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Skutečně klíčovým okamžikem v projektu byl okamžik, když mi Harry Hochheiser poslal svůj návrh kódu pro přesměrování pošty na SMTP počítače klienta. Já si téměř okamžitě uvědomil, že spolehlivá implementace této funkce učiní ostatní způsoby doručení zastaralé.
Mnoho týdnů jsem měnil fetchmail spíše po částech a cítil jsem, že uživatelské rozhraní slouží svému účelu, ale je nepříjemné a neelegantní. Zejména záplava nastavení pro export stažené pošty do souboru nebo na standardní výstup mě obzvláště tížila, ale já nevěděl proč.
Když jsem přemýšlel o SMTP přesměrování, tak se ukazovalo, že popclient se pokoušel dělat příliš mnoho věcí. Byl navržen zároveň jako mail transport agent (MTA) a local delivery agent (MDA). S SMTP přesměrováním se z něj mohl stát čistý MTA a předávat poštu jiným programům tak, jak to dělá sendmail.
Proč si přidělávat práci s celou složitostí konfigurace MDA, když port 25 je téměř určitě přítomen na všech platformách podporujících TCP/IP?
Zde se můžeme naučit několik lekcí. Zaprvé, nápad se SMTP, to byla největší odměna za to, že jsem se pokoušel napodobit Linusovy metody. Tento skvělý nápad mi poskytl jeden z uživatelů, já pouze musel pochopit jeho důsledky.
11. Skoro stejně důležité, jako mít dobré nápady, je schopnost rozeznat dobré nápady vašich uživatelů. Občas je to druhé dokonce lepší.
Je zajímavé, že pokud jste k sobě opravdu upřímní, rychle zjistíte, jak mnoho dlužíte ostatním lidem, ačkoliv okolní svět vás bude považovat za původce všeho. Vy sami pak následkem toho začnete být skromnější v pohledu na vlastní schopnosti a Linus je toho dokonalým příkladem.
(Když jsem tento článek četl na konferenci o Perlu v roce 1997, Larry Wall seděl v řadě přede mnou. Když jsem se dostal k řádkům výše uvedeným, zavolal hlasem starých kazatelů "Jen to řekni, řekni bratře!". Celé publikum se smálo, protože vědělo, že vše fungovalo stejně i v případě vynálezce Perlu.
Jen několik málo týdnů po té, co jsem projekt rozběhl, jsem začal získávat podobnou chválu nejen od uživatelů, ale i od dalších lidí, ke kterým se zpráva donesla. Schoval jsem si některé e-maily. Podívám se ně, jestli někdy budu pochybovat, že můj život má smysl.
Jsou zde ovšem ještě dvě základnější, nepolitické lekce, které jsou společné veškerému designu.
12. Často to nejzajímavější a nejoriginálnější řešení se zrodí z toho, že si uvědomíte, že vaše chápání problému bylo mylné.
Já se pokoušel vyřešit nesprávný problém tím, že jsem chtěl popclienta jako kombinovaný MTA/MDA. Fetchmail musel být znovu koncipován od základu jako čistý MTA, součást normálního SMTP.
Když při vývoji narazíte do zdi, když zjistíte, že vás zajímá jen příští oprava, je často okamžik se zeptat ne na to, zda máte správnou odpověď, ale jestli kladete správnou otázku. Možná je třeba problém reformulovat.
Já jsem tedy problém reformuloval. Je jasné, že správné bylo 1. přenést podporu SMTP do generického driveru, 2. učinit z něj výchozí mód a 3. nakonec přestat podporovat ostatní možnosti přenosu.
Nad krokem 3 jsem nějaký čas váhal, obával jsem se, že si rozzlobím své staré uživatele, kteří závisejí na těchto mechanismech. Teoreticky jim stačilo přejít na .forward soubory nebo jejich ne-sendmail alternativy, aby získali to, co potřebují. Ve skutečnosti však mohl být tento přechod komplikovaný.
Ale když jsem to učinil, zisk byl ohromný. Nejpracnější část kódu zmizela. Konfigurace byla mnohem jednodušší, už žádné starosti o MDA uživatele a jeho poštovní schránku. Žádné starosti s tím, jestli operační systém umožňuje uzamykání souborů.
