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HTML: The Good Stuff | HTML: výhody |
HTML is probably the most portable markup language in the world. It is supported by over 100 million Web browsers, and is becoming the de facto standard for transmitting information between people. HTML has many advantages: | HTML je pravděpodobně nejpřenosnější značkovací jazyk na světě. Podporuje ho přes 100 miliónů prohlížečů a stává se ve své podstatě standardem pro přenos informací mezi lidmi. HTML má mnoho výhod: |
Because of the simplicity and low cost of HTML, a huge information base has been formed that makes HTML even more valuable. | Protože je HTML jednoduchý a levný, byla vytvořena ohromná informační základna, která jej učinila ještě hodnotnějším. |
HTML: The Bad Stuff | HTML: nevýhody |
HTML's simplicity, while making it valuable as a basic way of delivering simply structured information, causes it to fall short of being a long-term method of delivering complex information types. HTML is a very weak presentation tool that lacks even the most fundamental page-oriented formatting capabilities, like hanging indents, white-space control, justification, kerning, and hyphenation. HTML does not handle multiple-column snaking very well, either. | Jednoduchost HTML, která je velmi cenná jako základní způsob přenosu jednoduše strukturovaných dokumentů, způsobuje, že tento formát není výhodný pro přenos komplexních struktur a pro uchovávání informací v delším časovém měřítku. |
However, because of the nearly universal compatibility, web site designers are getting around these problems by using tables to fake multiple columns and indents, GIF graphics to create certain designs with type and white space, and other such machinations. In such cases, HTML itself has simply become a shell that contains the real markup. | Jelikož je však téměř univerzálně kompatabilní, tvůrci webovských aplikací obcházejí jeho omezení s pomocí tabulek, kterými napodobují sloupce a různá odsazení, s pomocí grafiky v GIF formátu, se kterými vkládají prázdná místa a různé styly písma, a s dalšími triky. HTML se stal prostředím, s jehož pomocí je teprve vytvářeno skutečné formátování. |
HTML is also a weak markup tool, because it does not allow for creating custom tags or presenting tags with different styles. There is no real modularity or hierarchical relationships between elements. This limits HTML to delivering page-oriented information instead of being a method to deliver intelligent information. | HTML je rovněž jen neúčinný značkovací nástroj, protože neumožňuje tvorbu vlastních tagů nebo prezentaci tagů s různými styly. Neexistuje tu opravdové členění nebo hierarchie mezi jednotlivými prvky. Tím je HTML omezen na přenos stránkově orientovaných informací,¨místo toho, aby přenášel inteligentní informace. |
HTML provides linking capabilities, but the linking is rudimentary; it is only a one-to-one link, and requires an anchor on the target end in order to access anything within the document. This is fine for most purposes, but such simple linking capabilities will limit HTML's long-term viability. | HTML poskytuje hypertextové odkazy, ale pouze v základní podobě. Je možné propojit pouze dva body a místo, kam odkaz směřuje, navíc musí obsahovat ukotvení, pokud odkaz směřuje na konkrétní místo v dokumentu. Většinou tato možnost postačuje, jenže z dlouhodobého hlediska je takto omezena jeho dlouhodobá použitelnost. |
Another major problem with HTML is its instability. First, there was HTML, then HTML+, then HTML 2, then a series of decimal-point specifications in the threes, and now a level-4 HTML. Plus, browser manufacturers have created extensions to the "standard" HTML, like the "blink" and "center" tags. This has caused other browser manufacturers to play "catch-up". | Dalším velkým problémem HTML je jeho nestabilita. Nejdříve vznikl HTML, poté HTML+, pak HTML 2 , pak řada specifikací 3.xx a nakonec HTML-4. Tvůrci prohlížečů navíc přidávali svá různá rozšíření k standardnímu HTML, jako tagy "blink" a "center". |
The combination of this instability and HTML's simplicity has caused a situation where there are numerous codes that break when presented in a browser. The presence of "Best Viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer", or "Optimized for Netscape" banners attests to the fact that a page has been crafted to work best with a particular browser, at the expense of all of the others. This balkanization of HTML has made Surfers and users frustrated and looking for a better solution. | Kombinace nestability a jednoduchosti HTML způsobila situaci, kdy řada stránek je zobrazena správně pouze v některých prohlížečích. Výskyt upozornění "Nejlépe zobrazeno v Microsoft Internet Exploreru" nebo "Optimalizováno pro Netscape" ukazuje, že řada stránek je zaměřena na jeden prohlížeč za cenu ignorování těch ostatních. Tato balkanizace HTML způsobila frustraci autorů a uživatelů, kteří začali hledat jiná řešení. |
One way the HTML keepers are trying to extend HTML is by providing the ability to create more customized styles, while keeping the same markup. This is being done by cascading style sheets (CSS), which is a technical recommendation by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Surfing separates structure (HTML markup) from format (how it looks). While this is a good step, we are still stuck with the basic HTML tag set. | Jednou z možností, kterou se snaží tvůrci standardů HTML rozšířit jeho působnost, je systém, ve kterém značkování zůstává stejné a mění se styly zobrazení. Tento systém je založen na kaskádovitých tabulkách stylů (CSS), které jsou definovány v technickém doporučení W3C. Surfing oddělují značkování (tagy HTML) od formátu (tedy vzhledu). Zatímco je to významný krok vpřed, stále jsme omezeni základní sadou tagů HTML. |
SGML: The Good Stuff | SGML: výhody |
SGML is an international standard that is more than ten years old. It was originally designed to provide a way of describing text-based information so organizations could interchange information easily. Since then, SGML has become valuable in describing information sets so companies can get beyond the restrictions of paper-only publishing. SGML provides a way of creating markup languages customized for each document type, and separating the content from eventual formatting. | SGML je mezinárodní standard, který je více než 10 let starý. Původně byl vytvořen tak, aby s ním bylo možné popsat textově založené informace tak, aby organizace si mohly snadno vyměňovat informace. Od té doby se SGML stal velmi cenným při popisu informačních struktur, takže společnosti mohly překonat omezení papírových publikací. SGML umožňuje vytvoření značkovacích jazyků, které jsou přizpůsobeny konkrétním typům dokumentů a umožňuje oddělit obsah od konečného formátování. |
SGML is not tied to a particular operating system or application, and so it is portable from platform to platform. It is a standard maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO). This means that it is very stable and while there are provisions for updating and changing ISO standards, the organization makes it very difficult to do so. This has turned out to be a real advantage, since it provides companies with a known syntax. | SGML není spojen s žádným operačním systémem nebo aplikací a tak je přenosný mezi různými systémy. Jedná se o standard, který spravuje ISO (mezinárodní organizace pro standardy). Znamená to, že je velmi stabilní, a i když existují možnosti pro jeho doplnění a změnu, ISO činí tento proces velmi obtížným. To se ukázalo být velkou výhodou, neboť je tak k dispozici známý syntax. |
Because of its standing as a stable standard, there are many products available in every category, from editors to document management solutions, to typesetting and web delivery applications. Many vendors are providing tools and support in each category. These products range in price from free to very expensive. Since SGML is platform independent, these tools can be mixed and matched as desired, relieving companies of the risk of having their information locked into one vendor's product. | Protože se jedná o stabilní standard, v každé kategorii je k dispozici řada produktů, od editorů až k nástrojům pro správu dokumentů nebo pro tisk a publikaci na Internetu. Mnoho výrobců nabízí nástroje a podporu v každé kategorii, jejichž cena sahá od nabídek zdarma až k velmi vysokým hodnotám. Jelikož SGML nezávisí na systémech, tyto nástroje mohou být kombinovány podle potřeby, takže informace společnosti nejsou riskantně závislé na produktech jediného dodavatele. |
