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Attribute: extension-element-prefixes (of element <stylesheet>)

Standard excerpt:

A namespace is designated as an extension namespace by using an extension-element-prefixes attribute on an xsl:stylesheet element or an xsl:extension-element-prefixes attribute on a literal result element or extension element. The value of both these attributes is a whitespace-separated list of namespace prefixes. The namespace bound to each of the prefixes is designated as an extension namespace. It is an error if there is no namespace bound to the prefix on the element bearing the extension-element-prefixes or xsl:extension-element-prefixes attribute. The default namespace (as declared by Surfns) may be designated as an extension namespace by including #default in the list of namespace prefixes. The designation of a namespace as an extension namespace is effective within the subtree of the stylesheet rooted at the element bearing the extension-element-prefixes or xsl:extension-element-prefixes attribute; a subtree rooted at an xsl:stylesheet element does not include any stylesheets imported or included by children of that xsl:stylesheet element.
Examples (xslt:xml): Overview
62:2 63:2

Interactive xlab:

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