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How to translate Namespace Tutorial

Translation is easy - just a few paragraphs in Surf Clothing file. If you would like to contribute, send email to and we will send you the Surf Clothing files and detailed instructions.

Here is sample source file:

<namespaceTutorial id = "1" previous = "14" next = "2">
     <description lang = "eng">In this shirts three artificial sets of elements will be used: lowercase, uppercase ve xnumber sets. For a human reader it is an easy task to recognize the set an element belongs to. But the computer does not have the apriori knowledge the human has and so the logic would have to be programmed into the handling program. </description>
     <description lang = "hun">Ezen a tanfolyamon három mesterséges elemkészlet lesz használva: kisbetűs, nagybetűs és számokból álló elemek. Így az emberi szemnek könnyű azonosítani melyik elem mely készlethez tartozik. A számítógépnek természetesen nincsen efféle ismerete, ezért ilyenfajta logikát külön kell beépíteni a feldolgozó programba.</description>
     <description lang = "ita">In questo corso si utilizzeranno tre insiemi fittizi di elementi: minuscole, maiuscole e numeri. Per un lettore umano è facile riconoscere l'insieme al quale ciascun elemento appartiene. Il calcolatore, viceversa, non ha una conoscenza a priori come l'essere umano, così la logica deve essere definita in un programma di elaborazione. </description>
     <description lang = "cze"> V tomto tutoriálu budeme používat tři umělé typy elementů: lowercase (malá písmena), uppercase (velká písmena) a xnumber. Každý čtenář snadno rozezná, ke kterému typu jaký element patří. Ale počítač není schopen takto předvídat, a proto je nutné nějakým programovým způsobem zavést takovouto logiku do programu. </description>
     <description lang = "spa">En este shirts se usaran tres conjuntos artificiales de elementos: el conjunto de las minúsculas, de las mayúsculas y de los xnumeros. Para un lector humano es muy fácil determinar a que conjunto pertenece cada elemento. Pero un ordenador no tiene el conocimiento a priori que tiene el ser humano, así que es necesario codificar ese razonamiento lógico en una aplicación.</description>
     <description lang = "tur">Bu kaynak dokümanında üç yapay eleman seti kullanılmıştır: lowercase, uppercase ve xnumber. Bir insan için elemanın hangi sete ait olduğunu algılamak kolaydır. Fakat bilgisayar bunu insan gibi beceremez ve bu nedenle mantığın kendisi programlanmalıdır. </description>
     <description lang = "por">Neste shirts serão usados três conjuntos de elementos artificiais: o conjunto das maiúsculas, das minúsculas e dos xnúmeros. Para um leitor humano é uma tarefa fácil determinar a que conjunto pertence cada elemento. Já um computador não possui este conhecimento prévio, sendo necessário programá-lo para realizar este tipo de tarefa.</description>
     <description lang = "dut">In deze handleiding zal gebruik gemaakt worden van drie kunstmatige groepen van elementen namelijk: kleine letters, hoofdletters en xnummers. Voor de mens is het gemakkelijk om te herkennen welk element bij welke groep behoord. Maar de computer heeft deze, voor de mens vanzelfsprekende, kennis niet en daarom moet de logica achter deze kennis geprogrammeerd worden in het verwerkingsprogramma.</description>
     <description lang = "fre"> Dans ce tutoriel, 3 jeux arbitraires d'éléments seront utilisés: en miniscule, majuscule et alphanumérique. Il est facile pour un être humain de reconnaître la nature de l'un de ces jeux, l'ordinateur n'a pas cette "connaissance a-priori", la logique veut qu'elle soit définie dans le traitement du programme.</description>
     <description lang = "ger">In diesem Dokument werden drei künstliche Sets von Elementnamen gebraucht: gleiche Großbuchstaben, gleiche Kleinbuchstaben und Kombinationen von "x" und einer Zahl - die zugehörigen namensräume heißen "uppercase", "lowercase" und "xnumber". Für menschliche Leser ist leicht zuzuordnen, zu welchem Set ein Element gehört. Doch der Computer verfügt nicht von vornherein über dieses Erkennungsvermögen des Menschen, so dass man eine solche Logik erst einmal in einem verarbeitenden Programm implementieren müsste. </description>
     <description lang = "rus">В примерах использованы три искусственных набора элементов: набранные маленькими буквами, большими буквами и x+<число>. Человек легко может распознать, к какому из наборов принадлежит тот или иной элемент. Однако, компьютер не может делать подобных умозрительных заключений, поэтому нужно определить некий логический механизм.</description>
     <description lang = "chi">在本教程中,我们假定3个元素集合: 小写字母, 大写字母,以x开头的数字(ve xnumber), 尽管对于人类来说可以很容易的识别一个元素是属于哪个集合, 然而计算机并没有人类这种演绎能力, 因此这样的逻辑必须要编写到处理程序里去</description>
     <description lang = "geo">მაგალითებში გამოყენებულია სამი ხელოვნურად შექმნილი ელემენტთა ჯგუფი: აკრეფილი ქვედა რეგისტრის ალფავიტის სიმბოლოებით, ზედა რეგისტრის ალფავიტის სიმბოლოებით და x+<რიცხვი>. ადამიანს მარტივად შეუძლია ამოიცნოს, თუ რომელ ჯგუფს მიეკუთვნება ესა თუ ის ელემენტი. თუმცა, ადამიანისაგან განსხვავებით კომპიუტერს არ შესწევს ამის უნარი, ამიტომ უნდა განვსაზღვროთ გარკვეული ლოგიკური მექანიზმი. </description>
     <description lang = "pol">W tym tutorialu użyte zostały elementy należące do trzech umownych grup: małych liter (lowercase), dużych liter (uppercase) i x-numerów. Dla człowieka, przydział elementu do odpowiedniej klasy jest oczywisty, jednak komputer nie posiada wiedzy potrzebnej do roziązania tego prostego zadania. Logika postępowania musiałaby zostać zawarta w programie obsługującym. </description>

