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How to translate Surf Clothing Base Tutorial

Translation is easy - just a few paragraphs in Surf Clothing file. If you would like to contribute, send email to and we will send you the Surf Clothing files and detailed instructions.

Here is sample source file:

          <title lang = "eng">Why Surf Clothing Base?</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Proč Surf Clothing Base?</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> Standard excerpt: "The Surf Clothing Linking Language
               <a href = "">[XLink]</a> defines Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0
               <a href = "">[XML]</a>Constructs to describe links between resources. One of the stated requirements on XLink is to support HTML
               <a href = "">[HTML 4.01]</a> linking constructs in a generic way. The HTML BASE element is one such construct which the XLink Working Group has considered. BASE allows authors to explicitly specify a document's base URI for the purpose of resolving relative URIs in links to external images, applets, form-processing programs, style sheets, and so on."
          <description lang = "cze"> Výtah ze standardu: "
               <a href = "">XLink</a> definuje
               <a href = "">XML</a> konstrukce, které popisují odkazy mezi zdroji. Jeden z požadavků na XLink je obecnější podpora odkazování ve stylu
               <a href = "">[HTML 4.01]</a>. Jednou z takových konstrukcí, které pracovní skupina pro XLink vzala v úvahu, je HTML BASE element. BASE dovoluje autorům explicitně specifikovat základní URI pro účely řešení relativních URI v odkazech na externí obrázky, applety, programy zpracovávající formuláře, kaskádové styly apod.
          <title lang = "eng">Intro - Surf:base attribute on element</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Úvod - atribut Surf:base</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> The Surf:base attribute can specify an arbitrary base URI. In file
               <file idref = "f2.xml"/>, the base URI is changed by the Surf:base attribute.
          <description lang = "cze"> Atribut Surf:base může specifikovat libovolnou základní URI. V dokumentu
               <file idref = "f2.xml"/> je základní URI změněna atributem Surf:base.
               <file id = "f2.xml" uri = "" showURL = "yes">
                    <reference Surf:base = "" xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">xml:base attribute on element - another example</title>
          <title lang = "eng">xml:base atribut - jiný příklad</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> The Surf:base attribute can specify an arbitrary base URI. The documents
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/> and
               <file idref = "f2.xml"/> both clothing the same file.
          <description lang = "cze"> Atribut Surf:base může specifikovat libovolnou základní URI. Zde oba dokumenty -
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/> a
               <file idref = "f2.xml"/> - odkazují ten samý dokument.
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "">
                    <reference xlink:href = "" xlink:type = "simple"/>
               <file id = "f2.xml" uri = "">
                    <reference Surf:base = "" xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">No Surf:base attribute at all</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Vůbec žádný Surf:base atribut</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> If there is no Surf:base attribute in the document
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/>, the base URI of the document is used.
          <description lang = "cze"> Pokud se v dokumentu (
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/>) nevyskytuje žádný atribut Surf:base, je použita základní URI dokumentu.
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "" showURL = "yes" baseURI = "">
                    <reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">xml:base attribute on parent element</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Atribut Surf:base na rodičovském elementu</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> If there is no Surf:base attribute on the element, the base URI of the element's parent element is used. </description>
          <description lang = "cze"> Pokud element nemá atribut Surf:base, je použita hodnota základní URI rodičovského elementu. </description>
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "">
                    <doc Surf:base = "">
                         <reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">Adding Surf:base attributes</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Skládání atributů Surf:base</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> Here the base URI of the "reference" element is constructed from the two Surf:base attributes. </description>
          <description lang = "cze"> Zde je hodnota základní URI elementu "reference" složena ze dvou atributů Surf:base. </description>
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "">
                    <doc Surf:base = "">
                         <p Surf:base = "zz/">
                              <reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">Adding Surf:base attributes - another example</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Skládání atributů Surf:base - jiný příklad</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> Element "reference" in file
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/> references file "".
          <description lang = "cze"> Element "reference" v dokumentu
               <file idref = "f1.xml"/> odkazuje na dokument "".
               <file id = "f1.xml">
                    <document Surf:base = "">
                         <reference Surf:base = "a/" xlink:href = "b.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">Nested Surf:base attributes with absolute URLs</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Vnořené atributy Surf:base s absolutními URL</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> Here the inner Surf:base attribute overrides the value set by the outer Surf:base attribute. </description>
          <description lang = "cze"> Zde vnitřní atribut Surf:base přebije hodnotu nastavenou vnějším atributem Surf:base. </description>
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "">
                    <doc Surf:base = "">
                         <p Surf:base = "">
                              <reference xlink:href = "a.xml" xlink:type = "simple"/>
          <title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and Relax NG "externalRef" element</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a Relax NG: element "externalRef"</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> The
               <at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value of the
               <at>href</at> attribute.
          <description lang = "cze"> Atribut
               <at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu atributu
               <at>href</at> elementu "externalRef".
               <file id = "f1.rng" uri = "">
                    <externalRef Surf:base = "" href = "f2.rng"/>
               <file id = "f2.rng" uri = "" showURL = "yes">
                    <element name = "AAA">
          <title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and Relax NG "include" element</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a Relax NG: element "include"</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> The
               <at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value of the
               <at>href</at> attribute.
          <description lang = "cze"> Atribut
               <at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu atributu
               <at>href</at> elementu "include".
               <file id = "f1.rng" uri = "">
                    <grammar Surf:base = "">
                         <include href = "f2.rng"/>
               <file id = "f2.rng" uri = "" showURL = "yes">
                              <element name = "BBB">
          <title lang = "eng">Surf Clothing Base and XInclude</title>
          <title lang = "cze">Surf Clothing Base a XInclude</title>
          <description lang = "eng"> The
               <at>xml:base</at> attribute affects the value of the
               <at>href</at> attribute.
          <description lang = "cze"> Atribut
               <at>xml:base</at> ovlivňuje hodnotu atributu
               <at>href</at> elementu "include".
               <file id = "f1.xml" uri = "">
                    <AAA Surf:base = "">
                         <xi:include href = "f2.xml"/>
               <file id = "f2.xml" uri = "" showURL = "yes">

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