adultinternetusers > Překlady > Jak se stát hackerem |
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Frequently Asked Questions | Často kladené otázky |
Q: Will you teach me how to hack? | O: Naučíte mě jak hackovat? |
Since first publishing this page, I've gotten several requests a week from people to "teach me all about hacking". Unfortunately, I don't have the time or energy to do this; my own hacking projects take up 110% of my time. | Od doby, co jsem publikoval tento článek, jsem dostával několik žádostí týdně na téma "naučte mě všechno o hackingu". Bohužel na to nemám čas ani energii; moje vlastní hackerské projekty mi zabírají 110% času. |
Even if I did, hacking is an attitude and skill you basically have to teach yourself. You'll find that while real hackers want to help you, they won't respect you if you beg to be spoon-fed everything they know. | A i kdybych čas měl, hacking představuje postoj a schopnosti, které se musí každý získat sám. Zjistíte, že i když opravdoví hackeři vám chtějí pomoci, nebudou vás respektovat pokud budete chtít aby do vás nalili všechny znalosti, které mají. |
Learn a few things first. Show that you're trying, that you're capable of learning on your own. Then go to the hackers you meet with specific questions. | Naučte se pár věcí. Ukažte, že se snažíte, že jste schopen se sám učit. Potom už jděte za hackery s konkrétními otázkami. |
How can I get started, then? | Jak mám tedy potom začít? |
The best way for you to get started would probably be to go to a LUG (Linux user group) meeting. You can find such groups on the LDP General Linux Information Page; there is probably one near you, possibly associated with a college or university. LUG members will probably give you a Linux if you ask, and will certainly help you install one and get started. | Nejlepší cesta bude nejspíš navštívit nejbližší schůzku LUG (Linux user group = Skupina uživatelů Linuxu). Tyto skupiny najdete např. na LDP General Linux Information Page; pravděpodobně najdete nějakou, která je ve vašem okolí, nejspíš spojená s nějakou universitou. Členové LUG vám pravděpodobně dají k disposici nějaký Linux, pokud je požádáte, a pomohou vám s jeho instalací a se začátky. |
Q: Would you help me to crack a system, or teach me how to crack? | O: Pomůžete mi cracknout nějaký systém, nebo mě naučíte jak to udělat? |
No. Anyone who can still ask such a question after reading this FAQ is too stupid to be educable even if I had the time for tutoring. Any emailed requests of this kind that I get will be ignored or answered with extreme rudeness. | Ne. Kdokoli kdo se ještě nyní může zeptat na takovou otázku, po přečtení tohoto FAQ, je příliš stupidní na to abych ho mohl cokoli naučit, i kdybych na to měl čas. Jakékoli emailované žádosti tohoto druhu budou ignorovány nebo zodpovězeny s extrémní hrubostí. |
Q: Where can I find some real hackers to talk with? | O: Kde můžu popovídat s nějakými opravdovými hackery? |
The best way is to find a Unix or Linux user's group local to you and go to their meetings (you can find links to several lists of user groups on the LDP page at Sunsite). | Nejlepší způsob je najít skupinu uživatelů Unixu či Linuxu ve vašem okolí a navštívit nějakou jejich schůzku (odkazy na seznamy různých uživatelských skupin najdete např. na LDP). |
(I used to say here that you wouldn't find any real hackers on IRC, but I'm given to understand this is changing. Apparently some real hacker communities, attached to things like GIMP and Perl, have IRC channels now.) | (ňíkával jsem, že není možno najít žádné skutečné hackery na IRC, ale pochopil jsem, že situace se mění. Některé opravdové hackerské komunity, spojené s věcmi jako GIMP a Perl, mají v dnešní době své IRC kanály.) |
Q: Can you recommend useful books about hacking-related subjects? | O: Můžete doporučit nějaké užitečné knihy o hackingu a příbuzných tématech |
I maintain a Linux Reading List HOWTO that you may find helpful. The Loginataka may also be interesting. | Já spravuji Linux Reading List HOWTO, které se vám může hodit. Loginataka může být také zajímavé místo. |
Q: What language should I learn first? | O: Jaký jazyk bych se měl naučit první? |
HTML, if you don't already know it. There are a lot of glossy, hype-intensive bad HTML books out there, and distressingly few good ones. The one I like best is HTML: The Definitive Guide. | HTML, pokud ho ještě neumíte. Existuje spousta krásných, nafoukaných a špatných knih o HTML a jen velmi málo dobrých. Mě se nejvíc líbí HTML: The Definitive Guide. |