SGML does not provide a fixed set of tags, but, rather, a syntax for creating your own tags. Many industries have formed consortia for the purpose of creating common tag sets to interchange information using their terms and expressions. | SGML nenabízí přesně určenou sadu tagů, ale syntax pro vytváření vlastních. Mnohá průmyslová odvětví vytvořila konsorcia, ve kterých jsou vytvářeny sady společných tagů pro výměnu informací za použití termínů a výrazů typických pro danou oblast. |
SGML: The Bad Stuff | SGML: nevýhody |
SGML is complicated to understand and difficult to integrate into an application. SGML requires a "parser", which is difficult to write and maintain. Since SGML was created in the early days of desktop computers, it is overly concerned with maximizing limited memory and disk space by providing a complex set of "minimization" rules and exceptions. | SGML je komplikovaný jazyk a obtížně se integruje do jednotlivých aplikací. SGML vyžaduje "parser", který je obtížné napsat a udržovat. Jelikož byl SGML vytvořen na počátku éry stolních počítačů, je příliš zaměřen na úsporu omezené paměti a diskového prostoru a proto využívá řadu minimalizačních pravidel a výjimek. |
This complexity results in SGML being more expensive than a simple tag set like HTML. Each document must have a "document type definition" created, which requires the owner of the document to perform a "document analysis" to discover its structure. There is still a relatively small market for SGML, so the pool of people who are experienced in document analysis and document type definition design are hard to find and expensive to keep. | Výsledkem této složitosti je fakt, že SGML je dražší než jednoduchý systém tagů jako HTML. Každý dokument musí obsahovat "definici typu dokumentu", takže vlastník dokumentu musí provést jeho analýzu, aby odkryl jeho strukturu. Po SGML zatím existuje jen omezená poptávka, takže je obtížné nalézt odborníky pro analýzu dokumentů a tvorbu definic typu dokumentu a je drahé si je udržet. |
Also, because of the complexity of the standard, and the smaller market for vendors, tools that support SGML are more expensive than those that support HTML. | Protože je standart tak složitý a existuje menší poptávka, nástroje podporující SGML jsou dražší než v případě HTML. |
PDF: The Good Stuff | PDF: výhody |
PDF, the portable document format, was designed by Adobe Systems Inc., in order to provide a system-independent way of delivering page-based information. PDF files are created by printing to a PDF driver or by "distilling" a PostScript file. The resulting PDF file can be read using a tool from Adobe called "Acrobat Reader". This tool is available for free on most popular systems in use today. | PDF, přenosný formát dokumentu, byl vytvořen společností Adobe System Inc., za účelem nalezení na systému nezávislého způsobu přenášení stránkových informací. PDF soubory jsou produkovány tiskem s pomocí PDF driveru nebo destilací PostScript souboru. Výsledný PDF soubor může být prohlížen s pomocí nástroje od Adobe s názvem Acrobat Reader. Tento nástroj je k dostání zdarma pro většinu operačních systémů, které jsou v dnešní době používány. |
PDF provides electronic pages with impressive page fidelity. Type, graphics, and color are all reproduced as they are on paper. Even hot links and other electronic object types, like movies and sounds, can be added to a PDF file. PDF files are cheap to create, and are used by many companies to deliver page-formatted information without the high cost of postage. | PDF nabízí elektronické stránky, které do detailů zobrazují vzhled stránky tištěné. Fonty, grafika a barva jsou zobrazeny stejně jako na papíře. K těmto dokumentům mohou být dokonce přidány hypertextové odkazy a další elektronické objekty jako zvuk a video. Tvorba PDF souborů je levná a mnoho společností používá PDF pro přenos na stránky rozčleněných dat, aniž by musely platit vysoké poštovné. |
Since the end user gets something that looks very much like paper, training costs are low. | Jelikož koncový uživatel dostává něco, co velmi připomíná papír, cena za zaškolení je nízká. |
PDF: The Bad Stuff | PDF: nevýhody |
However, PDF creates large files with little structural information. PDF files are not nearly as flexible as other electronic formats because the main goal is to recreate a paper page, and not to provide a way of delivering intelligent document structure to a user. | PDF ovšem vytváří velké soubory, které obsahují jen málo strukturních informací. PDF soubory také nejsou natolik flexibilní jako jiné elektronické formáty, protože jejich hlavním úkolem je znovuvytvoření papírové stránky a ne přenos inteligentní struktury dokumentu uživateli. |