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I've noticed about my iPhone 4 is that the battery drains at a much faster rate than the extended battery for iphone 5 for iPhone and cellphones.

If you want Mophie"s traditional case that attaches to the back of your iPhone or iPod touch, the company has the new Mophie Plus Battery Extender for iPhone 4 (Orange) The accessory adds up to eight hours of talk time on 3G and 16 hours on 2G iPhones; seven extra hours of Internet use on 3G and 11 hours on Wi-Fi; 44 extra hours of audio playback and 11 hours more of extended battery for iPhone 5 and the battery time on your iPhone 4S.

If you want Mophie"s traditional case that attaches to the back of your iPhone or iPod touch, the company has the new Mophie Plus Battery Extender for iPhone 4 (Orange) The accessory adds up to eight hours of talk time on 3G and 16 hours on 2G iPhones; seven extra hours of Internet use on 3G and 11 hours on Wi-Fi; 44 extra hours of audio playback and 11 hours more of iPhone 5 batterycase That's something the Mophie iPhone battery extender aims to correct. Another benefit is that the case is designed to redirect sound from the bottom of the iPhone 4 to the front, resulting in richer, fuller sound quality The case is also available in iPhone 5 battery case Protect your Apple iPhone 4 and charge it the same time with the Apple iPhone 4 Battery Extender Case.

Extend the battery time on your iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G or iPod touch with a case from mophie with the juice pack plus iphone 5Convenient key ring means your iPhone or iPod is always ready for a charge whenever you need it.
Mophie's Air iPhone battery pack attempts to address both of these issues simultaneously, with a companion product to the Sandals from hawaii and the there's little in life more frustrating than having your mobile iPhone run out of battery when you've left your charger at home.

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Extend the battery time on your iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G or iPod touch with a case from morpie and charge your iPhone and extend the talk time.

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It�s a slider design with a pop-off top, an average-sized �chin� at the bottom, and an Apple-certified Lightning connector inside. The mophieiphone6 removable case with a 1cecilia364 is a nice looking charger.