But HTML is not a full programming language. When you're ready to start programming, I would recommend starting with Python. You will hear a lot of people recommending Perl, and Perl is still more popular than Python, but it's harder to learn and (in my opinion) less well designed. There are resources for programming beginners using Python in the Web. | HTML ale není plnocenný programovací jazyk. Až budete připraveni začít s programováním, doporučil bych vám začít s Pythonem. Spousta lidí vám bude doporučovat Perl, a Perl je stále ještě populárnější než Python, je však těžší na učení a (dle mého názoru) ne tak dobře navržen. Na síti lze najít zdroje pro začínající programátory používající Python |
C is really important, but it's also much more difficult than either Python or Perl. Don't try to learn it first. | C je opravdu důležité, ale je daleko těžší než Python nebo Perl. Nezkoušejte učit se C jako první. |
Q: But won't open-source software leave Surfers unable to make a living? | O: Ale nepřipraví open-source software programátory o obživu? |
This seems unlikely -- so far, the open-source software industry seems to be creating jobs rather than taking them away. If having a program written is a net economic gain over not having it written, a programmer will get paid whether or not the program is going to be free after it's done. And, no matter how much "free" software gets written, there always seems to be more demand for new and customized applications. I've written more about this at the Open Source pages. | Kupodivu se zdá, že open-source softwarový průmysl zatím pracovní místa spíš vytváří, než že by je rušil. Pokud skutečnost, že nějaký program existuje je ekonomicky výhodnější než když neexistuje, pak programátor bude zaplacen ať už konečný program bude free nebo ne. A nezávisle na tom kolik free softwaru vznikne, se zdá, že poptávka po novém a na míru přizpůsobeném softwaru bude stále větší. Více na toto téma jsem napsal na stránkách Open Source |
Q: How can I get started? Where can I get a free Unix? | O: Jak mám začít? Kde můžu sehnat free Unix? |
Elsewhere on this page I include pointers to where to get the most commonly used free Unix. To be a hacker you need motivation and initiative and the ability to educate yourself. Start now... | Jinde na této stránce jsem umístil odkazy kde lze získat nejčastěji používané free Unixy. Abyste se mohl stát hackerem potřebujete motivaci, iniciativu a schopnost sám se učit. Začněte hned teď... |
adultinternetusers > Překlady > Jak se stát hackerem |
Intro / Search / adultinternetusers |
Začátek | Předcházející | Další | Obsah... [Seznam překladů] | česky | english | english-česky |
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The design is almost identical to the slightly lower capacity Dave Shawver Stanton , and noticeably bulkier than the Juice Pack Helium$61.00 at Amazon. Our Editors' Choice award remains with the svelte Helium for its stellar design and solid battery life, but if you want the most extra endurance available right now, the Juice Pack Plus is the way to go. The 1cecilia451 is the highest capacity iPhone 5 battery case we've tested and combines a classy design with hours of GO! I love the free stock video dogs and the authentic stock video. I purchased a couple of dog and cat videos. I love the free stock video of doge and cats. The latest to come through our labs is the Juice Pack Plus ($119.95 direct), which the company promises more than doubles the battery life of the iPhone 5.
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It�s a slider design with a pop-off top, an average-sized �chin� at the bottom, and an Apple-certified Lightning connector inside. The mophieiphone6 removable case with a edelbrock pro flo-4 is a nice looking charger.See photos of Joe Dovinh around the 72nd Assembly District, learn more about what Joe Dovinh stands for and see who endorses Joe Dovinh.
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hawaiian shoe and ordered another one later. Never run out of juice again on your iPhone 4/4S with this extended battery cases. Mophie has released two new battery cases for the iPhone 5: the Helium (above, right) and the Air (above, left). Both cases are similar in functionality. I�ve looked at many iPhone5 battery extender . All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery. If your iPhone 5 is inside a battery case and you plug in the case to recharge it, your iPhone recharges first, and only afterward does the case start charging.