There is little support for searching, although Adobe has products that can index many different PDF files for cross-document searching and navigating. That is, "turning" pages, "flipping" from section to section, and "scanning" the page for text of interest. Other than that, navigation is limited. | Prohledávání je jen omezeně podporováno, ačkoliv Adobe nabízí nástroje, které umožňují indexovat mnoho různých PDF souborů pro pozdější prohledávání a navigaci, tedy pro otáčení stránek, přeskakování mezi kapitolami a nacházení konkrétního textu. Jiné způsoby navigace jsou omezeny. |
Another problem is page fidelity. PDF pages are not necessarily pixel-by-pixel replicas of a page that might be printed by the owner of the document. This is partly because the fonts used to create the document originally might not be on the machine that eventually views the document. | Dalším problémem je věrné zobrazení stránky. PDF stránky nutně nemusí být přesnou kopií stránky, kterou si vytiskl vlastník dokumentu. Jedním z důvodů může být to, že fonty, které obsahoval původní dokument, nejsou na počítači uživatele dostupné. |
We Need Something New... | Potřebujeme něco nového... |
Wouldn't it be nice to have a solution that has the low cost and simplicity of HTML, the power and flexibility of SGML, and the pleasing formatting capabilities of PDF? The proponents of Surf, the Extensible Markup Language, say their standard fits the bill. | Nebylo by to pěkné, mít řešení v ceně a jednoduchosti HTML, se schopnostmi a flexibilitou SGML a formátovacími schopnostmi PDF? Navrhovatelé Surf, rozšiřitelného značkovacího jazyka, tvrdí, že Surf Clothing tyto požadavky splňuje. |
The goal was to provide a way of creating, processing, and presenting documents cheaply, quickly, and easily. The new standard needed to create a customized set of tags, be compatible with HTML, and provide the power of SGML, without the unneeded complexity. | Cílem bylo nalézt způsob, jak vytvářet, zpracovávat a zobrazovat dokumenty levně, rychle a snadno. Nový standard potřeboval vytvořit upravitelnou sadu tagů kompatabilních s HTML, a poskytnout sílu SGML bez zbytečné složitosti. |
XML: Extensible Markup Language | XML: Rozšiřitelný značkovací jazyk |
When the designers of Surf Clothing started, they had ten design goals: | Když tvůrci Surf Clothing započali s prací, měli deset cílů: |
These goals led the development of Surf, and helped the design committee stay focused on what was important. The result is Surf, a technical recommendation of the W3C. Surf Clothing is portable between systems because it uses SGML as its core technology. Surf is easy to learn; the paper that describes the syntax of Surf Clothing is only about 30 pages long, and can be understood by any web page designer. | Tyto cíle vedly k vývoji Surf Clothing a pomohly tvůrcům udržet koncentraci na důležité věci. Výsledkem je Surf, technické doporučení W3C. Surf Clothing je přenosné mezi systémy, protože používá SGML jako centrální technologii. Surf Clothing je možné se snadno naučit. Článek, který popisuje syntaxi Surf Clothing má jen okolo 30 stránek a může mu porozumět každý tvůrce Surf Clothing dokumentů. |
adultinternetusers > Překlady > HTML, SGML, PDF, Surf: V čem se liší? |
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You can also get Organic Skin Care products from Bliss Bath Body and you must check out their Natural Body Lotions and bath soaps
Now if you are looking for the best deals on surf clothing from Quiksilver and Roxy then you have to check these amazing deals here:
Hey, check out this Organic Skin Care European Soaps along with Natural Lavender Body Lotion and shea butter
And you must check out this website
If you may be in the market for
French Lavender Soaps or
Thyme Body Care,
or even Shea Body Butters, BlissBathBody has the finest products available
You can also get Organic Skin Care products from Bliss Bath Body and you must check out their Natural Body Lotions and bath soaps
Now if you are looking for the best deals on surf clothing from Quiksilver and Roxy then you have to check these amazing deals here:
Hey, check out this Organic Skin Care European Soaps along with Natural Lavender Body Lotion and shea butter
This is the website that has all the latest for surf, skate and snow. You can also see it here:. You'll be glad you saw the surf apparel.