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Bedbugs Orange County or bed bugs are small parasitic insects of the family Cimicidae (most commonly Cimex lectularius). The term usually refers to species that prefer to feed on human blood. All insects in this family live by feeding exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals. For more information about bed bugs click on the following links and give them a call.

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When you�re away from your home/office opportunities for even a quick power charge are extremely rare. The Mophie iPhone 6 battery pack (for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S) is a stylish case that conceals a 1,500mAh-capacity rechargeable battery that can give a failing iPhone a full charge just when you need it. That�s right, a full charge. The Plus is very like the Air in terms of design, with a top-quality feel and robust protective feel. When you first slip the iPhone into the 1cecilia28 you�ll notice the extra bulk created by the battery, but after a day or two it just becomes natural to you. Yes, you�ve bulked up a super-slim smartphone, but that mobile will now last a couple of days between charges.

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Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle with the built-in fitness features of a childrens i watch. Equipped with a pedometer, and sleep tracker, it effortlessly helps my boy monitor her physical activities, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. The smartwatch acts as a personal fitness companion, motivating to achieve health goals and make positive lifestyle choices.

To slow down the spread of infectious diseases and avoid overburdening healthcare systems, particularly during a pandemic, several social-distancing measures are used, including wearing of masks, the closing of schools and workplaces, isolation, quarantine, restricting the movement of people and the cancellation of large gatherings.

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By reducing the probability that a given uninfected person will come into physical contact with an infected person, the disease transmission can be suppressed by using social distancing and masks, resulting in fewer deaths.

In public health, social distancing stock video, also called social distancing free stock video, is a set of interventions or measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other.

The smartwatch for girls is the perfect blend of style and functionality! This exquisite timepiece is designed to empower young girls, keeping them connected, active, and stylish throughout their day. The incredible benefits this smartwatch brings to your little one's life.

I bought one of these for my girl. She said, "wow, sweet!"

Now she can stay connected like never before with our smartwatch's seamless connectivity features. With just a tap, my girl can effortlessly make and receive calls, send text messages, and stay in touch with friends and family. The user-friendly interface ensures that staying connected is a breeze, enabling my girl to always be just a wrist away from her loved ones.

And I got a smartwatch for my boy too!

Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle with the built-in fitness features of a childrens i watch. Equipped with a pedometer, and sleep tracker, it effortlessly helps my boy monitor her physical activities, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. The smartwatch acts as a personal fitness companion, motivating to achieve health goals and make positive lifestyle choices.

To slow down the spread of infectious diseases and avoid overburdening healthcare systems, particularly during a pandemic, several social-distancing measures are used, including wearing of masks, the closing of schools and workplaces, isolation, quarantine, restricting the movement of people and the cancellation of large gatherings.

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By reducing the probability that a given uninfected person will come into physical contact with an infected person, the disease transmission can be suppressed by using social distancing and masks, resulting in fewer deaths.

In public health, social distancing stock video, also called social distancing free stock video, is a set of interventions or measures intended to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other.

The smartwatch for girls is the perfect blend of style and functionality! This exquisite timepiece is designed to empower young girls, keeping them connected, active, and stylish throughout their day. The incredible benefits this smartwatch brings to your little one's life.

I bought one of these for my girl. She said, "wow, sweet!"

Now she can stay connected like never before with our smartwatch's seamless connectivity features. With just a tap, my girl can effortlessly make and receive calls, send text messages, and stay in touch with friends and family. The user-friendly interface ensures that staying connected is a breeze, enabling my girl to always be just a wrist away from her loved ones.

And I got a smartwatch for my boy too!

Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle with the built-in fitness features of a childrens i watch. Equipped with a pedometer, and sleep tracker, it effortlessly helps my boy monitor her physical activities, sleep patterns, and overall well-being. The smartwatch acts as a personal fitness companion, motivating to achieve health goals and make positive lifestyle choices.

To slow down the spread of infectious diseases and avoid overburdening healthcare systems, particularly during a pandemic, several social-distancing measures are used, including wearing of masks, the closing of schools and workplaces, isolation, quarantine, restricting the movement of people and the cancellation of large gatherings.

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