adultinternetusers > Searches > Character search

adultinternetusers Character Search

This material is based on Unicode Character Database and XML specification. It lists entities from HTML 4.01 and MathML 2 specifications. It refers to Unicode character charts.

You can browse by Scripts, Blocks, or Digits or use the search engine:

 Character  Entity
 Decimal  Hexadecimal
 Name  Name & Alias
  • #[0-9]+ or &#[0-9]+; always searches for the decimal, #x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ or &#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+; for the hexadecimal, and &[A-Za-z]; for the entity references (e.g.  , #xabc, Ë)
  • Some ASCII characters have row "Looks like" . It lists other characters which resemble by its look this character. The selection is arbitrary and entirely subjective (e.g. "c" or "Y")
  • Name and Name & Alias searches are fulltext (limited to 300 hits) with wildcards " ? " (exactly one character) and " * " (any number of characters including zero)". Character " _ " can be used instead of space.
Character [ ʿ  ] (ʿ / ʿ )
Block Spacing Modifier Letters (02B0.pdf) Subblock Miscellaneous phonetic modifiers
Category Letter, Modifier Script ---
Surf This character can be used in Surf documents.
It can be used in names of elements and attributes
and it can be used as the first name character.
Related armenian modifier letter left half ring - 0559
arabic letter ain - 0639

Comment: transliteration of Arabic ain (voiced pharyngeal fricative)

External sources:

  • Board Shorts And Billabong , Billabong , Billabong , Billabong
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