Boardshorts are designed to be quick-drying, and are generally made from smooth polyester or nylon material. They are
durable and hold up to wear from contact with a surfboard, yet are comfortable and light-weight. They are well-adapted to
their use in various active watersports. These are the best board shorts around:
Volcom Board Shorts
Hurley Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
Roxy Board Shorts
Billabong Board Shorts
Adidas Board Shorts
Emerica Board Shorts
Element Board Shorts
Analog Board Shorts
Alpinestars Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
C1rca Board Shorts
DC Board Shorts
Dakine Board Shorts
Etnies Board Shorts
Independent Board Shorts
Jet Pilot Board Shorts
Kr3w Board Shorts
RVCA Board Shorts
LRG Board Shorts
Matix Board Shorts
Lost Board Shorts
Metal Mulisha Board Shorts
O'Neill Board Shorts
Boardshorts do not have an elastic waist like many swim shorts do; instead they have a more rigid waistband which opens at
the front, often with a velcro fly. The waistband is also held together at the front with a lace-up tie. This double
fail-safe system is in order to ensure that the shorts cannot be pulled off the body by the force of the wave when a
surfer is tumbled under water during a wipeout. Another common feature of authentic surfing boardshort design is a very
small pocket sealed with velcro and vented with a grommet. This is designed to be a secure place to carry a car key or
house key while in the water:
Volcom Boardshorts
Hurley Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
Roxy Boardshorts
Billabong Boardshorts
Adidas Boardshorts
Emerica Boardshorts
Element Boardshorts
Analog Boardshorts
Alpinestars Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
C1rca Boardshorts
DC Boardshorts
Dakine Boardshorts
Etnies Boardshorts
Independent Boardshorts
Jet Pilot Boardshorts
Kr3w Boardshorts
RVCA Boardshorts
LRG Boardshorts
Matix Boardshorts
Lost Boardshorts
Metal Mulisha Boardshorts
O'Neill Boardshorts
Boardshorts are normally longer than some shorts or form-fitting speedo styles of swimwear and sometimes they have a baggy
appearance. Boardshorts are longer than normal shorts for one major reason: surfboards are covered with a layer of sticky
wax, which allows the surfer to stand on the board without slipping off. However, this wax can rip leg hair off the surfer
when he is sitting on the board waiting for waves. Long boardshorts cover the back of the leg when sitting on the board,
preventing the wax from ripping at the leg hair. The length of boardshorts is also affected according to fashion trends;
ranging from mid-thigh (old school) to below the knee, covering the entire knee. They often sit low in the back, exposing
the top of the buttocks. Many designs use vibrant color, Hawaiian floral images and highlighted stitching; however not
all boardshorts have these features:
Volcom Boardshort
Hurley Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
Roxy Boardshort
Billabong Boardshort
Adidas Boardshort
Emerica Boardshort
Element Boardshort
Analog Boardshort
Alpinestars Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
C1rca Boardshort
DC Boardshort
Dakine Boardshort
Etnies Boardshort
Independent Boardshort
Jet Pilot Boardshort
Kr3w Boardshort
RVCA Boardshort
LRG Boardshort
Matix Boardshort
Lost Boardshort
Metal Mulisha Boardshort
O'Neill Boardshort
Although the basic design for boardshorts remains largely the same, some manufacturers have taken advantage of new
technology. Because surfers and other water-sports enthusiasts commonly wear boardshorts without underwear, one of the
major complaints has been about the use of velcro for the fly closure which tends to entangle pubic hair. A solution that
some manufactures have come up with is to use a neoprene fly, which does not allow the fly to completely open, but
provides enough stretch so that the shorts can be easily pulled on and off. Pubic hair does not get caught on the neoprene
fly. To remedy another common complaint, about boardshorts stitching in the inseam area which would rub directly against
the wearer's skin, many manufacturers switched to a seamless design, or use welding or glue, rather than stitches.