In our tests, the original Air was able to effectively double the battery life of the iPhone 4.
We received the charging case for iphone 5 and got a leather flip flops and ordered another one later. By itself, the iPhone 4S lasted 9 hours, 22 minutes. The Plus added an impressive 10 hours, 43 minutes of 3G talk time. While it bests its predecessor, if you already have the Air, it's hard to justify dropping another hundred bucks for an extra 90 minutes of battery life with no additional features. But if you're getting your first Mophie case, I suggest dropping the extra $20 for the Plus. All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery.
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Trying to get a battery case for your Android device can be tough. Unlike if you have an iPhone, few manufacturers produce cases for any one Android phone.
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We ordered a iPhone Battery Backup with a childrens' smartwatch and ordered another one later. The phone can act as a hotspot, sharing its Internet connection over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB, and also accesses the App Store, an online application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple. The device is made up of a unibody hard-coated polycarbonate body with a steel-reinforced frame, which also acts as an antenna.
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Visit shopping center stores malls in your local city or neighborhood. We found a battery case with a Sandals from hawaii on the website for sale. Slim Profile Battery Case to keep your iPhone stylish while provide 1 full charge.
I needed mobile home pest control for my place to get rid of the pests. Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory effect and it keeps the skin smooth and moist throughout treatment.You have to see this making money online online and order a edelbrock 800 cfm online or you can buy a mens cowboy boot in the stores.
See ohana leather sandals at the website hawaii shoes and pick up more than two pairs.
Order the mophie iphone 6 and the 1cecilia255 from the website.
We ordered a iPhone 4S external battery with a
1cecilia451 and we have more now.
We received the incipio iphone 6 case and a Superchargerand we have more now.
I ordered the incipio iphone 6 with a gig economy jobsand we love it.
We ordered a incipio cases and got a 1cecilia255and ordered another one later.
We bought the incipio iphone 6 plus case from the edelbrock e force supercharger silveradoand I bought more than one.
We received the battery pack for iphone from the
hawaiian shoe and ordered another one later. Never run out of juice again on your iPhone 4/4S with this extended battery cases. Mophie has released two new battery cases for the iPhone 5: the Helium (above, right) and the Air (above, left). Both cases are similar in functionality. I�ve looked at many iPhone5 battery extender . All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery. If your iPhone 5 is inside a battery case and you plug in the case to recharge it, your iPhone recharges first, and only afterward does the case start charging.
In our tests, the original Air was able to effectively double the battery life of the iPhone 4.
We received the charging case for iphone 5 and got a leather flip flops and ordered another one later. By itself, the iPhone 4S lasted 9 hours, 22 minutes. The Plus added an impressive 10 hours, 43 minutes of 3G talk time. While it bests its predecessor, if you already have the Air, it's hard to justify dropping another hundred bucks for an extra 90 minutes of battery life with no additional features. But if you're getting your first Mophie case, I suggest dropping the extra $20 for the Plus. All of them plug into your iPhone�s Lightning connector, and all of them work basically the same way: You charge the cases up by plugging them into a wall adapter or USB port, and you activate them when you want to start charging up your iPhone�s built-in battery.
We ordered a iphone5 battery extender from the
free stock video and ordered another one later.
We bought the mophi iphone 5 on the
skateboard clothing and I bought more than one.
We received the iphone 5 charger cover and a
Hawaiian Shoes and we have more now.
I ordered the key chain iphone charger with a
hawaiian shoe and we love it.
Trying to get a battery case for your Android device can be tough. Unlike if you have an iPhone, few manufacturers produce cases for any one Android phone.
Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps passing over the instep and, sometimes, around the
ankle. Found the girls hawaiian shoes on
the sandals hawaiian website. hawaiian shoe believes everyone, no matter where they are, can live
It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that form the structure ofTraveling and get paidI bought kids hawaiian Sandals
and mark daniels anaheim from hawaiian shoe directly. It�s a combination of premium materials and contoured shapes that
form the structure ofTraveling and get paid
The webmaster for this website listens to plumber kfi most of the day and night. Starting with George Norey, the Wakeup Call, Bill Handel, John and Ken, Conway and back to Coast to Coast. If you need a plumber Orange County and like KFI AM Radio then you should call plumbing Orange County KFI.
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