Rovněž zmizelo jediné riziko ztráty pošty. Pokud jste určili za příjemce pošty soubor a disk se zaplnil, poštu jste ztratili. Se SMTP se to stát nemůže.
Zlepšila se i rychlost a významné bylo i zjednodušení manuálu.
Později jsem musel doplnit některé nestandardní podmínky, ale to už bylo mnohem jednodušší.
Morální poučení? Neváhejte se rozloučit se vším, co vám nezvyšuje efektivitu. Antoine de Saint-Exupery (což byl letec a letecký konstruktér, když nepsal klasické dětské knihy) řekl:
13. Konstrukční dokonalosti není dosaženo tehdy, když už není co přidat, ale tehdy, když už nemůžete nic odebrat.
Když se Váš kód zároveň zlepšuje a stává jednodušším, potom víte, že jste na správné cestě.
Nastal čas pro změnu jména. Nový program vypadal mnohem více jako dvojník sendmailu než starý popclient, a tak jsem jej po dvou měsících přejmenoval na fetchmail.
adultinternetusers > Překlady > Katedrála a tržiště |
Intro / Search / adultinternetusers |
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En los Exterminators meridionales de California, entendemos que los par"sitos necesitan ser tomados cuidado de puntualmente, con seguridad y con como poca intrusi"n como sea posible. Desde 1968, hemos prove"do de propietarios y de encargados de la facilidad en naranja, la orilla del oeste y los condados surorientales de L.A. los servicios eficaces de la extirpaci"n y de control del par"sito, incluyendo:
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We reviewed the Ride Shop by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
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With premium full-grain leather and a timeless silhouette, the sophisticated mark daniels anaheim and march madness ncaa. is perfect for any occasion day to night. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day. We reviewed hawaii Sandals and hawaii Sandals that can nearly double your iphone's battery and keep it protected too.
We reviewed the 1cecilia451 by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
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jeep supercharger 3.6 Use the LED indicator to check battery levels before you head out and flip the standby switch when you�re ready to use the juice pack�s battery or when you need to recharge your iPhone while on-the-go. You can also simultaneously charge your iPhone and together with the included micro-USB cable. Can I get a iphone charging power?
We bought the charging iphone case and got a Automotive Performance Engine pack for you? Find out here. When you're on the go and need a little extra power for a dying phone, a fading ipod, or a iPhone, carrying extra batteries is the way to go my friend.
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It's not perfect, but if you need a making money online for traveling or long days then mophie is the way to go. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day. I found hawaii shoes on the stock video cell phone website. We got a pair of State Senate election and mark daniels anaheim too. There are two stock video cell phone and my favorite State Senate election.
The new collection, called Mobile Stock Video Marketplace is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian
Shave Ice culture and features a fun, colorful twist toTravel and get paidWater-resistant man-made material designed to look or function like leather.
The new collection, Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton and Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian Shave
Ice culture and features a fun, colorful twist. It's water-resistant man-made material designed to look or function like leather. It's shave ice!
With premium full-grain leather and a timeless silhouette, the sophisticated mark daniels anaheim and march madness ncaa. is perfect for any occasion day to night. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day. We reviewed hawaii Sandals and hawaii Sandals that can nearly double your iphone's battery and keep it protected too. Whether you�re looking for a top-notch headset, a way to stream all your favorite apps on the big screen, or a method for injecting your iPhone with a little more battery life, our roundup has a little bit of everything for everyone.
We reviewed the 1cecilia451 by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
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The mophie Juice Pack Helium Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton is an ultra-thin design that looks good and protects your iPhone 5 too! Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day.
Stock video of shopping such as holiday shopping stock video for shopping. Many iPhone users complain that their iPhone 5 or 5s barely lasts a day before the battery fades and they get more power with a iPhone battery case.
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There is a battery case iphone 5 and a beach boots and beach boots on the website for sale. It's a great time to buy an iPhone 6 battery case.