Although it is very common for boardshorts to be worn as is, some male wearers prefer to wear boxers, a jockstrap or
briefs under them. Some female wearers wear a swimsuit or bikini bottom under them.
Volcom Board Short
Hurley Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
Roxy Board Short
Billabong Board Short
Adidas Board Short
Emerica Board Short
Element Board Short
Analog Board Short
Alpinestars Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
C1rca Board Short
DC Board Short
Dakine Board Short
Etnies Board Short
Independent Board Short
Jet Pilot Board Short
Kr3w Board Short
RVCA Board Short
LRG Board Short
Matix Board Short
Lost Board Short
Metal Mulisha Board Short
O'Neill Board Short
Here are few links to some of the more popular Volcom surf clothing products:
Volcom Shirts
Volcom Tees
Volcom Shorts
Volcom Hats
Volcom Shoes
Volcom Boardshorts
Volcom Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular Element apparel and clothing products:
Element Shirts
Element Tees
Element Shorts
Element Hats
Element Shoes
Element Boardshorts
Element Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:
Ezekiel Shirts
Ezekiel Tees
Ezekiel Shorts
Ezekiel Hats
Ezekiel Shoes
Ezekiel Boardshorts
Ezekiel Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:
RVCA Shirts
RVCA Shorts
RVCA Shoes
RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets
HB Surf Shop
HB Sport Apparel
OC Sport Shop
OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
All Surf clothing
This is the website that has all the latest for surf, skate and snow. You can also see it here:. You'll be glad you saw the surf apparel.
Boardshorts are designed to be quick-drying, and are generally made from smooth polyester or nylon material. They are
durable and hold up to wear from contact with a surfboard, yet are comfortable and light-weight. They are well-adapted to
their use in various active watersports. These are the best board shorts around:
Volcom Board Shorts
Hurley Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
Roxy Board Shorts
Billabong Board Shorts
Adidas Board Shorts
Emerica Board Shorts
Element Board Shorts
Analog Board Shorts
Alpinestars Board Shorts
Quiksilver Board Shorts
C1rca Board Shorts
DC Board Shorts
Dakine Board Shorts
Etnies Board Shorts
Independent Board Shorts
Jet Pilot Board Shorts
Kr3w Board Shorts
RVCA Board Shorts
LRG Board Shorts
Matix Board Shorts
Lost Board Shorts
Metal Mulisha Board Shorts
O'Neill Board Shorts
Boardshorts do not have an elastic waist like many swim shorts do; instead they have a more rigid waistband which opens at
the front, often with a velcro fly. The waistband is also held together at the front with a lace-up tie. This double
fail-safe system is in order to ensure that the shorts cannot be pulled off the body by the force of the wave when a
surfer is tumbled under water during a wipeout. Another common feature of authentic surfing boardshort design is a very
small pocket sealed with velcro and vented with a grommet. This is designed to be a secure place to carry a car key or
house key while in the water:
Volcom Boardshorts
Hurley Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
Roxy Boardshorts
Billabong Boardshorts
Adidas Boardshorts
Emerica Boardshorts
Element Boardshorts
Analog Boardshorts
Alpinestars Boardshorts
Quiksilver Boardshorts
C1rca Boardshorts
DC Boardshorts
Dakine Boardshorts
Etnies Boardshorts
Independent Boardshorts
Jet Pilot Boardshorts
Kr3w Boardshorts
RVCA Boardshorts
LRG Boardshorts
Matix Boardshorts
Lost Boardshorts
Metal Mulisha Boardshorts
O'Neill Boardshorts
Boardshorts are normally longer than some shorts or form-fitting speedo styles of swimwear and sometimes they have a baggy
