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How to translate XSLT Tutorial

Translation is easy - just a few paragraphs in Surf file. If you would like to contribute, send email to and we will send you the Surf files and detailed instructions.

Here is sample source file:

<xslTutorial creator = "">
     <index keywords = "// /"/>
     <description>With XSL you can freely modify any source text.
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/> and
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/> produce different output from the same source file.
     <description lang = "fre">Le langage XSL vous permet de modifier librement n'importe quel texte source.
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/> et
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/> génèrent deux sorties différentes à partir du même fichier source.
     <description lang = "ger">Mit XSL kann jeder Quelltext nach belieben ver?ndert werden.
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/>und
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/>erzeugen verschiedene Ausgaben, ausgehend von ein und dem selben Quelldokument.
     <description lang = "hun">Az XSL segítségével szabadon módosíthatsz bármilyen forrás fájlt. Az
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/> és az
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/> kül?nféle kimenetet eredményez ugyanabból a forrás fájlból.
     <description lang = "chi">你可以用XSL自由地改变任何源文本。
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/>还能
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/> 从同一个源文件生成不同的输出。
     <description lang = "pol">Przy użyciu XSL można modyfikować dowolny tekst.
          <stylesheet id = "id4"/> oraz
          <stylesheet id = "id5"/> używają tego samego pliku źródłowego lecz dają różne wyniki.
     <xmlSource id = "id3">
          <author>John Smith</author>
          <value match = "//title">matches any title element anywhere in the document. </value>
          <value match = "//author">matches any author element anywhere in the document. </value>
          <value match = "/">matches the root element. </value>
     <xslStylesheet id = "id4">
          <xsl:template match = "/">
                    <xsl:value-of select = "//title"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select = "//author"/>
     <xslStylesheet id = "id5">
          <xsl:template match = "/">
                    <xsl:value-of select = "//author"/>
                    <xsl:value-of select = "//title"/>

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