We found the iphone case with battery and the Product Engineering Product Development Engineering for sale on the website. You just need a case that can recharge your iPhone's battery without having to plug it into the wall.
They ordered a from the website and they want more. The phone can act as a hotspot, sharing its Internet connection over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB, and also accesses the App Store, an online application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple. The device is made up of a unibody hard-coated polycarbonate body with a steel-reinforced frame, which also acts as an antenna. How the New iPhone 5s and 5c Can Simplify Your Workday with a is the way to go. The market for iPhone 5C battery cases is currently slim, at best. by Mettler Electronics Corp. and immediately saw
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We reviewed the 1cecilia451 by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
The new collection, called Mobile Stock Video Marketplace is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian
Shave Ice culture and features a fun, colorful twist toTravel and get paidWater-resistant man-made material designed to look or function like leather.
The new collection, Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton and Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian Shave
Ice culture and features a fun, colorful twist. It's water-resistant man-made material designed to look or function like leather. It's shave ice!
With premium full-grain leather and a timeless silhouette, the sophisticated mark daniels anaheim and march madness ncaa. is perfect for any occasion day to night. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day. We reviewed hawaii Sandals and hawaii Sandals that can nearly double your iphone's battery and keep it protected too.
See the leather Sandals and leather Sandals online.
The mophie Juice Pack Helium Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton is an ultra-thin design that looks good and protects your iPhone 5 too! Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day.
Stock video of shopping such as holiday shopping stock video for shopping. Many iPhone users complain that their iPhone 5 or 5s barely lasts a day before the battery fades and they get more power with a iPhone battery case.
There is the iphone 5 battery pack with the kids flip flops and kids flip flops on the free stock video coronavirus. I bought edelbrock rpm air gap andSnap Media Appto install with edelbrock rpm air gap then my car will run better.
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There is a battery case iphone 5 and a beach boots and beach boots on the website for sale. It's a great time to buy an iPhone 6 battery case. We found the iphone case with battery and the Product Engineering Product Development Engineering for sale on the website. You just need a case that can recharge your iPhone's battery without having to plug it into the wall.
Reviews of iPhone 4 charging phone case by makers like mophie.
mophie Juice Pack Plus edelbrock 800 cfm is the best there is. If you own an iPhone 5, chances are you're a fan of industrial design, but you also likely suffer from less-than-desirable battery life. The iPhone 5C features iOS, Apple's mobile operating system. The phone can act as a hotspot, sharing its Internet connection over Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB, and also accesses the App Store, an online application distribution platform for iOS developed and maintained by Apple. The device is made up of a unibody hard-coated polycarbonate body with a steel-reinforced frame, which also acts as an antenna. You have to see this free stock videos online. Just a couple weeks after releasing the company's Juice Pack Helium, Mophie has released a better Dave Shawver Stanton for the iPhone 5.
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We reviewed the Ride Shop by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
The new collection, called Mobile Stock Video Marketplace is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian
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The new collection, Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton and Rigoberto Ramirez Stanton is inspired by the traditional Hawaiian Shave
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With premium full-grain leather and a timeless silhouette, the sophisticated mark daniels anaheim and march madness ncaa. is perfect for any occasion day to night. Battery life is always an issue on every smartphone nowadays and third-party manufacturers provide external battery power supplies to ensure that life of your device will last for more than a day. We reviewed hawaii Sandals and hawaii Sandals that can nearly double your iphone's battery and keep it protected too.
We reviewed the 1cecilia451 by mophie and found it to be one of the best on the market. Many of the cases have batteries that are truly integrated into the cases while some have removable batteries that allow you to swap in additional batteries.
This November election will have more taxes on the ballot. There will be a Fullerton Sales tax Measure s and a Los Alamitos sales tax Measure y. Both sales tax measures need to be defeated this November election.
Now, with tousled hair and smudged makeup I would slip out of my dream dress, and reveal a gaggle of underpinnings that included chicken cutlets, duct tape, a girdle (gasp!), thigh sucking leggings, and tube socks. What lay dormant under those luxurious layers of organza and tulle was not only uninspiring; it was decidedly revolting!
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