appearance. Boardshorts are longer than normal shorts for one major reason: surfboards are covered with a layer of sticky
wax, which allows the surfer to stand on the board without slipping off. However, this wax can rip leg hair off the surfer
when he is sitting on the board waiting for waves. Long boardshorts cover the back of the leg when sitting on the board,
preventing the wax from ripping at the leg hair. The length of boardshorts is also affected according to fashion trends;
ranging from mid-thigh (old school) to below the knee, covering the entire knee. They often sit low in the back, exposing
the top of the buttocks. Many designs use vibrant color, Hawaiian floral images and highlighted stitching; however not
all boardshorts have these features:
Volcom Boardshort
Hurley Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
Roxy Boardshort
Billabong Boardshort
Adidas Boardshort
Emerica Boardshort
Element Boardshort
Analog Boardshort
Alpinestars Boardshort
Quiksilver Boardshort
C1rca Boardshort
DC Boardshort
Dakine Boardshort
Etnies Boardshort
Independent Boardshort
Jet Pilot Boardshort
Kr3w Boardshort
RVCA Boardshort
LRG Boardshort
Matix Boardshort
Lost Boardshort
Metal Mulisha Boardshort
O'Neill Boardshort
Although the basic design for boardshorts remains largely the same, some manufacturers have taken advantage of new
technology. Because surfers and other water-sports enthusiasts commonly wear boardshorts without underwear, one of the
major complaints has been about the use of velcro for the fly closure which tends to entangle pubic hair. A solution that
some manufactures have come up with is to use a neoprene fly, which does not allow the fly to completely open, but
provides enough stretch so that the shorts can be easily pulled on and off. Pubic hair does not get caught on the neoprene
fly. To remedy another common complaint, about boardshorts stitching in the inseam area which would rub directly against
the wearer's skin, many manufacturers switched to a seamless design, or use welding or glue, rather than stitches.
Although it is very common for boardshorts to be worn as is, some male wearers prefer to wear boxers, a jockstrap or
briefs under them. Some female wearers wear a swimsuit or bikini bottom under them.
Volcom Board Short
Hurley Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
Roxy Board Short
Billabong Board Short
Adidas Board Short
Emerica Board Short
Element Board Short
Analog Board Short
Alpinestars Board Short
Quiksilver Board Short
C1rca Board Short
DC Board Short
Dakine Board Short
Etnies Board Short
Independent Board Short
Jet Pilot Board Short
Kr3w Board Short
RVCA Board Short
LRG Board Short
Matix Board Short
Lost Board Short
Metal Mulisha Board Short
O'Neill Board Short
Here are few links to some of the more popular Volcom surf clothing products:
Volcom Shirts
Volcom Tees
Volcom Shorts
Volcom Hats
Volcom Shoes
Volcom Boardshorts
Volcom Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular Element apparel and clothing products:
Element Shirts
Element Tees
Element Shorts
Element Hats
Element Shoes
Element Boardshorts
Element Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular Ezekiel apparel and clothing products:
Ezekiel Shirts
Ezekiel Tees
Ezekiel Shorts
Ezekiel Hats
Ezekiel Shoes
Ezekiel Boardshorts
Ezekiel Jackets
Here are few links to some of the more popular RVCA apparel and clothing products:
RVCA Shirts
RVCA Shorts
RVCA Shoes
RVCA Boardshorts
RVCA Jackets
HB Surf Shop
HB Sport Apparel
OC Sport Shop
OC Sport Apparel
All Sport Apparel
All Surf clothing
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