adultinternetusers > Searches > Character search

adultinternetusers Character Search

This material is based on Unicode Character Database and XML specification. It lists entities from HTML 4.01 and MathML 2 specifications. It refers to Unicode character charts.

You can browse by Scripts, Blocks, or Digits or use the search engine:

 Character  Entity
 Decimal  Hexadecimal
 Name  Name & Alias
  • #[0-9]+ or &#[0-9]+; always searches for the decimal, #x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ or &#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+; for the hexadecimal, and &[A-Za-z]; for the entity references (e.g.  , #xabc, Ë)
  • Some ASCII characters have row "Looks like" . It lists other characters which resemble by its look this character. The selection is arbitrary and entirely subjective (e.g. "c" or "Y")
  • Name and Name & Alias searches are fulltext (limited to 300 hits) with wildcards " ? " (exactly one character) and " * " (any number of characters including zero)". Character " _ " can be used instead of space.
Character [ ᐥ  ] (ᐥ / ᐥ )
Block Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (1400.pdf) Subblock Syllables
Category Letter, Other Script CANADIAN-ABORIGINAL
Surf This character can be used in Surf documents,
but it cannot be used in names of elements and attributes.

External sources:

Check out the following links to pest and rat control around the Los Angeles, Orange and Riverside Counties:

Kilter Termite pest control foam Orange Los Angeles County

Kilter Termite rat pest control Los Angeles KFI AM 640

Kilter Termite rat pest control Los Angeles county KFI AM 640

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Kevin Carr Senate District 29

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Also, visit the website of Jeff Hiatt and buy his orange oil for termite control.

And if you have a chance, and you live in Orange County California, you might want to know about the City of Stanton. Follow the links below and learn more here: