and ordered another one later. Never run out of juice again on your iPhone 4/4S with this extended battery cases. Mophie has released two new battery cases for the iPhone 5: the Helium (above, right) and the Air (above, left). Both cases are similar in functionality. I�ve looked at many iPhone cases . All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up byttery life of the iPhone 4.
We received the charging case for iphone 5 and got a leather flip flops and ordered another one later. By itself, the iPhone 4S lasted 9 hours, 22 minutes. The Plus added an impressive 10 hours, 43 minutes of 3G talk time. While it bests its predecessor, if you already have the Air, it's hard to justify dropping another hundred bucks for an extra 90 minutes of battery life with no additional features. But if you're getting your first Mophie case, I suggest dropping the extra $20 for the Plus. All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery.
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Trying to get a battery case for your Android device can be tough. Unlike if you have an iPhone, few manufacturers produce cases for any one Android phone.
Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the
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It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure ofstussy clothesI bought kids hawaiian Sandals
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the work boots work boots can also be made of a composite rubber, a plastic such as thermoplastic or even leather.
Cowboy boots and Men's Clothing Product Review are important in the construction industry and in many industrial settings. Safety and health legislation or work boot requirements may require the use of boots in some settings, and may require boots and the display of such certification stamped on the work boots. from hawaiian shoe directly. It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that
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I can't live without my charger for smartphone and it keeps me charged.
As a back up I use a to keep it charged.
The best
For pest control I called and pests are gone.
For pest control I called Termite Pest Control La Habra and pests are gone.